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9 stories

Created by jmsparrow

Shadows of Deception  by Geo1960

Agent Michael Sterling latest assignment had taken him deep within an international criminal syndicate known as the Black Iris. Led by the enigmatic Dimitri Vasilyev, the Black Iris held Europe in its iron grip, a formidable force with arms reaching into every major city. But Mike, as he was known to his fellow agents, was trained to dismantle such organizations from the inside out.

Voyage to the Heart of the Unknown by Jim_LaFleur

Dive into a world of wonder and intrigue as Dr. Penelope Quint leads an expedition into the uncharted depths of the ocean. What lies beneath will astonish you.

Victor by KMuhan
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Victor was always late.


Elephant's Foot by Erica

They’d last seen the larger universe five hours ago, right before the ship entered the magnetic fold of the Eye and they began the arduous procedure of checking in at the dozen or so checkpoint that lay between them and the star colony. Thousands of glowing pinpricks – pupils without irises or whites or eyelids or lashes – blinked out and replaced by grey walls, dark corridors. Huge and endless and claustrophobic.

12 Plans from Outer Space by njosephglass

“Technologically, these humans are centuries behind every species known in the galaxy except in one area.”


Clash of the Gods by patshannon50
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Massive clouds of gas and dust formed the wondrous heavenly body named Planocia. Material from the universe settled on the newborn star since it drifted through the galaxy, far, far away, beyond the reach of time.

Long before the gods emerged, the land and sea were one. The forest spirits were the first beings to appear from the trees on Planocia. Soon after, water spirits materialized. The forest and ocean became two halves of a whole.


Under the Abyss by brunohkdc

Within the fantasy land called the Platoras, a group of elves, drawves, orcs and humans were chased and hunt by demons and monsters, the land that built by gods named begynnelsens land were divided. Some are following Zamldir, the god of sea and wind, to the coastal and building a city called Luplaso. However, just for a while, they consider it is not safe at all living in the coastal area, they are living with the middle of the ocean with an island, Middlenet Peninsula. 


The Stranger In The Cell by Swan10

Arthur Despot and his partner Judith Monroe are paranormal investigators sent on a mission to uncover the secrets of a cult. However, what seemed like a cut-and-dry situation becomes complicated when they find a mysterious man named John trapped in a locked cell with chains around his neck. The solution seems simple enough; free the hostage and call the proper authorities. As the pair discover, however, is that the situation is anything but.

The landing day by J.P.Rizo
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It is the final exam for the third-year students of Holistoric Reconstruction, and their professor, Richard Cardmen has taken them to Normandy to reconstruct the ancient landing. But perhaps the horrors of war are a little too gruesome for the young ones, so they got an alternate plan under their sleeves.

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