Through the Roman Gate

By Elyse Debarre

Table of Contents (Tentative Titles)

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All titles/tentative titles are the intellectual property of Elyse DeBarre.

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Chapter 1: Veil of Mist

Chapter 2: Echoes of Antiquity

Chapter 3: Whispers of the Unseen

Chapter 4: Ancient Inscriptions

Chapter 5: Unearthed Reality

Chapter 6: Beneath the Necromanteion

Chapter 7: Veil of Temporal Tides

Chapter 8: The Galley in the Tempest

Chapter 9: Echoes in the Present

Chapter 10: Footsteps in the Dust

Chapter 11: Echoes of Guilt

Chapter 12: Rumours Unearthed

Chapter 13: The Crossroads of Time

Chapter 14: Author’s Note