This chapter refers to the rock eggs on my cover page and emphasizes the importance of cleansing ourselves and the earth either voluntarily or otherwise.My rottweiler dream was around the end of 2008 about the same time Obama was elected and the planets and the moon lined up in the night sky making a smiley face.Around that time through a long story I found myself on a super hot day taking a dip in a beautiful mountain stream and without realizing it I performed a type of self baptism through spiritual cleansing.As I stepped out of the water I asked God for a sign that I had done the right thing.Looking down hoping maybe to find a gem I instantly noticed an egg shaped lump of clay.I picked it up and broke it open to find to my amazement it had a yellow yolk at one end.Got to be a coincidence I thought then I found a slate and quartz crystal egg shaped rock with yellow at one end followed by a small flat square rock with a perfect double yolk in it.Next one pictured at top of cover was golf ball sized with a pumice texture on the outside.Upon breaking it open I found it had a perfect yolk and was duck egg blue inside which faded over about half an hour.Upon finding the last and biggest one pictured I went back picking up what bits I had dropped.I believe these are the missing link that shows by the variety of them in one place that they were formed in an instant in extreme heats and pressures and I believe that geodes and amythists are also eggs and living creatures turned to stone in an instant.What a thing to find after doing a spiritual cleansing and asking for a sign right?The Australian Aboriginal people say that opals formed where the sky people came down and touched the ground,if true it proves again that these gems are formed in extreme heats in an instant Since then I have decided that some ancient walls are also made from unburnt solid heartwood from massive trees as hard as rock although scientists will argue,it would show how these walls fit together so well if you look at the square patterns on a log burning and imagine it on a massive scale with gigantic ancient trees being blown over and shattered in extreme heats and pressures leaving only the cracks smoldering away in the aftermath.So it would seem there is an occasional cleansing that occurs.Ive heard there are astrological objects put in place for exactly that purpose and the magnetic field of the earth repels them until such a time as the earth is raped of all it's trees bringing that magnetic field too low to repel them which in turn brings about or triggers this natural cleansing.The good news is perhaps by raising our vibration we can do something similar as the entire earth including us is of one concious vibration collectively and every bit counts towards the total concious and magnetic energy of the whole.I find terms like global warming and climate change are real enough but they distract us from the revelations which have been told from days of old.Many signs have been left by previous civilisations who have suffered the same fate we are currently experiencing but I truly believe through a raised level of consciousness faith and positive works the true God may bless us enough to yet soften this end calamity.Everything including the word I receive and the many spiritually awake people throughout the earth points to this being the first time in human history that we may be able to collectively raise our awareness and our practices enough to survive what we are going through.All I can say is and I can't emphasize it enough that every bit counts and each and every one of us has the power when blessed by and or in tune with the divine oneness to achieve things similar to and even greater than what Jesus did.I believe it with all my heart and even when you think you're about to go off a waterfall in a canoe and it seems there's no hope,that's when we dig in and keep paddling harder than ever because theres no point giving up.I truly hope someone enjoys my short story all thrown together without editing or pre planning so I apologise for it's simplicity and lack of correct use of grammer and granduer.Truth is I asked my bible if I should do it and it said do not let your eyes's just gone seven am so yeah I guess it's been a late night for me typing with one finger between battery charging on an old broken phone haha huge love and blessings to all especially those that have read this far for it is written put up with me and I myself shall speak.And after I have spoken you may mock me.Wishing you all much love and blessings.Be excellent to each other.