Chapter 4

Doctor Ming and Things


Back in China, Doctor Ming and his chemists had finished the first large batch of Black Water solution. They were excited about it and looking forward in testing some of it out in the environment, at a remote location in the US.

“Everything is going as planned,” Ming told his comrades, “our President will be happy once the initial test is complete.”

 China”s President Sanshu was at another meeting with key party members and his trusted advisors, when he received word that all was about ready, the testing plan was underway and in the final stages.

President Shansu moved to the podium, “As we know our goal is that China will become the world’s dominate power! We are in the final planning stages to bring America to its knees and,” he hesitates, “ if all goes well and as planned, our secret solution will have America in complete economic turmoil.”

Sanshu paused looking at his friends, “the time is now, the new American President is a not paying attention, he has everyone fighting with each other and we have and we will take advantage of it! I say let’s do what must be done!”

Some in the room applauded, President Sanshu waited taking in his moment, “Too long the Americans have dominated, my people need more, more land, more of everything and we will obtain it!”

Ranking party member, Han Zeng stood up, “I think we all understand about opportunity, but this attack on America could have serious consequences!” Han hesitated, “we must not forget we are dealing with a formidable military power.” He looked at Sanshu, “what happens if your grand plan fails?”

“I understand your concerns,” President Sanshu replied, “we have planned carefully; everything is in place and undetected. I say we bring the Black Water in and get out before they now what hit them.”

Heated discussion went around the table, it was clear Sanshu had a slim majority of support, but Han and other party members were clearly concerned, worried the situation with America could get out of hand.

 The meeting ended, Sanshu had his plan. Slowly the large meeting room was becoming empty with the exception of Doctor Ming and his group of Scientists. They begin their preparations to coordinate with key operatives and get President Sanshu’s sly and devious plan underway.


Back in Caldwell, the two Chinese Operatives Chin and Li were going through their hiking gear. Chin the taller of the two had a foul mouth and a bad temper. Li was usually the quiet one, but his nerves were on edge. Finally, they got the orders they had been waiting over a month for. It was an early, gray November morning and the weather outside was cold and windy. The two operatives were going nuts in the seclude cabin, no contact with the outside world, no TV or internet, only their throw away phones that were setup for incoming calls. And the fact that they didn’t like each other and almost got into a knife fight made the matter even worse.

The Operatives checked their gear, Chin was eager to make the hike up the mountain. Li suddenly realized something, “we must wait, don’t have cleansing, deactivate solution, remember.”


What he was talking about was the first shipment should have had the Blackwater reactive agent and the deactivating and cleansing solution, but the second package never showed up. They reported it during a recent call and were assured a new package was coming in two days.

Chin, the more experienced muscle of the group was determined to get the hell out. “We go and start test, then a few days our package comes and we go back, take care of it.”

Li is pacing back and forth, “no, no we have instructions, follow instructions!”

Chin was angry now. He gave Li a stern face as he grabbed his arm, “We go now, listen cocksucker, no bullshit, it is my responsibility, we go.”

Li looked at the anger building on Chin’s face, “okay, but don’t touch me again!” Unknown to Chin, Li is a master at Karate, a black belt. Li calms himself, “okay Chin, but you said, your responsibility.”

The men finished packing and headed out the backdoor of the old cedar wood cabin. Before long they were aboard their ATV and disappeared into the pines. They picked up their tracks and started following the little yellow plastic clips they used to mark the trail.