Story theme: Bullpuss meets up again with the Victoria Road cat friends - and discuss how Twitter has changed to X; how iScoffBots have arrived in Trafford etc and when will the next delivery of Fuller's Earth appear.

A lost iScoffBot turns up in Fallowfield, wrong postcode typed in; battery almost run down; latest versions have ASTRO/ALEXA apps to enable conversing with sentient beings - cats take advantage - find that a combination of Bullpuss brrrrps and Ruby mewps at exactly the same time cause the Bot to open its top to allow access to the goodies inside.

So here goes:

After a relaxing afternoon chewing the fat, or in their case, the chewsticks, Bullpuss wandered back home to his family with lots of news from his pals on the next road. Tom-Tom Cat had explained the latest he had learnt about developments on the robotic delivery front.

The Ginger Nuts had experienced rather a few sneaky problems with their own family’s incursions into the rain-forest’s site plan of promoting Alexa and the very latest ASTRO. The moving robotic fellows had issued a few smart commands bordering upon cheek and the cats were having problems thinking of suitable repartee.

The news was that having been developed successfully in making robotic deliveries to the good people of Greenwich in London, the iScoffBot fellows were being deployed in different areas of Europe to test further their capabilities and acceptance in the built environment.

There had been one or two snags with overheating and circuitry overload, but once those predicaments were circumvented further trials had proved successful.

The latest had been in the nearby neighbourhood of Sale and there were plans to extend further into the Trafford area. In the global whole scheme of things this was basically just down the road!