Racing over to where the building was.    


Mason and Noelle breathing a sigh of relief. Stopping their sprint mid-way. Taking a brisk stroll to the duo. Standing in front of the pile of rubble. 

The gang prepared themselves for what had a coin toss of a chance of being valuable or junk. Knowing Madison, it was treasure to her, and junk to everyone else.

“I’m betting on junk.” Noelle said over to Mason.

“I’ve lost too many bets to disagree.” Mason stated to Noelle.

Both waiting for Madison to bring her prize over to them, like a toddler wandering around in the forest, bringing back whatever they thought was cool. 

“Okay wait wait don’t look.” Madison instructed. The two did as they were told.

“Wait, wait, wait…..wait….waaaaaaaait….wa-”

“Madison either you show us or I’m throwing it away.” Mason with frost on his statement.

“Boom!” Madison using this as her expressive presentation phrase. Signaling them to turn around, and she shoved it in their faces with both hands.

The suspense weighing on them like a pillowcase filled with feathers. Bursting with sarcasm, as they turned around to see a camera in between her hands.

Both of their eyebrows raised, not sure yet what to think of this. Did it have value? Or should she just toss it back on the ground? A cube-like object the size of their faces. A circular lens taking up 3/4s of the device.

“Does it work?” Noelle dared to ask.

“YUP! I checked before picking it up.” Madison demonstrated by taking a picture right then and there. A flash made them blink an instant after. 

Just then a slice of paper slid out from the bottom slot of the big chunky camera. She then handed them their captured moment. A square white frame around the edges of the picture. The picture itself had a dirty and dusty tan to it. Like it was taken in the middle of a sandstorm, even though it was near perfect weather right now.

Just before Noelle could take it, Madison reeled it back.

“Awww look at the love birds. I think I’m going to use this for your wedding picture.” Madison teased.

If their masks weren’t there Madison would’ve seen two pink neon glow sticks right in front of her. 

Mason reaching for the camera. “I was gonna let you keep it but now I’m gonna use it as campfire fuel.”

Madison hissed like a rabid wolverine. Pointed her left hand away and suddenly she was sucked to a nearby iron girder. It stuck out due to the roof being torn off. 

Mason sighing “Just leave her.”

Mason turning to talk to Noelle, but she already walked away. Mason repeated a sigh.

“Alright, just me and you Devon.”

Devon trying to sneak away, inch by inch stepping away

“Oh umm, okay.”

Mason rolled his eyes. “The quicker you help me get the car fixed. The quicker you can go back with Madison!”


BOOM-BOOM! - Devon began smashing and breaking apart cars.

Hours pass by. The sun glides across the sky. Going from morning to high noon.

With all the cars around Ol’ Reliable reduced to scraps of metal.

“Okay Ima start her up.”

VRR-NNNNNNN - The engine not turning over. Devon looked worried as he watched Mason in the front seat.

VRR-NNNNNN - Mason putting the pedal to the metal. Still no kick back on the miniature engine. Though, Mason had a determined look in his eyes while Devon had worry written all over his face.

VRR-ROOOOM!! - The engine finall kicking. Relief finally relaxing both Devon and Mason.

Mason smiling so hard you could see it under the mask. He then keeps his half of the bargain.

“Go get the girls.” 


Devon disappearing like a bullet fired from the chamber.

Over with the other half of the team

Madison and Noelle are currently inside of what used to be a first floor clothing store with a window.

The window shattered to pieces, clothes burnt to threads, and the clothing racks were bent in half.

Madison is still searching. Using her magnetic ability. Now with Noelle in Devon’s place.

Standing behind Madison with her arms crossed over her chest. 

“Hey sister-in-law.”

“We aren’t married.”

“Did you and my brother have a fight?”

“No, we didn’t.” Noelle states sternly “I am just making sure nothing harms you.”

“Yeah but Devon already does that.”

“Well he needs his breaks too.”

“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure he enjoys being with me. The same way you enjoy being with my brother.”

Noelle opens her mouth to says something but her pale horned brother appears in the middle of them.

“We-we got the car running.” He said huffing and puffing “We are going to leave now.”

Madison and Noelle looked at each other. Just shrugging, coming along with Devon.

The trio return to the purring engine. Mason feeling accomplished with his feet perched up on the wheel.

“You guys find anything else?”

“Other than the picture maker? Just this.”

Noelle handing Mason a glass soda bottle. The bottle cap still firmly sealed. The soda inside still looking to be in pristine condition.

“Oh and this.” Noelle handing a stack of brown envelopes 

“What are these?” Mason pondered

“They have information on the Shaman.”

Mason’s eyes widened.

“The Shaman?? As in the Governing Body’s Shaman?”

“It doesn’t give too much information. Just the contract and what it entails.”

Mason looks at these treasures

“You think this is enough?”

To which Noelle slowly shakes her head.

“Thought so.” Mason climbs back in the driver’s seat. Everyone else following in.

Though, there was a seat change. Noelle sitting in the back with Madison. Devon scratching his head. Forced to sit in the front with Mason. Mason let out a stress-filled sigh.

“Well, we should go see (Name)”

“Yaay! I wanna see all the weird shit she has!” Madison cries out.

VRRRROOOM! - Mason zigs and zags in between the cars that littered the road.

Ol’ Reliable’s thick tires gliding over the myriad of sand. They were like a boat sailing the endless dunes.

All four members keeping their eyes keen for something.

*maybe describe more

“There!” Madison screamed

Stretching her index finger forward like a pointer dog pointing it’s snout.

Mason clearly seen it, but he wanted Madison to have her victory. A billboard sign halfway in the sand. But it’s pointing downwards.

The crew drives over stopping in front of the sign. Parking behind it, cloaking it within the shadow.

“Watch my back.” Mason directs

Mason then stuck his arm into the sand. His shoulder completely swallowed whole. Mason fiddling around for something. The team growing more and more concerned with each passing moment until…

“Got it!” Mason’s sandy hand comes back up with a thick chain in hand.

Mason then put both hands on the chain. The rest of the team gets behind Mason. He giving a nod. To which they all yanked at once.

Pulling up a metal grate from within the sandy sea. Mason looked around, allowing his team to enter before.

Noelle the last one to enter before Mason. Mason pulling the chain down with him.

He landing next to Noelle. They lock eyes for a moment.

“Sorry” Mason mumbles.

Mason is just about to walk ahead, when he feels a tug at his hand. Looking back to see Noelle clutching his hand. Her face turned to the saide, still unable to face him. Mason just smirked, he knew what she was trying to say. Staying next to her with their pinkies interlocked.

More up ahead Madison snickers like a schoolgirl. Devon not as versed in this was completely lost. Madison just steered him forward, leaving the lovebirds to make up.

Noelle picked up the polaroid styled picture of them from out of her front pocket. Showing the awkward picture of them two together. 

“Madison slid this to me while we were driving over here.”

Mason noticed their expressions in the photo. Awkward but still very close, just like them. Noelle tucked it back in her pocket. Showing how precious it was to her.

“STEP FORWARD FOR IDENTIFICATION!” A booming robotic voice said.

Mason and Noelle sped up their pace to be behind Madison and Devon. All standing in front of a titanium steel door. On top of the door being a digital beaming red eye. Glowing like a laser sight.

“Madison Redgrave!” Madison says white waving 

“You don’t have to say your name Madison it scans you.” Noelle informs her.

ZZZZZZ-RRRRR-EEEEE- A red horizontal line spreads across all four. Once it reaching their feet it began humming.

DING-DING! - The single red eye turning green. Lightning up the room with an evergreen hue.

“Okay, come on through.” A jovial female’s voice said over the intercoms. The titanium doors slid apart. Revealing a long much nicer ivory highway.