.The first time I tried meditation was a few years after my rottweiler dream.Not knowing how, I closed my eyes and tried to be just an entity without any thought of the physical world.Eventually I got there and a logical thought pattern started to emerge.Am I something yes I am what else can I be.Im already three things and four at the realization of the three,then five and six at the realization of the four and the fact that the numbers existed .So I found that numbers appeared early in the scene and proceeded to write 17 pages trying to follow a logical thought pattern.It became apparent quite quickly that a vibrational pattern was coming into effect with the third thought reverberating the first and the fifth reverberating the third and first thoughts and so on also I noticed these thoughts and vibrations were spreading out in all directions and the vibrations reverberating within could quite possibly create sound as they became more compact bouncing off each other faster.First came the word and the word was with God and the word was God.So eventually the thought arose,is it wrong or bad to keep growing bigger which not only brought about the first thought of space but also the first thought of stagnation and or death.This is where it gets interesting because instantly the first thought of death was seen as a bad thought that had to be confined in some manner as other thoughts would stem from it so all the other thoughts in existence had to confine it,I think all those original thoughts are what became known as the spiritual armies and the heavens.I believe this is where the golden ratio came into play lending a third of the thoughts in existence to contain it leaving two thirds to ensure continuation of life and or conciousness coming into existence without coming into contact with death.Its even possible from this viewpoint that death itself could be the original fallen angel..What I also believe is that this is when the one that is all said let there be light when the vibrations already creating sound got more condensed again in containing death.The proof of this could be seen in"as above so below"in the same way we have a spark between negative and positive in the physical world.when I had written the 17 pages I drew a dot with a circle around it and another circle around that,and another and I asked is this God and would you believe I opened my bible and read the exact words this is God I asked again are you sure opened it again and read the exact words I am Jehovah your God there is no other.So anyway I continued thinking logically about vibrations of thought becoming sound ,light conciousness and all things within and realized that when two people or animals of opposite sex come together and vibrate in a wonderful way a new vibration is born from it in the form of a child.likewise in this physical world formed from the duality.of life and death when two beings come together in a negative way it causes negative vibrations such as violence begets violence or even just shouting at each other.So there we have one man's interpretation of the physical world,the vibrations of thought/conciousness creating sound and light..and the possible existence of the single entity that is its very life force Namaste my friends.
The Vibrations
The Vibrations
About Author
Adam J Gill
Lover of the true God,a diamond in the rough.Formed under pressure like an alliminium can crushed too many times to count,yet I call on the true God and I am made new.To God be the praise.
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