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The Malhata Fortress on the Roman-Judaean Negev Frontier: Associated with a Roman Road, the Frankincense Trail, and a Princely Fugitive

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The Malhata Fortress on the Roman-Judaean Negev Frontier: Associated with a Roman Road, the Frankincense Trail, and a Princely Fugitive by Elysha
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Malhata is one of a group of fortresses on the Roman-Judaean frontier with Nabataea (roughly equivalent to modern Jordan). This fortress, located on a tel in the southern portion of the group, is associated with the remains of a Roman road and occupied a strategically central position on an important crossroads between southern Roman Palestine and central Judaea, and between the Dead and Mediterranean seas. It was also on the Roman sector of the Frankincense Trail caravan trade route with the Arabian Peninsula. As well, it is believed to have been ‘Malatha’, mentioned by the Roman- Jewish historian Josephus as the location where the fugitive Herodian prince, Agrippa I, hid when forced to fiee his privileged life in Rome among the Julio-Claudians. An archaeological excavation report and GIS spatial analysis of Malhata reveal information on the fortress’ purpose, and support its being the location where Agrippa hid.

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About Author

Elyse DeBarre

Hi, I'm an archaeologist and medical student with a Master's in Classical Archaeology focussing on Roman archaeology. I'm publishing a few nonfictional archaeological and ancient historical articles and books, mostly related to ancient Rome, and I'm also writing a few historical novels concurrently: most of these including my main series beginning with The Tower of Malatha take place in the Roman Empire and Republic but my Priests and Magi series is based in ancient Greece and Persia during the events leading up to the Persian war you are probably familiar with from the movie, 300. I like many things, including music composing, international travel, hiking, long-distance cycling and dancing. I'm Australian, living in Europe.


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