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BULLETS AND BANDAGE: Bond of Brothers by RJS_Writing
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We flew to Vietnam on January 10, 1968.

I was going to be part of Bravo Company, 21st Light Infantry. I thought about Vietnam, what it would be like, wondered how the men in country would treat their new Medic. The plane was full of excited troops chattering about the adventures which could be in store for us. The man in the seat next to me didn’t have much to say, though. I could see that he was a Marine sergeant; he looked to be much older than the rest of us.

“Well, son,” he smiled, as he pointed to my medical pack, “I see you’re a new medicine man.”


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About Author

Robert Saniscalchi

Welcome Everyone! Robert has written and holds copyrights to seven Award-Winning books. They are published at various locations in Kindle, epub and paperback editions. He stays motivated by the positive feedback and reviews about his stories. To date, Robert has been awarded Gold and Silver Awards from Literary Titan and 5-Star Awards from Readers' Favorite for his excellence in writing. Some of his books are dedicated to our Veterans and to those who serve and protect our freedom today. All Sales of Robert's books on Amazon-Smile help support the Chordoma Foundation, a Worthy Charity.


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