By this time, the ship’s computer banks had provided Vulcat Tabitha with a comprehensive analysis of the earthly probe and had declared it to be a complete threat-free artefact.

“There are two simple life forms aboard,” she reported.

Captain Tigger abandoned the jump through hyperspace and brought the ship to a standstill. The tiny probe made its lethargic way towards the giant cigar-shaped starship, and began to circle around it.

The SpaceLynxes peeped out from their flight deck window and caught glimpses of the occupants.

Helmscat Mungo donned his vision enhancement mask which gave his already excellent cat vision, superb magnification over long distances.

“Meeoup, you won’t believe it!” he exclaimed, “but the pilot and co-pilot appear to be of canine structure.”

Lieutenant Moppet was quickly checking all of her communication channels. Most gave radio clicks and interference, but suddenly she located the probe’s channel.

“Wuff, wuff, ruff,” said the pilot.

Moppet’s comms computer immediately attempted a translation. “The time by Accurist, is stardate December 12, 2017, the message, brought to you and translated by the Babel App, means: ‘Have you any lamp-posts available?’”

The SpaceLynxes stared at each other with quizzical eyebrows.

Vulcat Tabitha was the first to analyse the predicament and attempted a response: “Meeoup, we have no lamp-posts, but can supply emergency light generation equipment. Please respond affirmative / negative.”

The Babel App quickly translated and everyone stood apprehensively, awaiting the reply.

“Woof, woof, yip!” said the co-pilot.

The Babel App translated: “Any bones or dog-biscuits?”

“I think we need to take these two on board,” suggested Moppet, “they obviously have problems.”