The Mirror and the Void

The circus tent was completely abandoned, word had clearly got out surrounding the attack at the fair. Henry noted the wooden benches tossed to the sides, the food scattered about the floor; the sand in the centre ring was scattered and covered in assorted prints, and rips and tears at the large red curtains on the other side were clear as patrons made a desperate bid to escape.

"This will do perfectly," Luca said as she was dragging a full length mirror from a secret side entrance where the acts would have been coming from at that moment if all was well.

The mirror was covered in a sheet and Luca positioned it behind a pillar so it was slightly obscured. She just needed Shade close enough before noticing it. Luca returned to the centre circle with Henry once she was happy with the mirror's location.

Just a few seconds later the fabric around the entrance they came in tore and the stitching gave in, the curtain was thrown outside, Shade entered soon after.

Henry immediately pressed the button turning his rod into a cross again and held it up, "Back, fiend."

Shade chuckled, "You do know how to tickle me, Doctor. Let's see how you respond to me killing that woman you blindly follow."

Henry sidestepped to come between Shade and Luca, "Come at me with your worst, you have no more business with Luca."

"Luca is very much a part of my business, and that of our master."

Henry turned to Luca, "Can you please tell me how you know this colourful chap?"

"I suppose you could say we're employed by the same person... Demon," his companion replied, "Although we take different approaches to the employment."

"How so?"

It was Shade who answered, "Your new acquaintance is not sweet or innocent. She does terrible things for the master, has done evil things," he laughed.

"You lie," Henry said through gritted teeth. This was followed by a long pause.

"He does not," Luca finally spoke, "But please give me time to explain myself," she pleaded.

Shade smiled behind his faceless gaze, "Your  recent nemesis, Thomas Banks; courtesy of Luca Underhill."

"What? You did not?" Henry turned to Luca.

Luca said nothing, her glare was focused on the demon, her fists were clenched ready to strike him.

Shade was fully prepared, the moment Luca sprang towards him he raised his hand and Henry was pushed backwards through the air. He landed awkwardly near the hidden mirror.

"Henry!" Luca screamed as she watched her companion hit the ground. She went to grab Shade's arm but he was too quick; diving out of the way, he turned and struck her in the side. Luca cried out in pain.

Henry clambered back to his feet and fired up his rod. He ran towards Shade with sparks of electricity shooting in every direction. He swung his weapon from the right and collided with the demon.

Shade would not have been afraid to admit it, that hurt him. He used his left arm to defend the blow but felt himself being pushed sideways; if he was human the blow would have shattered his arm.

After clutching her side for several seconds Luca watched as Henry struck Shade, she immediately took full advantage of the demon stumbling sideways and lashed out again. She clenched her fist and punched him with all her strength in the chest. Shade fell to his knees with his hands to his chest and did not move further.

Henry raised his rod again, ready to strike.

"Don't, you know that will only send him to where he thrives. He'll just come back," Luca said as she placed her hand on Henry's arm.

"We'll be ready for him again," replied Henry.

"We may not be, he could come back stronger and with an army."

"I won't need an army once the master learns of your betrayal, Luca," Shade hissed. He raised his hand again, and again Henry was pushed backwards.

Shade pounced forward from his kneeling position and grabbed Luca by the throat, he began choking her.

"I-I wo-won't let yo-u w-win," Luca stammered with difficulty. She thrashed out her arms trying to catch him anywhere but he did not loosen his grip.

Shade suddenly felt the presence of Henry from behind, "Do it, Doctor. That trick with the holy water to prevent me from leaving was a clever one, but if your device can send me home then I plead you hasten your sneak attack. Hurry, Luca does not have much time."

"Do-don't do i-it, He-Henry," Luca struggled with the words.

Henry could see the life draining from Luca as Shade continued to choke her. He could not bare to see his new friend die this way, he had to attack. He lunged forward and struck the arm holding Luca as hard as he could; this severed the arm and Shade screeched in pain. Luca fell to the floor, coughing and struggling for breath.

"I was sure that would send him away," Henry remarked as he helped Luca back to her feet.

"We should count our luck it didn't, Henry. Lead him to me."

Henry nodded and watched Luca from the corner of his eye slowly back towards the hidden mirror. His focus remained on the now disfigured Shade. He held up his rod that was now a cross again.

"Enough of these games!" Shade howled and pushed Henry back again. His severed arm reappeared attached by his side. Before Henry had a chance to recover himself Shade lifted him to the air and threw him back down again.

Henry got to his feet quicker after the second forced push and held up his cross again, "I'm sure you can do better, Shade," he mocked.

In response Shade merely flicked his wrist and Henry was once again thrown into the air. This time he landed near Luca and the mirror, "Please tell me you're ready?" Henry spoke quietly as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I am," Luca whispered. She anticipated Shade's movements and as he approached near enough to them both she pulled off the sheet, revealing the mirror.

Shade paused and stared at the mirror. Several seconds passed before a cackled laughter left his lips, "You do not know what games you are playing, girl. You have no means of trapping me."

"I have more power than you or master realise!" Luca yelled in response. While facing Shade she pressed her right palm against the pane of glass and it immediately began pulsating. Waves began forming from under her palm along the mirror as if it were made of water.

Shade hesitated and took a step back. There were nerves in his stature but he knew Luca or Henry still could not physically force him near the glass.

Henry, seeing Shade distracted, rushed forward again and swung his weapon towards the demon. He was knocked back with ease this time as Shade twisted and thrust a palm into Henry's chest, forcing him to the ground.

"You have no weapon against me, witch. Accept your fate sooner and let me get back to the plan," hissed Shade.

"I have one more trick," answered Luca and dared him to come closer. Shade accepted and stepped closer, he was curious about her confidence given her inferiority.

"The firing squad has arrived!" Came a shout from behind Shade. He turned to see Malcolm the showman and three other delinquents manning what looked to be two large cannons from a battle ship and shotguns with great barrels.

"Mere mortals cannot har-"

"Fire!" Malcolm interrupted the demon and all four men opened fire with their guns and cannons.

The tent was quickly filled with smoke and bangs and cries of an unholy language as the demon was pushed backwards by each wave of the blasts by Malcolm and his men.

Eventually the firing and the bangs stopped but before Shade could collect himself he felt Luca's hand gripping his shoulder. He turned to face her and cursed her in his demonic voice.

In return, Luca smiled and returned his response with a knee straight to the area around his stomach. She pulled back on his shoulder, stared him deeply in where his eyes were not visible and threw him into the void she had created within the mirror.

"No! You'll be sorry you evil witch!" Shade screamed as he banged helplessly on the other side of the glass.

"Henry, I believe Polly would want you to do the honour," Luca said watching Henry get to his feet for the umpteenth time that day.

Henry nodded gladly and raised his rod to the mirror.

"I'll get out one day! I can wait patiently! The master will make you all pay for what you have done!"

"When you see him tell him Henry, Polly and Luca will be waiting for him. Or should I apologise to him for ridding him of his pet?" Henry smirked.

"Why you-!" Shade began but was cut short by the immediate impact of Henry smashing the glass with his rod.

"Well, that saga at least, is over for the Bonham's," Henry remarked. He moved towards Luca and gently touched her arm.

"He's not lying, Henry. He will one day get out and return to our world or his. We barely survived this attack and he will be seeking vengeance," replied Luca with a genuine tone of worry in her voice.

"Somehow, we survive every scrape. Let him come, we at least have some time to prepare," replied Henry with a confidence that only worried Luca more. Henry however, turned his attention to Malcolm, "A tremendous applause goes to Mr Funsie and you fine chaps. We would not have survived that without your intervention. Please tell me, how Polly is doing?"

"It's all in a day's work for our travelling crew. We can now add poltergeists to our accomplishments. A far cry from the usual monsters we hunt, but nonetheless, that was a helluva monster you had there."

"I would love to hear more about these monsters but first I must see to Polly."

"Certainly, sir, right this way. She will be fine, it was a minor break. The lady has a few bruises around her head but she will heal just fine after a few weeks of rest."

Malcolm led the way back out of the tent and across the now mainly abandoned, trodden field to a small makeshift tent where Polly lay, asleep.

"That devil sure made work of this poor woman," said a woman of a big build who stood over the resting Polly.

"I fear that was only the devil's lapdog," replied Henry as he approached. "Someone please bring water for my friends he-" Henry stopped as he realised Luca had not followed him into the small tent, nor was he sure if she had followed him across the field from the circus tent. However, glasses of water were brought for Malcolm and his company. Henry himself had refused a drink until he was sat comfortably by Polly's side.

"Me and the lads are grateful for the quench and it has satisfied, but we are going to find something a little stronger, Doctor," Malcolm thanked Henry and they left, "We will be in contact."

"Thank you, good sirs," replied Henry and watched them leave. He turned to his companion, "Polly, what have I got you into? Should I have left you to be content with your life as a clerk making a decent living?"

The plump woman caring for Polly answered for her, "Miss Polly would not have changed a thing, I'm sure. Now you must let her rest, sir. Come back in the morning, she will be perfectly safe with me."

"Thank you, ma'am," replied Henry.

"Call me Gert, short for Gertrude. Me and Mr Trawler will care for her overnight."

"Thank you, Gert," repeated Henry. He left the makeshift tent and headed back towards the circus tent. His first order of business was to find Luca and make preparations for the likely imminent arrival of her master.

End of part three
