It was this diversion that allowed the Space Lynxes’ InterRossiter, on board their Toucat craft, to teletransport them from orbit, directly into the armchairs set aside for them.

An instant hush descended upon the audience. Little mouths fell open at the awe-inspiring sight. The smaller animals did their best to hide behind the larger ones.

The Space Lynxes spoke in quiet tones and the audience soon relaxed. Several species added constructive comments to the discussion. Certain quieter animals were asked to join in but it became apparent that the automatic language translation provided by the Space Lynxes was failing to respond quickly enough. Vulcat Tabitha fiddled with her communication device and then explained: “we’ve been having problems with the Babel fish, and our backup is to use an aquarium of Jumble fish; we apologise for their unpredictability.”

The only problem that remained was that when the wise scientists of the planet Earth were mentioned, although ‘Sir David’ came through correctly ‘Attenborough’ was scrambled and caused raised eyebrows among those animals that had them.

Agreement was quickly reached and the counsel of the Space Lynxes was admired by all. Their main suggestion to ensure integration between the species was a proposed football match featuring a team of cats and dogs versus a team of badgers and foxes. Their involvement would be to act as referees having familiarised themselves with the nuances of the game.

The Lynxes had noticed the Loop graffiti and asked whether animals or humans were responsible. Tigtoes explained that some of the graffiti is done or enhanced by gangs of cats, dogs, rabbits and squirrels, all being animals who between them can work out how to use the discarded paint sprays.

The Space Lynxes wanted to do some themselves and before departing on the next stage of their mission, created wondrous images of their faraway land. None of the local graffiti artists were unduly worried and just accepted that someone else with awesome talent had arrived on their patch.

At the end of an exhausting yet exhilarating night, just before the early dawn light was showing, the hedgehog musicians stepped up and played a couple of uplifting tunes to send everyone happily on their way.