It was just a dream, for most of his life, but it came true when Devansh Patil bought a car. On the other hand, at the start of his retirement, a theft was not something he had dreamed of. In fact, as he emerged from his bedroom with a prayer thali, he was blissfully oblivious to it. The fragrance from the incense sticks on the venerated steel dish was caught in the whirlpool of air from the ceiling fan, and it soon filled the living room. He walked with practised ease towards the altar adorned with an impressive image of Lord Shiva. There, he bowed with folded hands for several moments. 

Fondly known as Dev to friends and family, he had worked the 9-to-5 grind for over four decades. After receiving a decent severance pay, one of the first things Dev had allowed himself was a brand new Opel Astra. To add more bling, he had custom wheel trims of the Ferrari 360 series fitted. Right this moment, his pride and joy was parked on the street, not too far from the main gate of the building complex where he lived—missing some of that bling. As Dev would soon find out, not everyone had retired: not least the thieves.


Almost a month into his retirement, he was looking forward to a road trip with his wife to Goa. If all went well, and the Gods smiled down on him, that would be a good start to his journey of rest and retreat. As an immediate recreation, he was excited about the cricket test series, between India and Australia, which was about to commence in less than an hour. One pleasure that retirement allowed him was being able to watch all the games; each five days long. The television and the couch would be his arena for the next few weeks.

He finished the prayers and called out to his wife: “Urmi, I’m hungry. Breakfast please!”

“It will go cold on the table, if you delay any longer!”

“Thanks my dear. And don’t forget to start packing for the trip. We leave early in the morning on Saturday to beat the traffic.”

Urmi smiled. “It’s only Monday, you know!”

“How would I know? It’s not as if I have to catch a train to work,” Dev replied with a snicker but Urmi said nothing. The household was getting used to him parroting about his retirement.

Dev made his way to the dining table and took a careful sip from the steaming cup of tea. Then, he dove into his breakfast while his wife rushed between the kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom.

“Oh God!” she exclaimed to nobody in particular, “I hope I’m not late for my hot yoga class … again!”

“Nothing can delay you, Urmi. Anyway, at the speed you’re zooming around, do you really need yoga?” Dev teased and sighed with contentment.

It was at that moment that one of the kids from the neighbourhood came at the door and said: “Uncle, uncle! Someone stole a wheel cover from your new car!”