The voice was screaming “anyone there?!”, putting himself at risk of being found by the psychopath. But this voice was familiar… She knew that she had lost her memory, but she certainly remembered that voice. She couldn’t forget that even if she wanted to. 

“Yes!” She screamed back.

“Maya, is that you?!” The voice screamed.

“Yes, Byron, it’s me?!” She screamed.

She couldn’t believe her ears, her best friend since kindergarten was also trapped in this horrible f*cking nightmare. She just couldn’t get this question out of her head: How did we end up here? 

“Maya, you need to find a way out of that labyrinth right this instant, someone is coming for us, but I don’t know where that person is. Please hurry and be as quiet as you can!” He screamed.

“I’m pretty sure that I’ve tried almost all the pathways, and it’s always a dead end!”

She screamed to him.

“I know for a fact that there’s a way out of that huge *ss maze. I’ve gone through it!” He screamed back to her.

“Yeah, no sh*t, Byron. We both know that you made it out of this maze. Good for you!” She screamed. 

“Okay, I know that you’re frustrated and confused, but you need to be quiet and find a way out, or this could be the end for us, do you understand?!” He screamed, she noticed that he’s out of energy.

“Alright!” She screamed.

She got up on her feet and started walking toward a route, still holding the torch. Dead end. She tried a different pathway which lead her to another direction. She hasn’t gone this way before, this route was kind of different from the others. The further she went the more she was surrounded by darkness, since there were no torches around her, besides the one she was holding, of course. 

She kept on going, met dead ends but she always found another way through the labyrinth, until she reached the end of the impossible maze. She saw a familiar face, not too far from her. She ran crying toward Byron and hugged the living sh*t out of him. As she was sobbing, she was hugging him tight. He was the only person down here that was familiar and they both needed to escape this creepy place for their own sakes. 

“Byron, do you know where we are?” She whispered to him. 

“I have no idea, I woke up here, in a pitch black room with a locked door, but the weird thing was… that I had the key to the door in my pocket. Can you believe that? I thought I was going insane, that this was a nightmare, but it wasn’t. This was real.” He whispered back. 

“Sh*t! Someone is coming through the maze, we have to run this instant.” She whispered terrified with a shaking voice.

“Come on, this way, I think...” He whispered back.

She followed him with the torch, through the darkness. They ran, side by side as she slightly lit up the way, she looked at Byron while they were running. He was also covered in blood, and some parts of his clothing were ripped and he had a few bruises. Just like her… strange. 

But hopefully we’re stronger together. Maybe we could take that psychopath down, now that we’re two? She meant, in case they ran into that psycho. Fingers crossed that we won’t have to face that psychopath. 

Fortunately, they lost whoever that was chasing them near the maze. We ran through a long, dark hallway. Suddenly some bats flew toward us from above. We stopped. To be honest, it takes more than a few bats to scare us now. Wait is this a cave? She was curious about this strange *ss place underground and she bet that Byron was curious as well. 

They walked until they stumbled into a huge, deep ditch. We fell and I dropped the torch, and we landed on our *sses, it was like a sick slide of terror. We quickly slid through, until we hit the bottom of the so-called “slide”. 

“Maya, we have to hide, someone is coming…” Byron whispered with panic in his voice.