Spook Or False Play

Henry stepped out of the carriage outside the castle-like home of Lady Donovan. The stone exterior stood tall and proud. The manor was hundreds of years old, dating back to the time of Queen Elizabeth I.

Lady Marie Donovan strolled gracefully down the beautifully carved steps of her mansion to greet him.

The carriage left the long road of the grounds quickly, leaving Henry with his rod, tin box and a bag, smiling enthusiastically at his host.

"Welcome, welcome, Professor." Lady Donovan was smiling broadly, although signs of sleep depravity were showing in her eyes. She was considered a very active socialite for her fifty six years. Her hair was full and grey and held neatly in a bun. She wore an exquisite party dress, black to mourn the sudden passing of her husband some three months previous. Though still grieving, she kept up the appearance of being proper in front of guests.

"Good morning, m'lady," Henry said smoothly and took her hand to kiss it gently.

"I trust you had a pleasant trip and are here to provide a solution to my 'pest,' problem?" Lady Donovan emphasised on the word pest.

"I have a few solutions to free your home of unwanted guests, ma'am," Henry replied.

"Then please, Mr Neville, waste no time. Come inside."

Henry followed the eccentric lady back up the steps towards the manor. "Have there been any disturbances throughout the night?"

"Just the usual, my late husband's pipe is missing and the creak of his rocking chair emulating in every room below it. The maids say they have spotted a sight or two."

"I see. I know we have ruled out Gerald, but I fear it may be worth keeping an open mind again."

"Do you really suspect my late husband could still be with us? I knew that bastard would never leave me alone." Lady Donovan led Henry through the main hall, their steps echoed across the marble tiled floor. "You better go upstairs to his study. If it's him, that's where he'll be."

"M'lady," Henry responded and immediately ascended the stairs. He ignored the many portraits that covered every inch of the walls, all of which he had studied many times before of Lord Donovan and his family.

As he reached the top landing, an image in the window pulled his attention. A young blonde woman was staring up at him from the expansive garden. She was sat on a low tiered wall of a fountain and was looking at him as if she had been watching the window waiting for him.

She was too far away to point out any distinguishable features, but Henry made out a smile on her lips when he raised his hand for a greeting. As far as he was aware, Lady Donovan lived alone save for servants, but this woman was not dressed like a house maid. He stared back at her for a few more moments until something suddenly caught her attention and she sprang off into a nearby summer house out of sight.

Peculiar, Henry thought and turned to find the door he sought. He entered cautiously, closing the door and pausing as he looked into the eyes of a gaunt transparent face.

"Oh, it's the Professor," said a deep whisper that filled the room. "Still missing your doctorate?"

"Lord Donovan?" Henry asked, choosing to ignore the remark.

"Creeping around outside, I feared you were that cursed woman," Gerald whispered hoarsely. Even without a physical body, Henry could still make out his previous physical shape. The transparency showed an outline of a large round stomach, wide hips and an overall stout look. A face as round as his gut with pointed nose and curled lips.

"Do not fear, she has left us to work alone." Henry could only assume he spoke of his widowed wife.

"What do you want, Professor?" Gerald did not move from his spot. He appeared to be leaning against his desk, like a man would do if he had a bottom and legs, but Lord Donovan's figure was not to be seen below his midriff.

"I suppose I'm here to find out what it is you want, sir."

"Very well, Professor. I'm looking for my rifle. There are pests in these walls and my wife has charged me with ridding of them. All while inviting all these people for her silly dinner parties. Blast it."

Henry sensed his confusion, another entity not aware of his own demise, a common misunderstanding and an easy fix. "May I call you, Gerald?"

"You may, Henry."

"If you have heard your wife speak of pests, I'm afraid to say it is not of you she has charged to dispose of them."

Gerald grimaced, "What are you saying, Professor? Speak man."

"Lady Marie has employed me to dispose of unwanted guests. A guest in particular that haunts many of these rooms, this study is of great interest."

"Are you calling me a pest, young sir?" Gerald raised his voice.

Henry stepped back towards the door. "Not at all, m'lord." He slyly flipped a switch on the base of his rod causing it to spark and light up, but the spirit of Gerald did not seem to notice.

"Since you're here, Professor, you can be of service to myself and my wife."

"Oh, how so?"

"My wife has been complaining of some strange liquid lately, like slime." Gerald began pacing, well floating, back and forth. "I need you to find out where it is coming from, Professor."

Henry had a flash of memory of Polly complaining about slime and he thought about the patches of ooze he saw in the factory. "It is ectoplasm, sir. I will clean it up."

"Confounded nonsense indeed," Gerald replied. He stood with his back to Henry.

Henry raised his staff and made to swing for Gerald. "Sorry, old man," he whispered gently as he neared. However, he suddenly froze as he saw another image of a transparent man stood at the window. Two more near invisible men passed through the closed door but retreated just as quick when they saw Henry and his weapon. He caught a glimpse of them as they disappeared back through the door, Interesting, they number many.

Henry lowered his rod again. He was somewhat puzzled by the sudden activity and at how Gerald seemed to be unaware of it. It took him a minute to realise why Lady Donovan was having so much trouble with 'pests.' She was not haunted by her husband. Her manor was a hotspot for paranormal activity, spirits were being pulled to this location by an unknown source.

Recently, he had often wondered why spiritual occurrences were happening more frequently. There was something here that was the key to it all.

"Are you quite alright, young man?" Gerald asked after seeing the scientist frozen for so long.

"Yes, sir," Henry turned to face the door and immediately looked over his shoulder. "Stay here, M'lord. I'll catch those pests."

"I'll take care of things here, I must find my pipe," Gerald said in response but mainly to himself, paying Henry no mind.

Henry nodded and left the room, walking down the hall with purpose. A ghost appeared out from a wall near him and cackled in an attempt to scare the scientist. Henry immediately switched on his rod and struck the spirit with a quick, unseen movement. The ghoul shrieked and evaporated into nothing. "You can tell me your story when I get to the forever beyond," he said to the air.

The scientist descended the stairs and went in search of Lady Donovan. He caught a glimpse of another spirit passing through a door, What is happening? He thought to himself.

"Henry!" Came a scream from the kitchen. "Help!"

The scientist fired up his electromagnetic rod and ran after the Lady's scream. When he reached the kitchen, he discovered Lady Donovan huddled against the stove with two kitchen maids. Two burly transparent men were slowly advancing upon them.

"Who are these people?" Lady Donovan shouted at Henry. He immediately ran over to them and struck the first great brute through the chest. He left a vapour of smoke as he evaporated. The other turned towards the scientist and with a flick of his wrist lifted a knife from across the room and threw it at Henry.

Henry dodged it easily and pulled a bottle from his belt. "You'll like this one," he exclaimed as he launched it across the room and it smashed on impact on the ghouls face.

"Impossible!" He hissed and advanced on Henry.

Henry held his rod up ready to defend himself although knew it was not necessary. The ghoul, without realising until it was too late, began to evaporate to the beyond as he neared the Professor.

"Are you ok?" Henry asked the women.

"We're fine now, thank you." Replied Lady Donovan.

"Good. Now, I need you to send a telegram immediately."

"Anything, Professor. Tell me."

"To the office of Mr Dalton. Do you know it?" Henry waited for the nod before continuing. "Send word to my assistant, Polly, to pin every case and their location onto a map."

"What in heavens for?" Lady Donovan replied.

Henry led the kitchen maids safely out into the garden before replying. "Your home has become an active gateway for spirits. I believe it is linked to other areas that have seen an excessive increase in activity.

"Really, Professor? My home?"

"I'm afraid so. Send that telegram, I have a lot of homework to do once I've cleared up here."

"Consider it done," Lady Donovan left the room for the hall.

Henry followed the way out into the garden, the maids were heading for the summer house. The scientist spied another entity slowly stalking them. "You there, good sir. I say, hold on a moment."

The spirit turned to face him, the remnant of a wry grin faded from his lips.

"What is your business, sir?"

He gave a menacing stare, "We've been released. This world has been reopened to us."

"By whom may I ask?"

"Don't know his name, I'm just here to have fun. I'll start with you."

"Not a good idea," replied Henry and he let a spark cast from his weapon.

"Fancy toy," the spirit remarked and let out a short, sharp shriek. He lunged at Henry but barely reached him before being turned into dust.

"They're going to catch onto the purpose of this device sooner or later," Henry told himself. "I should really get back to Gerald."

The route back to Gerald's study was short minus the two spooks Henry disposed of on the way.

"Professor, what the devil is going on?"

Henry felt the need was upon him to be blunt. "Lord Gerald, this won't be easy to hear but you are dead. Your spirit has been returned to this manor. Many others, the pests your wife spoke of, are spirits that have somehow also been brought here."

"Don't sugar coat it, lad," Gerald replied. "What does my wife say?"

"The cursed woman?"

"I say, how dare you, Professor."

"Your words, my lord."

"I wasn't talking about Marie. It's that young blonde damsel I've seen hanging around here. She's up to something. Mark my words, Henry. Stay well clear."

Henry thought for a moment. Could the blonde woman he saw in the garden be the one Gerald spoke of? What was her connection to these events?

Gerald continued, "I may have passed, Professor, but there is something foul afoot. My wife needs me. Where's my damn rifle."

"Lord Donovan, please wait here a little longer. I will bring you your rifle." Henry made a quick exit and sprinted back along the hall.

Lady Donovan met him at the foot of the stairs. "Your message has been sent, Professor. I'm told the ghostly people are going away."

"Thank you," Henry nodded. "Going where?"

"I have no idea. My cook said something about how they did not like finding out that one of us, you I assume, was able to fight back and smoke them. Her words, I must add."

"Ok, I will handle it from here. I must ask you to go to your late husband's study. You will be safe there. Don't worry, I have cleared the path of spirits."

"This is most unusual, Professor, but we are in your debt. I will do as you have asked."

"Just one question, m'lady. Who is the young woman that comes to visit? Blonde, was in the garden."

"You mean the nurse? Lucy."

"Lucy," Henry repeated. "Interesting."

"I'm not sure what Lucy has to do with this. She's only here to give me my medicines. I must find her after all this actually."

"Stay safe, Lady Donovan. Go to the study," Henry said and presently left Marie by the stairs. He moved through the downstairs rooms and was pleased to find the spirits were all but gone.

His next destination was the garden's summer house but aside from the quivering maids he did not see the woman he sought again. However, a peculiar object did capture his attention. A small metal hexagon-shaped box was lying on the carpet of the summer house. Henry picked it up and examined it closely; it was covered in strange markings, it did not have a lid or hinges and felt hollow. There was a small circular hole on the top but too small to peak inside. Henry pocketed the bizarre device for now and left the house to help finish off the pests for Lady Donovan.
