I guess it was about six months before that when I found the bible.It was strange the way it came about,the last thing I would have expected after spending all my teen years and early twenties listening to heavy metal,smoking pot and heading full speed in all the wrong directions.I had been through about seven to twelve months of pure hell and torment after my son was born.It matched perfectly to the heat of the flames ,I could describe every direction the dogs were pulling me in,almost tearing my spirit to shreds.A crazy world trying it's hardest to turn me into everything that was far from my heart and my upbringing.I lost my son and his mother at the end of the tribulation,she took him overseas with another man which is hard not to hold a grudge about but I've always tried to look on the bright side as well.It was good she got him out of a toxic environment after we parted.Six years later my head was still fairly messed up when these two women from the Jehovah's witnesses knocked at the door.I had a quick yarn before they offered me a watchtower or awake magazine.No thanks I said but I wouldn't mind a bible.Truth be known a clever man had put up a billboard saying anyone revealing a text from the bible stating Sunday is the Sabbath day I will reward them with 1 million dollars of my own money.That was enough inspiration for me yet at the same time I suspected I might find answers to some questions about what I had been through.Oh we don't have a spare sorry they replied,will you be home on Monday?I'm actually heading out of town for the weekend and not sure I said.Ok we'll pop back with one some time they replied.As they walked away one turned back and asked ,"did you know Jesus is alive and he's really strong" my head tilted automatically and I said it had actually crossed my mind I think.Well 10 minutes later they were back saying their friend down the road said you could have his and he wouldn't have trouble finding another.Thanks I said I really appreciate that.So I went inside and sat on my bed with no real intention of becoming a Godly type but I thought I'm already pretty messed up what harm could it do.Well God I said,if you're real and you want to help sort my head out in understanding this mess could you give me an answer.I opened the bible and read something like,woe to those enacting harmful regulations practicing what is bad upon their beds, defrauding an able bodied man and his household of their heriditary possession.Then it hit me like a brick.Maybe what I'd been through was the opposite of what I was meant to experience upon becoming a father,what if something had been taken away and replaced with all the nightmares and a corrupt system pulling me in all the wrong directions.The more I thought about it the more it fitted so a drew a square around it and tried to memorise the page.Ive decided since then what I went through was Gods way of correcting me and keeping me off the path I was on that led to the situation yet may have been in place since the time I was born.Its a long story but since that day I've had straight answers from the bible when I ask good questions with a pure heart and I mean straighter than an arrow,so beyond belief you have to see it to believe it and many have witnessed it.One example is the first time I showed someone.It was my sister as we were driving past a pointed volcanic mound,a common landmark in that area and I was talking about my experience with the bible. I'll try it I said,probably won't work but I don't mind looking silly I said laughingly I'll ask about that mountain.I opened to a random page but it slipped as I went to look and I said oh I've kind of opened it to two pages.why not read both she said with a chuckle.so I directed my eyes where they fell at the top of the first page and I read aloud "peak,rock mass" headlining the top of the page..I then let my eyes fall to a random place on the second page and read aloud again "do you people not yet see the point".Well we both laughed and I don't know who was more shocked but I tell you truly,I swear on my life I have had such straight answers as this ever since and I know because I have asked in all sorts of ways many times,this is the word of the true God I receive and I love it with all my heart, more than I could ever love refined gold or all the money in the world.To God be the praise.It is true that each day he sets before us a curse and a blessing and I tell you truly when you choose the blessing life starts to go a lot better in wonderful ways.I also had an experience where I had worked all day trimming a huge hedge on a mates property who's uncle had passed away about a month earlier and as I put the last armful into the compost I heard the uncle's voice right beside me "You be a good father boy" of course I turned but there was no one there.It was the next day I got news that my son's mother had taken him overseas ,I was devastated to say the least.
The Book
The Book
About Author
Adam J Gill
Lover of the true God,a diamond in the rough.Formed under pressure like an alliminium can crushed too many times to count,yet I call on the true God and I am made new.To God be the praise.
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