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BLACKOUT-003 by reeniepanini

After the outbreak of a mysterious disease known as VIR-LZ, the government faces an escalating crisis as the infected rise as living dead, leading to chaos and panic. With traditional containment methods failing, officials initiate the BLACKOUT project, a drastic plan to deploy atomic bombs to eradicate the threat. The lack of time, forced the goverment to take risky decisions regarding the planning of the project, which lead to the failure of their plan. The safety of humanity was guaranteed after all, but, at what costs?

Yoshi the Electromagnetic Cloud by jmsparrow

Yoshi survives the atomic bombing of Hiroshima as a being made from fallout and electromagnetic radiation. She learns to control electromagnetic radiation for various purposes, which alters history.

Eden Eternia by Forever.Underdog

To become gods on earth, the world was split into two.

"Worthy" and "Unworthy" deserving of the world where the new regime would rule.


The Quest by KCKeats

Evangeline put her hand on the small, golden, half-heart-shaped locket that hung around her neck and thought back to the day she found it in an abandoned little house on the outskirts of the great marsh. She had taken refuge there when a sudden mudstorm came up and that is when she found the locket around the neck of a small skeleton clinging to her mother. As she opened the clasp, a small data chip fell into her hand, and a small portrait inside it of a little girl. As she held it in her hand, she noticed it was only half a heart and another half to it when she looked at the data chip. She reached into the small leather bag that hung from her side, brought for a small data reader, and inserted the chip into it. The little data reader came to life when she inserted the chip and after some small beeps, a small holographic image appeared which looked like a map of the old city which lay in the forbidden desert. Then a series of numbers and letters appeared which looked like coordinates and then a note: Go to the following coordinates and you shall find the answer to which all seek. Then the data-reader went silent except for the coordinates to where to go. That was three weeks ago and now Eva had managed to gather all the supplies she needed for her trip, then she looked at the map one more time and hopped onto her windspeeder.

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