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A Fine Cop

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K. P. S. Plaha

A Fine Cop by k.p.s.plaha
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Being a teenager in India, back in the 1980s, was a time of fun and freedom; without mobile phones, the internet, and memes. For me, what was also missing was a driving license. That, however, did not stop me from taking my dad's scooter for a spin on weekends. On a typical wet monsoon day in Bombay (as it was called then), the long, wet arms of the law caught up with me.

Luckily, my best mate was called Sunny!

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About Author

K P S Plaha

Kanwar loves doing the write thing. He began dreaming of being a writer when his essay won the top spot in grade 7 at school. Since then, he has mostly written flash fiction based on prompts. He used to call himself a prompt writer--always willing to write something at the drop of a hat--or with an actual prompt! Recently, he has started writing short stories and believes he has few ideas for a novel.


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