She couldn’t remember how she got here… She had an odd feeling, something was definitely off. Her body was hurting, probably because she was laying in an uncomfortable position on the floor. She could feel the texture of the hard floor beneath her. It felt like stone…

She tried to figure out where she was, but her vision was kind of blurry and her ears were ringing at the moment, however she managed to see that parts of her was covered in something that looked like dried blood. 

Oh, it was definitely blood, alright. The smell of blood made her so nauseous, that she had to puke. She coughed and coughed, until she realized that she had to be quiet. She held in the next cough, but eventually it came out. But she had no idea where she was or how she got here. She had no clue of what awaits her. Was she in danger? 

“What the-“ She said without realizing that she was being kind of loud, but she covered her mouth with her bloody hands, stopping her from continuing that sentence. 

After some time the ringing in her ears stopped, thankfully just in time for her to hear footsteps from afar, she most likely had some minutes to get up and hide. 

She tried so hard to get up in a sitting position, in order to try and get the f*** up.

Meanwhile, the footsteps became louder and louder, and her it’s like her body forced itself to get up into a standing position. 

“Okay, what now?” She thought…

There must be someplace to hide, right? Her eyes searched, every inch of the room, until she saw a door, probably made of wood. Hopefully it was open or it could be the end for her…

She ran towards the wooden door, she put her hand on the door knob, trying to open the freaking door. Whoever was coming for her, was coming closer and closer for every second. She panically tried to open the locked door, but unfortunately it wouldn’t open. She was in full panic mode and wasn’t sure what to do with that wooden door. 

Until she thought of kicking it open. She kicked the weak wooden door open then ran and ran as fast as she could, through a dark hallway with tears flowing down her cheeks. 

But, she knew that she had to pull herself together in order to survive whatever she had gotten herself into. She wiped away her tears as she continued to run through the long, dark hallway. The footsteps became weaker and weaker as she ran Does it ever end? Is this a nightmare? She had so many questions. 

She’s been running for a while now, yet there’s no sign of an exit, but the good news was that she lost whoever was following her. She stopped as well, to catch her breath and listen. 

But she heard nothing… nothing at all. Weird… then all of a sudden she heard a woman scream, it startled the sh*t out of her, but she had to be brave and get going forward. 

All she knew was that someone was coming for her and she couldn’t let herself be caught, who knows what the consequences would be if she got caught. 

According to the scream, she guessed that it would be death. A painful death…

She shook that thought off of her and continued walking forward. Quiet and nice would do, right? All she could do was hope that everything would be alright, but what if she was wrong?

She was going to be found by whoever that chased her, since they know this place better than her. That’s their one of their advantages, plus they doubtlessly had some kind of weapon. I bet they do have some dangerous sh*t that would get me killed at any point, that is if I get caught. I have to be careful. 

She walked until she reached another door, but this door was not made of wood like the previous one. It was made of iron and it was wide open which made it even scarier to go through it. She was debating whether if she should move forward or turn around and go back. She was stuck.

She couldn’t believe that she even considered going back. Back to the maniac who’s after her for some reason. So, she made a difficult decision and decided to move forward and continue the way into the unknown…