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The Tower: A Novel of Ancient Rome by Elysha

In the heart of ancient Rome, where marble statues guard their secrets and the Senate chambers echo with whispered plots, two lives converge -- a man known as Marcus and the beautiful and reticent Kyra.


Wolftown by jmsparrow

John, a conservation activist, investigates a killer wolf in a town that believes in werewolves.


Interface glitches by Leegend
Part of July Challenge - Sci-Fi challenge
55/5 (1)00

Olivia didn’t know for how long it had went until the whole structure started breaking down.

Structure is key to performance. And Olivia didn’t know any other way to go about her daily business. A time for every activity and an activity for every time in the day. Wake-up pill. Breakfast pill. Office pill. Lunch-break pill. Ride-home pill. Sex pill. A pill for every activity and an activity for every pill in the day. A perfectly ordered office with just the right amount of light coming in from the desk window and the door always open for anybody coming to check in on her.


8:24 AM by SeaOfMadness
Part of July Challenge - Sci-Fi challenge
32.50/5 (2)00

Always 8:24 AM, I awake with a cold sweat. It started two months ago, and no matter when I go to sleep, I wake up at the exact same time; 8:24 AM.

And right before I wake up in a cold sweat, I have the same dream... The same nightmare.


Javelin and Jellyfish by Darksail
Part of July Challenge - Sci-Fi challenge
102/5 (1)00

“The Javelin System is a massive steam cannon,” Carl continued, “and it is used to put high G payloads into low Earth orbit. It essentially replaces the first stage of a conventional rocket. The payloads are equipped with a second stage solid rocket booster to complete the journey into low Earth orbit. The Javelins are unguided, and we are simply lobbing payloads into low earth orbit at the lowest possible price. They are all retrieved by a remote piloted space tug. The primary payload is fuel for space operations. Food, liquids and gases and structural materials like beams and fasteners are secondary payloads. The Javelins are long and skinny for aerodynamic purposes and have many compartments. ‘Soft’ payloads will be carried on shuttles with much lower acceleration rates.”

The Queen Bee by jmsparrow

Joan’s honeybee colonies evolve intelligence higher than ordinary bees, and though most of the colonies are gentle, some become unacceptably aggressive.


The Eyes Have It by k.p.s.plaha
Part of June Challenge - Crime challenge

He is a doppelganger of a Bollywood star. He is also a spy. Will Vir dance his way into the lair of an international terrorist and sashay out alive? And what's with those dark glasses the celebrities wear to every event?

Three short poems about relationships by jscottlewis

Three short poems. Each can stand on its own, but when read together paints a picture of a troubled relationship.

Showing 1 - 10 of 290 results