All went quiet for a while, and the Space-Lynxes set up some of their detection equipment, which shortly reported that two of the planet’s smaller felines were approaching through the extensive undergrowth at the side of the track.

This was Bullpuss and Mungojerrie, out for a midnight scamper, checking on the latest rodent movements, and generally hoping to meet up with old pals.

Bullpuss was just remarking, “you know, Mungo, that several of my best escapades have occurred along this old railway line.”

“Macow, yes,” said Mungo, “including that time you sent Tabbo and myself to meet King Rat to arrange a rodent/feline agreement.”

Bullpuss suddenly put a restraining paw on Mungo’s shoulder. “Brrrrp, I feel we’re being watched,” he whispered.

Mungo stood up tall against a tree and was astonished to see a long, sturdy pair of furry legs just to the other side of the tree.

“Bullpuss, Bullpuss!” he gasped.

Together they slowly looked upwards into the glowing eyes of Vulcat Tabitha, who was quick to reassure them. “Fear not, fellow felines,” she said, crouching down beside them. “We come in peace, do not be afraid.”

Lieutenant Moppet joined her. “We are travellers from far away, and we have detected a potentially difficult situation in your domain.”

“Brrrrp, badger and fox trouble,” gulped Bullpuss, swallowing quickly, “our old rural pal, HedgeDog has explained a little of what’s happening.”

“Macow, are you able to help us?” asked Mungo, in a tiny voice.

“We shall be happy to facilitate a meeting between all interested parties,” replied Tabitha, “just a few representatives of each species involved and a neutral meeting place where everybody would feel comfortable.”

“Brrrrrrp, splendid,” said Bullpuss, thinking quickly and settling neatly into the new situation, “our Tigtoes will contact the hedgehogs, who know lots about these predicaments.”

“Mewp, and Tabbo and I can ask the foxes to nominate a spokesvulpine,” said Mungo.

“What about your lagomorph species?” asked Lieutenant Moppet.

Mungo and Bullpuss looked askance at each other.

“Your rabbits and hares!” said Vulcat Tabitha with a smile.

“Mewp, mewp, we can ask Bobby Bunny to contact the wild rabbits, whilst he represents the tame ones, although I don’t think we’ve ever seen an urban Hare.”

“Brrrrrp, and Old HedgeDog will know how to contact the ancient greybeard badgers,” continued Bullpuss.

“What about a meeting place?” asked Lieutenant Moppet, “is this long strip of parkland good enough?” 

“Brrrp, our own garden would be best,” answered Bullpuss, “a wildlife oasis, with lots of cover for the wild animals to approach. It’s our Open Garden weekend shortly, and our people get the summerhouse and garden spick and span. If they leave the summerhouse french windows ajar we can seat lots of furry friends, either inside, or just outside, whichever they prefer.”

“There may even be a slice or two of cake that our people haven’t cleared away,” added Mungo.