
How to quit your job and avoid the wrath of your scary boss and stalker manager:

Step 1. Find evidence, reasons for leaving and reasons your boss shouldn't come after you.

This can either be photos of the place along with proof of all the crimes, or with witnesses, all the people who requested illegal services, or meals, and use that as blackmail. Just make sure there's no evidence of you.

Step 2. Find people to support you, just in case.

Some things are easier to do alone, others not so much. If everyone else is in the same boat as you, then why not work together? They might hate you if you don't.

Some good examples of supportive people to help with your esca-plan to quit:

A trained security guard, a tech-savvy person, a professional killer- I mean a trustworthy guy, and someone to help cover your tracks, preferably someone that can burn all the evidence. Maybe an arsonist but those catch too much attention.

Step 3. Hope that you can outsmart the villain of your story, and that your teammates don't cause too much drama.

"Where did you get this advice from? Does it even work?" You're all probably asking.

Well, what do you expect? You just heard it from a little birdie.

"Can I have more context for what story you're about to tell me?"

Well little one, there's violence, blood, death, and food. If you're expecting a life changing story about people who learn valuable lessons and love life even more.... You might want to pick up another book.

On a side note, be warned, I may get sidetracked sometimes, so prepare for lots of annotations... I think.