Deliverence from Evil

As the light faded into slight, silvery rays, the spectre stood alone, staring at Henry. He appeared injured, if that was possible for a ghost. He was clutching his side as if in some kind of pain.

Henry searched frantically around him, "Luca? Where is Luca?"

For a second the spectre was just as surprised as he was then that grin reappeared, the grin that Henry was starting to loathe, "It appears I have won, Doctor."

"It can't be, how can she just vanish from existence?" A tear formed in Henry's eye. Even though he had only just met the woman, he felt Luca played a critical role in the late ghostly activities and yet still had a larger role to play out. She could not be gone already, could she?

"She was not what you thought she was, Doctor," the spectre hissed in a near comforting way. "People like her and me, we don't belong here."

"How are you both even comparible?"

"You'll see, Doctor. There is a far greater darkness than me waiting to come here," he approached Henry slowly. Henry held up his staff ready. "Do it," the ghoul dared bluntly. "I'm tired of this nonsense. This world has truly grown beyond what I could ever understand, it is time I departed. The witch opened my eyes to that."

Henry pointed his rod towards the spectre, he immediately lowered it again, sighing he asked, "What's your name?"

"Excuse me?" The spectre looked into his eyes.

"I've been chasing you around the Thames for the last 48 hours. Please tell me your name? You can call me Henry."

"Henry was my king. I was known as Thomas, Thomas Banks," the spectre responded.

Henry smiled, "Henry VIII?"

"Yes," replied Thomas the spectre.

"Well, Thomas Banks. It has been very good meeting you. You come from a very different period in time, I'm sure your London was beautiful. Now, where do we go from here?" Henry kept his rod down, he no longer had any desire to zap Thomas out of existence.

"I am ready to return to the forever beyond and everything that entails."

Henry tried to raise the rod again but his body resisted, "I'm sorry, Thomas. I cannot."

"Then let me help," Thomas began to glow faintly. His body started to evaporate slowly until there was very little left. "Goodbye, Doctor Henry," he said before vanishing completely.

Henry did not reply, he was shocked at what had just transpired before him. He was not expecting the spectre to just give up. What had Luca done to him? A thought that would play on his mind until it could one day be answered. He had to discover who Luca was and where she was now.

After realising it could be sometime before any police or anyone would return to Hammersmith Bridge Road Henry figured it was time to leave. With only one reasonable destination to head for he made his way back towards the Thames. Several hours had now passed since he left his five companions in the dark, dirty chamber, he had to get back to them.

He hoped to find a carriage to take him the distance but Hammersmith had become a pun intended, ghost town. Many of the streets on his return journey were deserted or the locals were in deep hiding due to the commotion. Either way he was not able to find a willing driver to take him until he walked as far as Normand Park. From there it was a fairly short distance back to the embankment to meet Polly and the others.

"Is it over?" Polly asked Henry as he stepped out of the carriage. She, the Allan's, Cane and Betts were already out of the sewer passage and were standing, awake and healthy near the road.

"I believe so," Henry said assuringly. "What happened here?"

"The men awoke suddenly, not three hours ago. Just as if they were sleeping. We gave them water and within the first hour they were light headed but perfectly capable of walking so we left that dark hole and came to the road," explained Polly.

"We found them and now they're ok," Elizabeth said excitedly.

"Good," Henry replied. "Are you feeling ok, Mr Allan?"

Richard stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out who he was, "I am fine, sir. These women saved me. My wife saved me." He kissed his wife on her forehead.

"How about you, Sergeant?" Henry asked turning his attention to the two officers.

It was Betts who spoke first, "Whatever that thing was, it better be gone," he said braver than what he was.

Cane stepped up to Henry, "I feel ok, Doctor. Would you mind correcting me, I believe I was abducted by a ghost, as balderdash as that sounds."

"It is true, Sergeant. A class four entity, we're glad to have you back with us."

"Blimey! What is the world coming to?" The sergeant held a hand to his head.

Henry smiled, "That is why Polly and myself do what we do. The world is coming to something and it is our position to find out what it is and stop it if it's bad."

"I see. Send your details down to the station, you'll be handy to keep close by if we have any stranger cases come through," replied Cane with an approving nod.

"We will do just that, Sergeant," Henry agreed.

"Sarge, maybe we should get back and report our findings," said Betts. "I would very much like to know why our changeovers didn't arrive."

"Agreed, good afternoon everyone," Cane said before turning and leaving with his younger colleague.

"We should go home and get some much needed rest," Polly said to Henry.

"That I do not object to," Henry replied in agreement.

"I don't know how to thank you," Elizabeth spoke up.

"There is no need, Mrs Allan. It is all part of the service you've hired," smile Henry.

Polly offered a better response, "Perhaps you can thank us by recommending us to your peers, anyone you find in need of a spiritual cleanser."

"Of course," Mr and Mrs Allan said at once before Richard Allan added, "You'll be getting my full recommendation if and when the need arises. Elizabeth nodded eagerly in agreement.

"Good day to you both," Henry responded. "Have a pleasant long marriage, and always keep the geist therapists in mind."

"It has been wonderful working with you," Polly said to Elizabeth and they embraced in a light hug.

"Good day," the Allan's bowed and left Henry alone with his assistant.

"Shall we hail a carriage?" Henry asked politely.

"Definitely," Polly said more keenly than intended. It was indeed time to head back to Hugon Road.

It was growing very late into the evening by the time they arrived back at Henry's home on Hugon Road. They had stopped on the way, suppered and were now more than glad to be home after finishing the case of the spectre. Henry asked Polly to stay over again so they could rise early and begin working on the cases Polly had laid out on the map of west London.

Henry meanwhile wanted to learn more of the two strange hexagon boxes he found. He doubted they were the only two he would find. There were many mysteries still to be solved, including Luca. An image of Luca physically handling that first ghoul by the throat came to mind, Are witches real? He pondered.

There was a knock at the door startling then both. Polly answered and a young boy stood outside with an envelope.

"Telegram for Mr Neville," he announced before handing Polly the letter and waiting for a copper coin of some value. Polly handed him a halfpenny. "Thank you kindly, miss," said the boy and left.

Polly opened the envelope and past it to Henry, "It's from Lady Donovan. Would you like me to read it?"

"Please, go ahead," Henry nodded.

"Thank you dear Henry. My world, my husband can now rest peacefully."

"She found him in his study before passing over," he said fondly.

"What a lovely thought," replied Polly.

"Indeed. I must go write up my notes on our latest victory. Good evening, Miss Alexander."

"Goodnight, Henry," Polly watched Henry ascend the stairs and retire to his study. She knew something was bothering the man, something other than the spectre now called Thomas Banks. Something happened in Hammersmith that he had not spoke of yet. She was curious but knew better than to try and get it out of her friend.


The next morning Henry was still Sat at his desk in a deep sleep. Even though he intended an early night, he was awake most of the night writing down every single detail of the past few details while it was still fresh on his mind.

"Henry," a woman's voice called.

Henry stirred in his sleep, his eyes slanted open in a haze

"Henry!" The voice was more abrupt.

Henry jumped up out of his chair, "Luca? Polly?" He called but no one was near. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and unintentionally placed his hand on a case folder that definitely was not there the previous night. He picked it up and read the heading out loud.

"Possession- Estella Bonham."

He lowered the file and glanced at the door as if disturbed by a noise before going back to staring at the cover of the file, "Polly must have brought it up, why this one?" He opened it up and scanned through some of the notes, "Estella, nineteen, Ealing. Imaginary friend turned violent, family disruption, alienated from peers, shame and shunned from father, possession," were words he read aloud from the text. "Who's is this handwriting?"

Henry turned to face the door and almost dropped the file as he clutched it to his chest. A figure stood in the doorway, a transparent image of a balding man glared back at him and cursed something undistinguishable before turning and marching down the stairs out of view. Henry ran after him, swiftly descending the stairs and jumping into hallway, the spirit was already gone.

Polly appeared next to him from the living room, "What's all the commotion?" She asked when she spotted Henry still clutching the file.

At that moment the front door was thrust open and a powerful gust of wind hammered through the hall, into the kitchen and out of the back door, smashing glass and splintering wood as it went. Polly was knocked to the floor and Henry fell back against the wall of the stairway.

"I think we upset someone, somewhere," Henry said while straightening his posture.

"Who?" Polly replied worryingly, "Is Thomas back?"

"No, I think we're onto something far bigger," Henry replied. He noticed a shape on the ground beyond the threshold of his door. Upon closer inspection he could tell it was another hexagon box. Beyond that were feet which when followed up the legs, led to another class two entity grinning menacingly at them both. "Polly, I'm going to need my tools."

Polly, who was staring with unpleasant fright at the spirit nodded and spoke softly, "Rightaway, Doctor." She pulled herself to leave the hall to fetch the electromagnet rod.

"The master is coming with a message," the hoarse voice of the ghoul said.

By the time Polly returned with the rod and backpack the spirit outside had already gone, "What did he want?" She asked.

"Just the old master with a message cliche," replied Henry behind a soft yawn.

"Should that not concern you?" Polly asked but she knew this was Henry's way of handling threats.

"Perhaps, we'll find out soon enough I expect. For now though we're off to Ealing," Henry pulled his coat from the peg and took the equipment from Polly.

"What about the map?"

Henry stopped by the open door, "Was Ealing on there as a hot spot?"

Polly smiled nervously, "Yes, but-"

"Excellent," Henry interrupted. "Let's go."

Polly did not answer, she grabbed her hat and coat and followed Henry out onto the street.

End of part two
