As she went through the opened door made of iron, she started to hear whispers. She didn’t know if it was in her head or if it was coming from the hallways. Forward or the way back? She started doubting herself. She didn’t feel safe at all. 

Ever since she woke up, covered in blood, with a blurry vision and ringing in her ears, she’s been terrified for her life and who could blame her? She was stuck in what felt like a gruesome nightmare which it wasn’t unfortunately. 

She continued walking forward, hoping she was heading in the right direction. She walked and walked, up until the hallway splits into two different paths. Which way should she go? She was unsure, and slightly panicking again. Afraid to make the wrong decision… 

Both paths were lit up with torches, as if she was underground or something. One this for sure is that this is not a basement or a cellar. It felt more like a maze, even though the paths either go straight forward or splits up into two paths so far. 

Right or left? Left or right? She was taking her sweet time to think, which she knew she shouldn’t be doing, because her life was at stake here. Time is valuable, especially in situations like this. 

She followed her instincts and chose to follow the right pathway. She was hoping that this route would get her out of this horrifying place. Wherever she was she was somewhere under the ground. That’s the only thing that makes sense here… oh and that some psycho is after her. 

She kept going straight, but then things got even more complicated…

It looked like she was about to enter a complex maze. Just as she thought what this place was. A dangerous maze. And now there’s an actual maze there, like what the f***?! Was her thoughts coming alive or something? Sh*t! This is creepy as f***! Back to the question she had ever since I woke up: How the h*ll did I end up here?

Unluckily, she didn’t have any answers to that question yet…

Optimistically she was determined to find a way out of this f*cked up mess. So she bravely but terrifyingly entered what seemed like a maze. 

She looked around in the dark, even though there were torches placed around she eventually got used to the darkness around her. Something important came to her mind. She didn’t have any kind of weapon to defend herself with, in case she runs into the psychopath. So, she grabbed one of the torches, from their holder.

Now she felt a little safer, and she could proceed with finding a way out of this d*mn maze. Countlessly, she ended up with no way ahead of her. She felt like time was running out, and that any second the psycho would turn up, out of nowhere and do God know’s what to her. But she was also extremely anxious and terrified to find out about what was on the other side of the maze? 

She kept on walking with the torch in her hand, trying out different paths.

“How big is this f*cking labyrinth?” She wondered…

She kept meeting dead ends.

“This is useless…” She thought as she leaned on one of the walls then slowly sliding downwards into a sitting position as her tears fell. She felt hopeless. There was no way out. Sooner or later, she was going to be found by the mysterious psycho. This was the end for her, she thought… then unexpectedly she heard someone screaming on top of their lungs and that voice was definitely on the other side of the maze, and it was somehow recognizable…