Chapter 15




In Fayetteville, the date was November 19th and it was a great weather weekend. The kind of days you would put in a bottle and save if you could. It was starting to warm up in the Sun, no humidity and a light breeze was bringing down the last of the fall leaves. Jason got his golf game in on Saturday and on Sunday, Jason was just getting out of St. Andrews Church were his daughter Laura was Baptized. Jason enjoyed the peace he felt sitting in the old wooden pews, the frankincense, and the stained glass windows glowing in the sunlight. The baptism ended, the family was talking with father Peter and then left church. The God Father and crew walked down the stairs at the front of the Church and were heading back to Laura’s party at the house when Jason’s phone started vibrating in his jacket pocket.

Jason stood outside his car as the family piled in and answered Colonel Lebker’s call.

“Jason, we have a possible code red,” Lebker said, “I just got off the line with Commander Thompson.”

“Okay Colonel,” Jason replied, “but the timing couldn’t be worse.”

“Sorry about that,” Lebker replied, “but this one comes from the top.”

Jason hung up the phone and decided to wait until he got home to tell Emma. He knew she would be disappointed.


Back at the prison, Foster and Tanner were sitting going over some files and were surprised when Max came in with a smile, “I knew that one would be easy,” Max said as he set his black bag on the table and sat down.

“Damn Max, didn’t take too long is right,” Tanner replied, so how did you get him to talk?”

Max chuckled as he handed Tanner the voice recorder, “I told him I was going to cut his dick off and stuff it in his mouth and that was it, he started to fold right there.”

The men laughed, “So what we got on him?” Tanner asked.

Max opened a bottle of water and took a long pull, “well, he is a China Operative, he works out of Penn University and with the help of the Cartel, he along with several other Operatives sneaked across our Southern Border.”

“I see, so there are other Operatives,” Foster added.

“There’s more,” Max said, “they have a highly concentrated chemical that makes Black Water. Their nasty plan is to pollute our water supply,” Max sipped his water, “there are two other Universities, but he does not know the names or locations. This man is a front level operative, doesn’t know who in China is calling the shots or anything about the overall structure of what he calls their operation.”

“Wow, this is big, does he know when the operation is going to start?” Tanner asked.

“No sir, he doesn’t, I asked him that a few times, but he feels it will be soon. Right now they were waiting for a delivery of a sufficient amount of the Black Water Chemical. Also, the two operatives had their designated targets, it was as we suspected, the big lakes and streams in the Watershed area of Upstate NY.”

“The f-cking nerve of China, this has to come from the top and that prick President Sanshu!” Agent Foster said hesitating a moment and then turned to Max. “You did it again; good work my friend,” Foster shook his hand, “and now we have what we need to hit this so called Penn University. I believe they have information on the supply. We must know when and where this Black Water shit is coming from.”

“I totally agree,” Agent Tanner replied, “Sanshu and the Chinese have gone totally nuts! I will get this Intel to Chief of Staff Thompson immediately. The CIA has been probing, but now we need to hack in to Penn University and get the critical information. We have to dial it up now, get our eyes in the sky looking and listening and place China under a microscope.”

The meeting ended, everyone had places to go, things to do and important calls to make.


Back at Fort Bragg, Jason stepped into Colonel Lebker’s office and saluted his superior.

“At ease Chief,” Lebker said from his desk, “please have a seat. As you know, General Thompson called me, it seems we have a problem with some Chinese Operatives, we have one of them in custody and more information is coming in as we speak. The FBI and CIA are in motion and my gut tells me we may be next.”

“I see, a China thing Sir,” Jason replied, “I will get the Delta Force team ready.”

“Good, you do that and let’s see what happens,” Lebker replied, “I’ll let you know the minute I hear anything.”

Jason left Colonel Lebker, made his way over to his office, and in ten minutes had his Delta Force team assembled in the briefing room. Jason noticed his new team members, Dudash and McDonough seemed to be fitting in nicely as small talk filled the room and everyone took their seat around the table.

Jason stood up, “Okay men, I just talked with the Colonel and he feels we got another one coming very soon. The only thing I know at this time is it could have implications with our friends in China”

“If the Colonel has a feeling, you bet your ass it’s gonna happen,” Derek added.

“He was concerned to put it lightly,” Jason replied, “right now we check our gear and get some rest, be ready for it. As soon we get the word, we plan, we go, we execute.”

“A big rodger on that Sir!” Tex smiled, “this is not our first rodeo.”


Back in Caldwell, Hank was up early and just finished an emergency call for a broken water pipe at a residence. He had to put his fishing boots on a make his way through the flooded basement and shut off the water, it was a mess. The homeowners’ were freaking out, their finished basement was flooded. Hank told them to call their insurance company and hooked up a pump and hoses to drain the water out.

He was hungry, needed some coffee as he pulled up at the Diner. Patty smiled as he walked inside, “the usual for Hank today?” She asked as she poured his coffee.

Hank grabbed the local paper, “You got it dear,”

Hank saw it right on the front page, “Shoot Out, Officer Wounded!”

Hank read on and ate his breakfast; it must be them, damn good, looks like they finally got those suckers, he said to himself.


Agent Foster was in his car with two other Agents and they were in plain clothes. They were at Penn University early in the morning. Foster wanted to get a look around and check it out. They walked up to the front gate and then along the property line, Foster was carefully taking pictures and taking notes. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would send in his Swat Team and storm the place


Back in China, Dr Ming, President Sanshu and his military advisors were in a meeting. They had checked with their contacts in America and all reported readiness

Sanshu looked at Ming “How are things going at Penn University?”

“As you know Sir, they had a few computer problems,” Ming replied, “I just received word. The techs have not found anything suspicious. They have everything figured out and running fine Sir.”

Sanshu got out of his chair and paced around, “Good, no more waiting, it is time, we release now.”