Arrangements were quickly made and the giant asteroid ship slowly manoeuvred until it’s opening entry hatch was near to the tiny probe. Magnetic lock-ons were activated and the probe glided in towards a docking station. The vacuum of space was sealed off and the SpaceLynxes made their way towards the door apparatus on the probe.


Moppet locked on to the door mechanism with a paw-held device and with squeaks and groans the door slid open.

A miniature Schnauzer and a demented Manchester Terrier, having smelt cats, bounced out, yipping and barking. They had only seen the felines on screen, and immediately detected an error in scale on their part. The SpaceLynxes towered over them, and the tiny dogs seemed to shrink to the size of space mice as they cowered beside each other.

Vulcat Tabitha crouched down and collected both dogs into one large feline paw.


“We come in peace,” she whispered to them. “Our mission is to check all feline species in the known universe, to ensure that nothing is remiss and that all cat species have integrated themselves with the indigenous planetary populations. You can help us; we can alter your sensory apparatus, and install the Babel App, to enable you to communicate with all of your kind upon your planet. The message is that all feline species are to be treated with respect and provided with suitable supplies of Pussypaws.”

The Schnauzer gazed up into Tabitha’s face, “I still need to use the nearest lamp-post!” he said.