Ellie slept restlessly during that night, dreams coming and going, denying her any real rest.
She was waiting for Harry at the café, checking her phone, he was late. Then, suddenly, she saw him walking down the street. He was walking fast, his eyes darting around as if he were being watched.
He finally reached Ellie and he spoke without hesitation.
- Do you have it? - He asked with urgently.
- Hello?… Good evening?… - Ellie replied shocked, but she still handed the phone abruptly.
Harry grabbed it quickly and typed something on the screen. - We don't have much time… they’re after us. He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him.
Suddenly, gunshots rang out from everywhere. Bullets started hit the walls and the ground around them.
- Ahh! - Ellie screamed. - What’s going on…. Who are these people? - She instinctively crawled to avoid the bullets, she noticed she had a gun in her ands. 'Why do I have THIS?' She was totally stunned.
- They’re after the phone… I stole some important documents from them! - Harry pulled out a gun and started to shoot back. Bullets flew past him, but of course, not a single one hit.
- Ahh! - Ellie screamed and covered her ears, paralyzed. Her gun hit the ground, went off on its own, and somehow took down a man dressed in black sneaking up behind them.
Suddenly, Harry stood up and fired precisely at the attackers. Cars exploded in the distance, and men dressed in black were sent flying. Every bullet found its mark, and one by one, all the attackers fell to the ground, dead.
He turned to Ellie, reached for her hand and pulled her up. Then, suddenly, he kissed her. His intense gaze locked on hers.
'I see... this is what happens when the hero saves the girl.'
- I have been abroad for too long – he murmured, - but now I’m back. -
'Wait... is this a movie? Do the credits come after this?'
‘Beep’, ‘Beep’, ‘Beep.’
The alarm clock rang loundly and woke her up from her sleep.
She sat on the bed, breathing heavily. She checked her body, looking for any kind of injuries. ‘What on earth was that’ She shook her head and smiled to herself, ‘Why are you so excited about this?… You’re just returning the phone... you'll probably never see him again.’
Ellie glanced beside her and saw Paula sleeping peacefully. Ellie smiled and gently stroked the little girl’s shoulder.
- Hey, gorgeous… - she whispered softly. - Time to wake up… - She leaned in and kissed her forehead.
- Mommy… five more minutes. - She mumbled, pulling the sheets over her head.
Ellie chuckled and tickled her playfully - Wake up or I’ll tickle you until you pee all over the bed! -
Laughter filled the room as mother and daughter fought with the pillows, making the morning a playful battle.
After an intense battle between responsibility and laziness, mother and daughter had breakfast together and got ready for Saturday morning. Ellie had to work on Saturdays to make up for the hours she couldn’t work in the afternoons during the week while taking care of Paula. The publishing house where she worked encouraged employees to balance their worke and family life.
- Mommy… can we go to the big park this afternoon? - Paula asked in a pleading tone.
- Sorry, gorgeous… but I’m busy this afternoon… Can we go tomorrow morning instead? - Ellie said while hanging the backpack over the little girl’s shoulders.
- Uhm… okay… but you have to pull me really super high in the swing!. - She chuckled, raising her hands as if she were already feeling the wind against them.
Ellie chuckled and rubbed the girl's hair. - Sure gorgeous... You'll fly high! - She picked up her daughter in the air and the little girl used her arms as if they were they wings of a plane.
Ellie took Paula to her parent’s house and headed to work with Harry’s phone in her bag. Working at the publishing house was her dream job; being surrounded by books reading all the time made her truly happy. She had been always fond of romance novels, but to be honest, she loved reading anything that fell into her hands.
Time passed three time faster for her at work, and before she knew it, it was time to leave the office.
- Bye Lisa... see you on Monday! - Ellie waved her hand to Lisa, the girl at the reception desk.
She went to the bus stop and headed to the café. She looked at the passengers; she usually didn't take this bus line on Saturdays, so the faces were different from what she was used to seeing on weekday afternoons.
Ellie noticed an elderly couple sitting few seats away, having a quiet but intense argument. She couldn't tell what it was about, but although they were'nt shouting, their faces were flushed. The man gestured wildly in the air while the woman had her eyes wide, dramatic eyes.
'Is there love at the end? Or just a lifetime of companionship?'
A teenager girl sitting across from Ellie was smiling at her phone, texting. The girl took a selfie, pouting. Ellie wasn't nosy, but she couldn't help but see all the heart emojis in the replies.
'I miss that feeling... Can I feel it again?'
Ellie shook her head and, to distract herself. She opened her bag and saw her makeup. Despite the bus's bumpy ride, Ellie tried to fix her makeup. Before she realized it, she was humming a song she liked.
She was lost in her makeup when she heard the 'beep' sound of someone ringing the bell to make the bus stop. The café was at the next stop. She put her things away and fixed her hair using the bus window as mirror.
When she stepped off the bus, the air was chilly, so she pulled her coat tighter around herself. The smell of winter filled the air.
She walked toward the café and stepped inside. It was almost empty at that time; most of people were out for dinner rather than coffee. The warmth inside was comforting.
- Hello! Can I have a hazelnut latte? - Ellie smiled at the young barista and paid for her order.
The worker smiled back, clearly counting the minutes until the end of her shift.
Ellie sat at the same table where she had met Harry for the first time. She took out his phone, and by accident, the screen activated. A picture of a blonde girl hugging a golden retriever appeared. She was stunning; with an incredible figure and beautiful smile.
When the screen went dark, Ellie could see her reflection in the blackness of the phone.
'Ellie... get a grip.' She sighed. 'Look at her? How can you compare that young looking model kind with you?'
Suddenly the café's door opened, and Harry walked in.
That day, he was dressed more formaly. His hair was perfectly styled, and his smile appeared as soon as he spotted her. He waved as he approached.
- Good evening... Cold out there, isn't it? - He exhaled onto his hands to warm them. - Do you mind I grab a coffee too? -
Ellie smiled back – Sure, this is a café, after all. -
She held out his phone, but Harry turned toward the counter instead. A moment later, he returned with a hazelnut latte.
- Isn't it best here? - He said, inhaling the aroma before taking a sip.
Ellie smirked, 'I thought he was just going to take the phone and leave...'
She took a sip of her coffee, hidding behind the mug. She handed the phone. Harry reached it, and their fingers brushed, sending an unexpected shiver up her arm. She pulled her hand back quickly, almost as if she had done something wrong.
Harry smirked but pretended not to notice.
- Do you come here often? - He asked, wrapping his hands around his coffee for warmth.
Ellie hesitated. Her pulse quickened.
- I see... you're the shy type, aren't you? - He leaned back in his chair, looking at her.
Ellie shook her head but Harry couldn't help but laugh. - Then why haven't I heard your voice yet? -
- It's hard for me to open up. - Ellie blushed. 'What does he want?'
Harry chuckled, - Don't worry, I have nothing to do tonight... so I'll stay with you until you tell me about yourself... unless you want me to leave. - Harry took a sip of his coffee, hiding his face behind the mug.
- No! - She blurted out, then inmediately covered her mouth, fearing she had been too loud and disturbed the few costumers in the café. 'You're crazy Ellie'
- No?... So should I stay?... Or no?... Should I leave? - Harry's amused face showed he was enjoying the game.
- You don't have to leave... It's just... I haven't talked to a stranger for a long time... I forgot how this works. - She felt strange after saying it, 'He may think I'm desperate... am I?'
- Then I have the perfect solution for your problem... - He paused and then said. - Let me buy you dinner tonight. Let's not be strangers. -
Ellie hesitated, 'What about his girlfriend... wife... or whatever... does he want to be my friend... does he want I become his lover?' Questions without answer raced through her mind.
- I know a good restaurant around here... I promise you'll be at home before eleven... If you don't like it, you'll never have to see me again. - He placed his hand on his heart emphasize his promise.
Ellie found it childish and funny, 'He doesn't look like a serial killer... but then again, how do serial killer look?... Ellie, don't be paranoid... just for one night, have fun... Talk to him... BE BRAVE.'
– Okay... Give me a moment. - Ellie stood up and went to the restroom. She pulled out her phone and called her mother.
- Hey mom! -
- Ellie, when are you back? Should I prepare dinner for the four of us? -
- No... actually I'm gonna have dinner with a friend, can you take care of Paula until I get back. -
- Sure honey... have fun! -
- Thank's mom!
Ellie's heart was pounding as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. 'Am I going out on a Saturday night? I can't recognize you Ellie.'
She stepped out of the toilet and walked toward Harry who was checking his messages on the phone.
- I'm ready when you are. - She smiled.
Harry drank the last sip of his coffee. - Let's go! - He said enthusiasm
They walked side by side, looking at the ground in silence. - So... What do you do for a living? - Harry asked trying to break the ice.
- I read books. - Ellie immediately regretted her answer and closed her eyes. 'Seriously, Ellie? Couldn't you say something better? Like, I edit books for a publishing house?
Harry an eyebrow in surprise. - You get paid just for reading? - He looked up at the night sky and then back at her. - Where do I apply? -
Ellie laughed. - I check for style and grammar errors in new publications. - The silence returned, she played with a strand of her hair. - What about you? -
Harry too a deep breath. - I'm a baker... a good one, indeed. - His voice was full of pride. - I took over my father's business, and now I run our family bakery. -
Ellie nodded, impressed. - Wow... I thought you were a spy or something. -
He replied playfully. - I was... but the commies erased my memories and made me think I'm a baker. -
They both laughed and continued walking. The restaurant was an italian filled with young couples. Ellie could tell that some were on their first dates; Nervous laughs, akwards small talk.
'Love is in the air' She thought to herself as the waiter led them to their table.
The place looked fancy with great attention to detail and decoration. From the courtains to the elegant chandeliers.The waiters were dressed in white shirts and black trousers, and a violinist played softly near the talbes. The smell of italian food filled the air with the scent of cheese, tomato and spices. It made Ellie's apetite to wide.
- What would you like to have, ma'am? - The waiter asked, taking out a pen and notepad.
- Pasta... uhm... carbonara. - Ellie smiled. 'Carbonara is always a safe choice'
- And for you, sir? - The waiter waited the answer waving his pen.
- Pizza... carbonara. - He smiled and both handed back the menus.
The waiter left and they were there sitting across from each other.
- Looks like we have similar tastes... hazelnut lattes... carbonara... what's next? - Ellie asked, trying to sound sociable.
- Maybe a love for reading? And who knows, maybe you're a great pretzel devourer too. - Harry smiled, unable to take his eyes off her.
- I read for a living but it's true I always loved reading. That's why I studied English literature back in college. Then I started working at the publishing house. And yes... I love pretzels. - 'Thank you Ellie... now you are having a serious normal adult conversation.'
- Do you always read at that café?... I've never seen you there until yesterday. - Harry signaled to the waiter.
- Yes...well, actually, only recently. Before that, I didn't have much time. - She tore a piece of garlic bread without eating it. - How are you sure you've never seen me before? -
- Because if I had, I would have talked to you at the moment I saw you. - The waiter arrived, Harry gestured toward Ellie. - Wine? -
- Red – Ellie answered. 'Wine... Is this becoming a date?'
- Two glasses of red wine, please. - The waiter left with the order.
Ellie hesitated before speaking again. - Why?... I mean... I'm not that special. And besides, it looks like you have someone in your life. - Ellie bit her lip. 'Damn it.'
- Who?... Oh, Stacy – Harry took a bite of bread. - She is my stepsister... I've been divorced for two years now. -
For the first time that night Harry looked speechless.
- Sorry... I didn't mean to be nosy. - Ellie turned her gaze to the counter, avoiding the eye contact. 'Shit, shit, shit'
- It's fine... I've already moved on... thanks to my step sister. But now she is having a tough time with her fiancé; that's why she called me yesterday... we are very close. -
The food arrived. Harry thanked the waiter.
- To answer your question... I would've talked to you as soon as I saw you because when I walked into that café and saw you there, the only free chair was in front of you and you were reading a book... I thought to myself... if God exists, he's definitely sending me a sign. -
Ellie blushed and thanked the waiter. - You have a silver tongue, don't you? -
Harry smiled – I do... -
They enjoyed dinner, and as the night went on, they grew more comfortable. Laughter turned into meaningful glances and conversations about books, movies and hobbies.
When Harry offered to drive Ellie home, she hesitated for only a moment before accepting. Inside the car, they discovered their mutal love for 80s rock music. They sang together, laughing as they tried to hit the high tones.
As they reached Ellie's parents house, she hesitated with her hand on the door handle.
- Harry... do you want to see me again? - She asked, he voice barely a whisper.
- I can't wait to see you again, Ellie. - He smiled, his hands still on the steering wheel.
Ellie took a deep breath. - I have something to tell you... I'd rather you know now before we create any expectations. - She didn't dare to look at hims. '
- I'm listening. - His tone was gentle.
- I have a daughter... she's five years old now... I'm a single mother. - Her heart pounded, waiting for his reaction.
Harry's smile widened – That's great! I love kids, so... what about next saturday? - He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
- Next saturday... Harry thank's... I had a really good time. - She stepped out of the car and waved.
- When you're ready, introduce me to your daughter! - Harry called out as he started the engine.
Ellie watched his car drive away, smiling. 'Is he?... what if he isn't my soulmate?'
She entered her parents' house. Paula was sleeping on the couch with her head on her grandfather's lap, she stared at her and played with her hair carefully to not wake her up. Ellie's parents were watching TV.
- How was the dinner honey? - Her mother asked soflty.
Ellie smiled and sat on the couch - Better than expected mom... much better. -
She stayed for a while, chatting with her parents before carrying Paula back to their apartment.
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