Plan 9 from Outer Space is rightly considered one of the worst movies ever made. Aliens visit Earth to introduce themselves and prevent humans from destroying the universe. Despite having created a ‘language computer’ and receiving messages from the alien fleet, the humans fail to communicate and shoot at the flying saucers. 

With no other choice (except to communicate), the aliens enact Plan 9 to force the people of Earth to accept their existence. These brilliant visitors animate corpses and test controlling them like, you guessed it, zombies. Here is an explanation of Plan 9’s brilliance from a quote in the film: “The earth people are getting closer to that which we fear. Since they will not listen or respect our existence, they cannot help but believe our powers when they see their own dead walking around again, brought about by our advancement in such things.”

You already see the problem with Plan 9, as Omron does in my short story. If his people have learned how to send messages understandable to humans and flying saucers have been seen in many cities and all over the news, what’s with the zombies? If they chose Plan 9, what other plans had this advanced alien race rejected? Finally, we have our answer in 12 Plans from Outer Space.