“By the way …. Sir, which police station do you report to?” Sunny asked the cop.

“Why do you ask? Is your dad the Superintendent?”

“No, but I have an Uncle who works there”

“Really? I don’t believe you! Everyone one meets these days knows either a cop or a Politician!” The cop sneered at Sunny.

“Alright then,” Sunny challenged him, “how about I make a call to let him know that you extort money from unsuspecting minors?”

This seemed to dampen the cop’s spirits somewhat. He stroked his chin, under the umbrella, pondering for a fair amount of time. Meanwhile I whispered to Sunny:

“How are you going to call this Uncle of yours?”

“Just stay put on the scooter,'' Sunny patted my wet back, jumped off the two-wheeler, and started walking away.

That’s when I noticed a phone booth, barely visible, some fifty meters ahead. In the pouring rain, I could’ve sworn, it looked like the TARDIS and Sunny was walking up to it like Dr Who. The cop watched him go and, with a realization of Sunny’s intent, rushed after him like a sidekick; only uglier and with a huge paunch.

For a few minutes, the sound, and wetness, of the rain took over and I watched them in anticipation, my feet balancing the scooter on either side. After a while, Sunny emerged from the booth with the cop behind him, as if into a parallel Universe! They appeared to be laughing at a shared joke.

“Let’s go” Sunny ordered me once he was settled on the scooter again. I drove off as soon as I could manage. The cop smiled and waved as we left.

I had to know!

“So, what happened in the phone booth?” I asked Sunny, trying to yell over the rain’s pattering.

“Not much! I was about to lift the public phone’s receiver when the cop urged me to stop. I think the poor guy chickened out.”

My guffaw caused the scooter to wobble.

“Hey, steady pal!” Sunny laughed.

“So how much money did he settle for?”

“Nothing ... I didn’t even have a coin to make the phone call!”


“Yeah, he seemed happy to let us go as long as I put in a good word for him with my Uncle at the police station!”

“Wow man! Am I glad you have an Uncle who’s a cop?”

“Nah, he’s not a cop,” Sunny laughed, “He’s just the janitor!”