Vir felt a moment of apprehension before the Limo door opened to a crowd of fans, bouncers, and camera flashes because he knew he was an imposter. His fellow passenger, a prominent Sheikh of Dubai, gave him a reassuring smile, framed by the keffiyeh. Vir took a deep breath and stepped out of the car and was blinded by flashing cameras, almost as if they were blazing guns.


“He does have an uncanny resemblance.” Said the Chief to his deputy who sat across from him. The desk between them was clean save for the office stationery and the Indian tricolour. He had a resume pinned down with his left hand.

“He sure does, Sir, but we must do something about his eyes. Wrong colour … and his voice … too high pitched.”

“Hmm. I leave those details to you. Does he have a clue about what he’s getting into?”

“Not really.”

“Good! Bring in the poor newcomer and let’s begin.”

“Right away, Sir!” The deputy smiled at the remark and stood up. He opened the door to the cabin and called: “Vir Singh, come!”

A man of average height and built, entered the room. He made an effort to stand erect and salute the chief who waved it away.

“Sit down, Agent Vir Singh.”

Vir dragged a chair from the far corner of the room to the desk and sat down.

“I’ll get straight to the point as we don’t have much time.” The Chief said in a tone that could not be interrupted, “The underworld Don, known as ‘Mulla’, is hosting a grand birthday party in Dubai and we want you to impersonate Rahul Kapur there.”

“Rahul Kapur! That Bollywood Star-” Vir tried to interject but was ignored.

“We have less than a month, so your initiation starts the moment you walk out of this room!”

With that, the Chief motioned the other two men in the room to leave.