Reflection; The Musicians Song

By Sabastian Stefano



It was just a dream, she explained to the now nonexistent fauna musicians that were…

A reflection pool, was her only clear thought as she sat in a haze momentarily.

The Familia Rossi owned the Rossi Vineyards, dating back to the eighteenth-century hundreds. Open land cluttered with Vineyards, eucalypti, fig with different pines and of course vast bulky olive trees.

Molly the youngest child of Maddie & August would venture far into the vineyards daily. She'd climb the trees, eat the fruits and sing.
As a child of the Saviour, gentle folk shall bid their desires towards the earthly greatness.

Molly' wanderlust was the land, the animals, and her angelic voice. As a mantra, Molly often recited a Shakespearean poem:

"Venus salutes you with this good morrow; patron of all light from each lamp and shine star doth borrow"(1)

Nigh time in the garden, as her mother would call Molly' adventures.
Morning time awakening as Molly also clucked at dawn as she fed the animals.

Mother's Day would be each Sunday as she washes the Christ's children's laundry and sets them out to dry.

"Molly, guests are coming so we will need the head, be sure they're fed. The cook will make soup for tomorrow."

Molly didn't much like this idea, and so she hid the roosters in hopes of another meal.

Adam her older brother poked fun at her for always being so songbird like.
He'd often call her the red rooster of the family with her morning beckoning to awake the land.

He, being an Ass, Molly would make fun of his laziness, long neck and egg-shaped body- much to mother's dismay.

As children do, they also wouldn't have it any other way. As a bond between siblings can never be broken, just like a song from a verse: Molly & Adam were memories and feelings both interlocked in time.

A version of Venus & Adonis.

Alberni Beach is a long stretch of whitewashed villages with a volcanic landscape and the Loomis ruins.
Loomis was a major historical settlement, long before the Valley Port became known as Alberni Beach. Mountain connections to the old settlement still partially remain high above the Valley.
A few old castles complete with border moats exist but are vastly endangered with rare species of birds and century old conifer.

As fables go, souls are trapped within. The winged blue teal symbolizes a heavenly watch all over the Loomis ruins.
Within the inlet Valley of broken-down memories, lies a natural beauty of reflection- Twin Lake.
The fables embark a theory that this clear teal lake was a result of a mythological fight of the gods.

Technically the lake is split in two.

In Greek Mythology, two Gods Dionysus & Alastor demonstrated a true battle of good versus evil and as such their lazy attempt of destructive behaviour created the Twin Lake. The Reflection Pool, as Molly remembers it.