As the Grove went quiet again, Bullpuss ventured out, and he and Tigtoes investigated the plethora of pizza fragments which were still enticingly steaming their delicious aroma into the early evening air.

Bullpuss poked his large paw at an Hawaiian Veggie Surprise and wrinkled his nose. “Brrrrp, bit of a surprise here Tigtoes,” he said, “no meat whatsoever. But perhaps you may like these orange and red pepper strips which match your fur!”

Tigtoes was pulling at some chicken nibble bits and arranging them alongside spicy lamb slices, and what he hoped were beefy chunklets.

“Mirrawacau, Bullpuss, not as tasty as Pussypaws, but it will keep us going until teatime!”

And he tucked a large colourful napkin under his chin.

Word must have been passed round the neighbourhood animal grapevine, by the Grey Squirrels and Magpies. The Ginger Nuts suddenly felt that they were being watched and reacted by slightly bushing out their tails, whilst cramming the last fragments of the snacks into their mouths.

“Brrrrp, time for a tactical retreat, Tigtoes!”

As the cats backed off, one of the braver squirrels, Beryl by name, dashed out and grabbed the largest piece of pizza slice that she could carry.


There was a loud squawk as a couple of magpies landed and began separating the bases into smaller pieces.