For the following nights, Ellie suffered from nightmares where Jason, appearing as human with beas-tlike features, tried to devour Paula. She always woke up drenched in sweat, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't go back to sleep until she checked on Paula in her room. The little girl remained blissfully unaware of the trial and everything that had happened that day while she was at her grandparents' house. Strangely, no one had pushed her to eat her veggies, and they had let her watch as many cartoons as she wanted.

That weekend, Harry and Ellie celebrated, but Stacy joined them as well. Although it was a fun night, Ellie had secretly wished to spend some time alone with Harry. She later learned that Jason had been taken into custody for a few days due to his outbusrt in court. She also found out that Ms. Park had decided to not press charges against him, though she didn't know the reasons why.

Stacy quickly returned to her old ways, calling and texting Harry incessantly. She was acting more like a jealous girlfriend rather then the overprotective sister she had once been. Even Harry started to show signs of frustration over his sister's constant interruptions. However, it was Ellie who felt more unsettled. Reaching Harry by phone had become nearly impossible, and their relationship was slipping into a monotonous routine; one where Stacy was always present.

That night, Ellie and Harry were on a date at Literature Café, enjoying one of the live readings. These moments of leisure were when they truly felt like a couple; just the two of them , sharing something they both loved. And the best of all, the café required customers to turn off their phones during the readings, giving them a rare moment of uninterrumpted time together.

The problem came as soon as they stepped outside. As they turned on their phones back on, dozens of missed calls and notifications flooded Harry's screen.

Ellie exhaled sharply, unable to hide her frustration. - Again?... Can't we have just one night to ourselves? -

Harry sighed. - Try to understand... she found out, just like you, what kind of person Jason is. And know she's alone. She's always relied on me. -

Ellie folded her arms. - I do understand, Harry. I've been where she is... but sometimes, I feel like I'm competing for you. And it's not fair. -

Harry reached for her hand, but she pulled away.

- Hey princess, don't be mad. - He pleaded, trying to take her arm.

Ellie stepped back again. - I'm not feeling great. I think I'd rather go home. -

Harry sighed and quickly moved to stand in front of her. - At least let me drive you.I don't want us to part ways like this. -

Ellie hesitated, then shook her head - Harry, you're not doing anything to fix it... -

Harry ran a hand through his hair in frustration. - So it's all on me now? it's up to me? -

- Yes! - Ellie's voice cracked with emotion. - She's your sister, but she make me looks like I'm the other woman. -

Harry threw his hands up. - Then, why don't you try to talking to her? Why don't you try getting to know herr? -

Ellie scoffed. - Because she is a creep... you know what she asked me last time? -

Harry fowned. - What?

- She asked me how good you are in bed. -

Harry's expression darkened. - That's not true.

- Oh, so now I'm lying? - Ellie turned and kept walking toward the bus stop.

Harry ran after her, his voice softer - Listen, let's stop before we say things we regret. Let me take you home, and we'll talk tomorrow. -

After a pause, Ellie exhaeld. - Fine. -

The car ride was silent except for the music playing on the radio. Ellie gazed out of the window, arms crossed, while Harry focused on the road. When they arrived, she immediately reached for the door handle.

- Can I see Paula before I go? - He asked with a smile.

Ellie hesitated but then nodded. - Five minutes. No more. -

Harry followed her into the house, where Paula was completely focused on a game of UNO with Ellie's parents. The little girl chuckled when he saw him..

- Harry! Wanna play? -

Ellie's parents smiled encouragingly. - Join us for a game, it'll be fun. -

Harry, feeling the weight of his argument with Ellie, hesitated. - No, no, It's okay. -

Ellie's father stood up and playfully pushed him into a seat. - You walked into this house on a Saturday night. That means you have to play. -

And just like that, the tension melted away. Laughter and playful banter replaced the frustration from earlier. For a moment, things felt normal again.

After a few rounds, Paula started to yawn, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

- Okay, gorgeous, time for bed. - Ellie said, scooping Paula into her arms.

Harry smiled warmly. - Let me carry her. It's a beautiful night for a walk. -

Ellie nodded, and they walked together in silence, Harry carrying Paula as she slept soundly against his chest. Ellie stole a glance at him from the corner of her eye. Watching him hold Paula made her safe; like they were safe.

And then, remembering the nightmares that had haunted her, she spoke.

- Do you want to come in? -

Harry turned to her and smiled. - Of course. -

'Beep', 'Beep', 'Beep'.

The alarm woke Harry up. He quickly turned it off, he not wanting to wake Ellie. She was lying beside him, resting peacefully. 'She's as beautiful as she'll ever be.' He thought. He resisted the urge to kiss her, not wanting to disturb her sleep.

Carefully He slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen. He had set an alarm early to prepare muffins for breakfast. It was extremly difficult because; he had to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake Ellie or Paula. But in the end, the delicious smell betrayed him.

Drawn by the scent, Ellie was the first to walk into the kitchen. She found Harry standing in front of the oven, carefully checking how the muffins as they baked.

- It's smell delicious... I could get used to this. - Ellie said, leaning against the doorframe.

- To muffins in the mornings? - Harry asked innocently.

Ellie smirked. - No, silly. To having you around here... I mean... everyday. -

Harry stood up to meet her gaze. - Could you resist the tempation of this body... everyday? - He gestured to himself from head to toe, smirking playfully.

Ellie chuckled - Maybe... just maybe I don't want to resist. -

They kissed with passion igniting.

- Eww, are you making babies? - Paula's sleepy voice came from the doorway.

Ellie and Harry instantly pulled apart, blushing. Harry was the first to recover.

- No Paula, we're not making babies – He said, clearing his throat. - we're baking muffins. -

- Can I have one? - Paula walked closer, staring at the oven with fascination.

- Of course. As soon as they are ready. We'll have them for breakfast. - Harry said, glancing at Ellie, who was still regaining her composture. He gently touched her cheek, his voice softer now. - I'd love to stay around as long as you want me here. -

They enjoyed the muffins together, followed by a short morning walk in the park. Harry was eager to start packing; he wanted to move in with Ellie and Paula as soon as possible.

As he was driving home, a message from Stacy popped up;

Can you come over? I think Jason was lurking around last night, I was scared but you never answered your phone”

Harry sighed. Jason had already proved himself violent and potentially a dangerous. He couldn't ignore it. He turned the car aorund and headed to Stacy's house.

When he arrived, every light in the house was on. That wasn't normal. He quickly stepped out of the car and went to the front door. It was locked. Frowning, he pulled out his key and let himself in.

Inside, the house was eerily quiet, except for the muffled sounds of someone sobbing.


- Stacy? Are you here? - Harry called out. No response.

His fists clenched as he cautiosly stepped forward, bracing himself for the worst. When he entered the living room, he found Stacy curled up on the couch, completely wrapped in a blanket, trembling as she cried.

- Where were you?... I needed you! - Stacy suddenly stood up and threw herself at Harry, hugging him tightly.

- I'm sorry Stacy... I spent the night at Ellie's and I had my phone silent. Where did you see him? - Guilt crept into Harry's chset. He had spent the nigth in warmth and love while his sister had been terrified and alone.

Stacy pointed outside, toward some bushes near the house. - I saw a man crouching there... then he was just gone... I got scared. -

Harry immediately stepped out the house to check the area. - Why didn't you call the cops? -

From behind him, Stacy's voice came, but her tone was different – Did you sleep with her? -

Harry turned around, frowning. - She's my girlfriend, Stacy... Of course I did. But that's none of your bussiness. -

Stacy face twisted with anger. - It is my bussiness when I'm in here, alone, in danger, while you're off banging that whore. -

Harry's entired body tensed. He turned sharply, taking a step toward her, his fists clenching by his sides. For a second, he didn't know what he was going to do; yell at her? Walk away? But then, before he could decide, Stacy suddenly dropped on her knees, sobbing.

- Don't you understand? I'm alone here... I need you. -

Harry exhaled, his muscles loosening slightly. But his voice remained firm. - Then get used to it... because I'm moving in with her... -

Stacy's head snapped up, her tear-streaked face frozen in shock.

Harry turned and stormmed out, slamming the door behind him.

Meanwhile Ellie was enjoying the rest of her Sunday morning with Paula. She cooked pasta and she read some child's book to her daughter. Everything felt like any other Sunday; until the evening, when she received a text from Harry;

Ellie, I think Stacy has done something stupid, she's locked herself in the bathroom and won't open the door. Hurry and come, please I NEED YOU.”

Ellie thought back to the argument she had with Harry the previous night 'Maybe I pushed him too hard, and he said something...”

She didn't hesitate. Calling a taxi, she first dropped Paula off at her parents' house, before heading to Stacy's.

When she arrived, every light was on, the front door was wide open.

'Oh my god... something is really wrong.”

Her heart pounded as she ran inside. The house was eerily silent.

- Harry?... Stacy? - Ellie called out, her voice laced with fear.

No response.

She moved cutiously toward the kitchen; and she saw it. A kitchen knife, lying on the counter, covered in blood. Instinctively she picked it up. The fresh blood smeared onto her had as she stared at with horror.

A noise from the living room made her spin around, gripping the knife as if expecting an atack.

It was Stacy.

She stood in the middle of the room, her arms covered with deep cuts, scratches on her faces, tufts of hairs torn from her scalp exposing raw sking.

But she was smiling.

A cold, twisted smile full of malice.

- Oh my god! Are you okay? - Ellie took a step toward her.

Stacy didn't move. Her voice was eerily calm, disturbingly firm - No, I'm far from okay... but soon I'll be. -

Ellie froze. Something wasn't right. Her gut twisted with an unexplainable sense of danger. Her grip on the knife tightened.

- What did you do to Harry? - She demanded, her voice shaking. - Harry! - She called out, but there was no answer.

Stacy titled her head, smile widening. - I'm going to enjoy every second of your downfall. -

Suddenly, the screetching soud of tires outside made Ellie's blood run cold.


Seconds later, he burst into the house, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. His eyes darted around, landing on Ellie; standing there, knife in hand, blood covering her fingers.

His gaze shifted to Stacy, who had dropped on her knees, sobbing hysterically.

- Harry she is crazy! She is tried to kill me! - Stacy screamed, her body trembling.

Twenty minutes earlier, as Harry had been packing his things he had received a text from Ellie;

I love you, and I want us to move in together, but we won't be happy until I DO something about your sister. I'll TAKE CARE of her. You'll thank me in the morning.”

Harry's stomach dropped. He had rushed to Stacy's house as fast as he could, fearing the worst.

And now; This.

His face contorted with horror – Ellie, what the fuck did you do?! -

He stormed forward, grabbing the knife from Ellie's unresisting hands. She was frozen, paralyzed, unable to comprehend how things had spiraled so quickly.

Harry threw the knife aside, the clattering sound echoing through the room. That noise snapped Ellie back to reality. She instinctively stepped away, fear gripping in her chest; not to Harry, but of Stacy's eyes.

That smile.

It hadn't faded.

Harry pulled Stacy into his arms, shielding her, his body trembling with rage.

- Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops! - he spat.

Ellie gasped. - Harry, I... ' -

- Leave!' -

Tears blurred her vision as she turned and ran, her breath coming in ragged sobs. She didn't know where she was going; she just knew she had to get away.

Behind her. Stacy's smile only widened.