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Lost’n found  by melrose31

She couldn’t remember how she got here… but she surely had an odd feeling, something was definitely off. Everything was blurry and dark, and her ears were ringing, but she could smell blood and feel the floor beneath her, but then there were these distant footsteps that kept coming closer and closer… would she be able to run or is she doomed? She had no idea where she was or how she got here. She had no clue of what awaits her. Was she in grave danger? 

Unspoken by Eywella
1275/5 (1)00

Clara sat in the dimly lit room, her eyes fixed on David’s computer screen. Her heart pounded as she scrolled through the emails, each word a dagger cutting deeper into her trust. The passionate messages to another woman were bad enough, but it was the ones to his friends that twisted the knife further."She thinks she knows me," one message read. "But she’s just another pawn. They all are."The room felt like it was closing in on her, the walls pushing her towards a precipice of despair. Clara’s hands trembled, the damning words blurring through her tears. She could hear the echo of her own voice from the dream, pleading for understanding that never came.The sound of keys jangling at the door snapped her back to the present. Panic surged through her veins. David was home. She had to leave. Now.With shaking hands, she wrote a quick note, her pen scratching furiously against the paper. "I know the truth. I’m leaving. Don’t try to find me."She grabbed her bag and fled, the note left on the table like a fragment of the trust that had once bound them. As the door clicked shut behind her, Clara felt a weight lift from her shoulders. For the first time in weeks, she could breathe.Outside, the night air was cool and filled with the promise of a new beginning. Clara knew the road ahead would be long and fraught with challenges, but she also knew she had the strength to walk it. The dream had been a harrowing glimpse into the reality she needed to face, and now, armed with the truth, she was ready to reclaim her life.

Interface glitches by Leegend
Part of July Challenge - Sci-Fi challenge
325/5 (1)00

Olivia didn’t know for how long it had went until the whole structure started breaking down.

Structure is key to performance. And Olivia didn’t know any other way to go about her daily business. A time for every activity and an activity for every time in the day. Wake-up pill. Breakfast pill. Office pill. Lunch-break pill. Ride-home pill. Sex pill. A pill for every activity and an activity for every pill in the day. A perfectly ordered office with just the right amount of light coming in from the desk window and the door always open for anybody coming to check in on her.


A Spirit's Touch  by JakeDC86

When Judith Ainbridge split up from her cheating ex and skipped town to start a new life, she got more than she bargained for.


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