Dev arrived at Ganesh’s office building just as the rush hour hit. He noticed people milling out onto the streets from the offices across the block. After a while, he watched as Ganesh emerged with a bunch of colleagues, all laughing uproariously at some inside joke.Ganesh noticed the car, which Dev imagined was hard to miss, and waved at him. Few minutes later, Ganesh crossed the road and came to greet him. He leaned back to see the new wheel cover.

“Not bad, Dad!” He waved an okay sign with his thumb and forefinger. “As good as new! I’m sorry I doubted you earlier.”

"No worries. All it needed was a bit of thinking outside the square. C’mon let’s go. This is a no-stopping zone!”

Ganesh walked around the front of the car to the passenger side door. He was about to open the door when he paused and then burst into a fit of laughter.

Dev was not pleased: He wound down the passenger side window and yelled: “What’s so funny now? Hurry up and get in before I get a fine for stopping illegally!”

“You must come around and see for yourself” Ganesh exclaimed, between guffaws.

Dev got out of the car and walked around.

Ahmed’s last words rang true when he realised that the wheel cover from the passenger-side had been rotated around to the driver’s one.