The first question put to petitioners was for them to recite a poem of Rabbie Burns.

Word had quickly spread around the nearby wildlife populations, and a procession of local wild animals popped in to attempt the pass the test.


The first Hedgehog to apply, a certain Mrs Twiggytinkle, dressed in a bonnet, smock and apron, dropped a respectful curtsy and began to recite: 

“There once was an Amiable Guinea Pig, …….”

“Next!” shouted Wild Bill, with a wry smile, “there’ll be a small snack for you if you’d kindly join the queue.


The next applicant was a lethargic Mole, who blinked rapidly in the bright sunlight, and began a recitation: 

“I wandered lonely as a Wild Cat, 

That scampers o’er the em’rald hills, 

When all at once, I caught a glimpse,

Of a Wild Cat holding daffodils.”

“We’ll let you know,” called Wild Bill, “just leave your molehill number behind the bar!”