A couple of allusions need explanation here, to ensure your enjoyment of the fully illustrated story.

A cigar-shaped asteroid, of enormous size, was spotted by several observatories here on our beloved planet. Its trajectory was unlike anything recorded previously. The scientists decided to refer to it as "Oumuamua" and much astronomical conjecture followed. Was it just an unusual meteor or asteroid or could it possibly be a space-battered hulk of an intergalactic space-ship?

My imagination set to work: could it be called "Oumiaowermiaower" bearing supremely intelligent feline life forms or Space-Lynxes doing a scientific assessment of all feline life forms on the galaxy's planets?

Then recalling the musical history of England, Europe and the world and the success of the enigmatic David Bowie and an earlier BBC police procedural series entitled "Life on Mars", I set to work, writing and illustrating and the result is here for your edification and delight.

The Space Lynxes, tall and humanoid to indicate a direction feline evolution could take, also provide a nod to Star Trek and Douglas Adams' "Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy".