Rei's mental health was rapidly declining. Now, like hundreds of other protesters and youth, Rei walked around with a lot of unprocessed trauma inflicted by the government since the start of the movement. She started to go through cycles of bipolar depression, high levels of anxiety, and manic emotional distress. Sometimes the distress was so bad it led to cycles of unpredictable psychosis. A perfect mixture of hyper-awareness and the current state of the world made Rei feel absolutely trapped.

A self-created monster in her mind chased her endlessly, from every breath to every step. No amount of therapy, money, relationships, fame, or positive reinforcement felt like it could free her from her mental chains. She still held onto faith no matter what. Even with all the faith in the world, she just wanted to be gone, to put an “end” to everything. The claws of the cruel world had a tight grasp on such a beautiful and radiant being as her.

There was one thing Rei's subconscious mind was programmed to do: survive, no matter what. She kept recording and being a voice that stood up for justice and freedom. No matter what, the city had to keep uniting and mobilizing!