Jason smirked as he looked at Paula. - Hey kiddo! - He called out, but the little girl was too focused on playing with Stacy's dog.
Ellie stormed toward him, her face flushed with anger, while Harry watche in shock. Ellie grabbed Jason's arm and pulled him inside the living room.
- Don't you dare talk to her. - Her grip was tight with fury.
Jason shook his head, a sly grin spreading across his lips.
– She's mine, isn't she. - He pulled his arm form Ellie's grasp. - You were never going to tell me were you? -
Harry stepped forward, his expression full of confusion. - What are you talking about, Jason? -
Jason violently pulled his arm away. - Don't touch me! - He turned back to Ellie and jabbed a finger toward her chest.
Harry instantly grabbed Jason's wrist. - Don't touch her! - His voice was dangerously firm.
The tension in the room became uberable. Ellie couldn't hold it anymore; she burst into tears.
- He is my ex-boyfriend... and Paula's father. -
At that moment, Stacy entered the room, drawn by the sudden shouting.
- What's going on here? - She asked, looking at the scene in confusion.
Ellie glanced at stacy; and then it hit her.
- Oh my god... you're the woman he... he cheated on me with. -
Jason's expression drakened. His hand twitched, and before anyone could react, he swung his arm back, aiming to slap her.
- Shut the fuck up. -
But Harry was faster. He shoved Jason back before his hand could reach Ellie.
- Easy buddy. Let's calm down and talk things through. - Harry said, his voice now carrying a sharp edge as he pushed Jason away.
Meanwhile, Stacy turned to Jason, her face slowly twisting in realization.
- You... You told me she was just your flatmate with a crush on you. You swore you were single. - Her cheeks burned with anger.
Jason was now completely cornered, without anyone left to defend him.
- Why didn't you tell me? - His voice ws lower, but his eyes burned with resentment.
Ellie wiped her tears and answered between shaky breaths.
- Because I wanted you out of my life... but I failed. -
Jason smirked. - This isn't over, you'll hear from me. -
Stacy took a step forward, her hands clenched into fists.
- I knew you were a cheater, but you made me waste five years of my life. -
Before Jason could react, she spat inn his face.
Jason wiped it off, his face twisting in disgust. He turned toward the exit.
- Fuck you all, this isn't over. - He growled before slamming the door behind him.
Ellie collapsed onto the couch, sobbing, Harry and Stacy sat beside her. Harry wrapping an arm around her shoulders with his arms in an attempt to comfort her.
- I'm sorry about that scene... - Ellie sniffled, trying to regain control of her emotions.
- No need to apologize, I always suspected him, but you opened my eyes. - Stacy patted her lap as a reassuring gesture.
Harry's jaw was clenched, his voice laced with fury.
- If I ever meet him alone, he'll regret. -
- No, please don't... - Ellie shook her head, trying to calm him down. - I just want him out of our lives. I think is better if we leave. -
But before she could stand up, Stacy knelt in front of her, placing her hands on Ellie's kness.
- No, stay... I know isn't the best time for a party, but do it for Paula, she's having fun.
Stacy was right. Although it wasn't the best time for a party. Paula was having the time of her life playing with Bites, Stacy's dog. As the minutes passed, Ellie calmed down. Her mood wasn't great, she tried to enjoy the evening as much as possible.
When the food was finally served, Paula returned to the table, sweaty and out of breath.
- Mommy... were you crying? Where's the other man? - She asked innocently.
Ellie rubbed her face, trying to hide any trace of tears. - I was just so happy to see you playing with the dog that I couldn't hold back my tears. -
Paula smiled cheerfully. - Can we have a doggy? -
Ellie chuckled. - When you're a little bit older... okay? -
The evening eventually came to an end. Thanks to Harry and Stacy, Ellie managed to get at least a few good memories from the first real meeting with Stacy. It turned out that the woman Jason had cheated with had also been deceived. Stacy had never intended to be anyone's mistress, let alone break up a relationship that was so close to marriage.
That night, Ellie gained a new friend and reaffirmed her relationship with Harry.
However, Jason's words lingered in her mind. She could still see the look in his eyes when he left.
'What is he planning?'
She didn't have to wait long for an answer.
Few weeks after the party, she received a notification from the court.
Jason had sued her for Paula's custody.
Her heart sank. 'Just when I found stability... he comes back.'
She stared at the paper with disbelief. 'I don't have the money to hire a good lawyer, What if he takes her away from me?'
Panic set in. Without hesitation, she pulled out her phone and called Harry.
- Hello princess, what's up? - Harry's voice was slightly muffled by the sounds of baking machines in the background.
- Hi, handsome... listen, I just got a notification from the court. Jason wants custody of Paula... I don't know what to do... - She voice broke as she started sobbing.
- Hey, hey, calm down, we'll figure this out... look, Why don't you call Stacy?... She has a friend who's lawyer... I think her specializes in divorces and custody cases. -
- Okay... but won't it bother her? - Ellie's vocie trembled with worry.
- Not at all... the way she's been talking about Jason, I think she'd love the chance to destroy him. - He chuckled softly.
Ellie managed a small smile. - I see... then I'll call her... thank you, Harry, love you. -
- Love you too princess, I'll bring some cookies for Paula later. - Harry made a kissing sound before hanging up the phone.
Since breaking up with Jason, Stacy had been calling Harry far less often.
Ellie couldn't help but envy how easily Stacy seemed to move on from a five-year relationship. Every time they met, Stacy looked relieved than heartbroken.
She dialed Stacy's number.
- Yes, Ellie – Stacy's voice came through, accompanied by the sound of typing on a keyboard.
- Is this a bad time - Ellie bit her nail, unsure.
- Not at all... what's up?. -
- I got a notification from the court, Jason wants custody of Paula... Harry said you know someone who might help. -
- Amanda, she's an amazing lawyer. Hardcore feminist, too... Harry's right, she's perfect for this. - Stacy's voice was full of confidence.
Ellie hesitated. - But... I don't have the money to afford a good lawyer... -
Stacy chuckled. - Oh, don't worry. Amanda lives for cases like this. Ruinning douchebags like Jason is basically a hobby for her. - There was a pause and a faintt clicking sound – And don't stress about money. Harry and I are here for you. -
Ellie exhaled a breth she didn't realize she was holding. - Thank you so much, Stacy... you're proving to be a really good friend. -
- My pleasure, Ellie... Honestly, I want to ruin Jason's life as much as Amanda does. - Stacy laughed. - I'll text you her contact info now. Good luck! -
Ellie had barely time to precess the call before her phone buzzed witha new message; Stacy had sent all the details.
Without wasting a second, Ellie dialed the number.
- Amanda & Co. Legal Services, how can I assist you? - A young assistant recepcionist.
- I'd like to schedule a meeting with Amanda. Stacy Milton recommended her services. - Ellie sounded composed, but her voice was still shaky from the shock.
- Understood... ma'am. Hold for a moment, please. I believe she can takle your call directly. - Ellie could hear faint button presses in the background.
A few seconds later, a confident, but authoritative voice replaced the recepcionist.
- Hello! Amanda Thorn speaking. Could you briefly explain your case? -
Ellie took a deep breath and explained everything. What had happened with Jason five years ago. What had just happened now. As she spoke, the weight of it all crashed down on her.
'Will I ever be free of him?'
Amanda listened patiently, not interrupting once, taking notes as Ellie talked. Finally she spoke.
- Sounds interesting... - Ellie could hear the amusement in her voice. - Come to my office on Thursday, and we'll go over the details... That bastard doesn't stand a chance. Nice to meet you, Ms. Lockheart. -
What had started as gloomy day now had a spark of hope. Ellie felt relieved, Amanda sounded confident, and she wouldn't have found her without Harry and Stacy.
This time, she didn't have to face Jason alone, and that made all the difference.
Ellie couldn't shake her nerves. The anxiety ate away at her, so she grabbed her phone and called Harry.
- Hi princess, everything okay? - His voice was tinged with concern. He wasn't expecting her call, and he knew the meeting with Amanda was that afternoon.
- Hey handsome, I don't know... I just needed to hear your voice before I left... - Her voice trembled.
- Hey listen, I wish I could go with you, but the bakery is crazy busy right now. If you want, I can ask Stacy to meet you there. -
- Can you? That would be really nice. - Ellie felt a sense of relief. Stacy's presence made her feel shielded against Jason.
- Of course. She'll meet you at Amanda's office. Ellie... everything is gonna be okay. Love you, princess. -
- Love you too, handsome. I don't know what I'd do without you. - Ellie sighed, hanging up before heading to Amanda's office.
She waited at the bus stop.
'How far is Jason willing to take this.'
Ellie used to remembered Jason as a warm and caring person. Sure, he had a temper; sometimes losing his patiente over the smallest things, but she had never imagined him being this vindictive.
The bus arrived, and she stepped inside.
It was packed with passengers, each wrapped in their own bussiness. As usual, Ellie observed them. A loud voice caught her attention.
A man speaking on the phone, was arguing; loudly, clearly making some passengers uncomfortable. Though Ellie couldn't hear everything, it was obvious he was talking to with his wife or ex-wife, arguing over a divorce and splitting assets.
'Love can turn ugly in the end... Maybe Jason is just reacting how anyone would in this situation.'
But deep down, she knew it was more than that.
Stacy was already there, leaning against a lamppost, scrolling through her phone while chewing gum. When she spotted Ellie, she blew a bubble before weaving excitedly.
- Hey sweety, good to see you! - Stacy had a way of acting like one of those sassy rich girls from the TV shows; dramatic yet effortessly cool. She opened her arms for a hug, and Ellie followed her lead.
- Thanks for coming, It really means a lot. -
Stacy groaned at her phone. - Ugh, damn it! My battery is dead, and I need to sent an important message, can I use your phone? - She held up her dark, lifeless screen as proof.
- Sure, go ahead. - Ellie handed over her phone without thinking twice. As they walked toward the office, Stacy typed away on Ellie's phone. Ellie didn't want pry, so she stayed silent ultil Stacy handed it back.
- Here you go. Thanks sweety. - Stacy winked, popping another bubble.
The office was stunning.
A massive window overlooked the city, filling the space with natural light. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves were packed with law books. A heavy oak desk sat in the center, paired with an elegant leather chair. The air smelled of paper and ink.
As they look in their surroundings, the soun of high heels clacking against the floor echoed through the hall.
'Clack', 'clack', 'Clack'
The stpes were deliberate. Powerful. Confident.
The muffled voice of a woman speaking to the recepcionist could be heard, authoritative and unwavering. Though they couldn't make out the words, the tone aone was enough to make Ellie feel like she was about to meet someone formidable.
Suddenly the door opened and Amanda Thorn stepped in.
She was intimidating. Dressed in a flawless white dress that accentuated her curves, Amanda irradiated confidence. Her short, wavy hair was perfectly styled, framin a face of sharp, calculated beauty. Her make up was intense; but never overdone.
Then there was her smile, it wasn't warm, it wasn't friendly. It was the smirk of a predator sizing up its prey.
Ellie and Stacy instinctively stood up, but Amanda gestured for them to sit. She extended a hand to Ellie.
- Ms Lockheart, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. -
Ellie shook her hand, instantly feeling the power in her girp.
Amanda turned to Stacy and smiled.
- Ah, there is my favourite lass -
Stacy kissed Amanda's cheek before Amanda sat confidently to her chair.
She pulled a file from her desk, flipping through it slowly; deliberately, like savouring everyword.
- I've been studying Mr. Feuer. - Amanda's lips curled upward. - He's been a naughty boy. -
Ellie raised an eyebrow - Why do you say that? -
Amanda leaned back in her chair, fingers tapping against her lips.
- Looks like he's broke, full of debt, he was relying on Stacy to keep his bussiness afloat. - She twirled a pencil between her fingers. - But our little rock star really did us a favor... he got into a fight at a pub last weekend. Arrested, no charges pressed, but a sensible judge would never let a child live with someone like that. -
Suddenly Amanda snapped the pencil in half.
- He thinks he is smart. Thinks he has rights over your daughter, Ms. Lockheart... but in realliy? - She smirked. - He's just another man who thinks he can outsmart me. -
Ellie swallowed hard. Amanda exuded absolute confidence, as if she had already won the case before it even began.
- So... how much it will cost? - Ellie asked nervously.
Amanda slid a piece of paper toward her.
'Three thousand pounds...'
Her heart dropped.
- I... I can't. - She muttered.
Stacy peeked over her shoulder, then placed a reassuring hand on Ellie's. - I'll cover it... you can pay back little by little. -
Ellie looked at her, stunned.
- I'll pay you back. Every single penny. -
- Told you not to worry. - Stacy winked.
Amanda smirked. - Then is settled -
As Ellie left the office, she checked her phone. A strange file was in her downloads folder. She tapped it, nothing happened.
'What is this? I haven't download anything.'
Ellie felt confident about the outcome of the trial. As she walked home, she thought, 'I'm so lucky to have met Harry... and Stacy. I feel bad for disliking her at first... but I now understand her, Jason made her life miserable, too.'
A few days had passed since her meeting with Amanda. Ellie was at her office, reviewing a new novel, when her phone buzzed. A message from Stacy appeared on the screen;
“Hey sweety! I've just realized we haven't spent much time together. How about we meet for a coffee?”
Ellie smiled and thought 'She is so sweet' then she quickly replied;
“Sure, why not? This afternoon at Literature Café downtown? Six?”
Few secons later Ellie got Stacy's reply;
“Perfect! See you there!”
As Ellie was about to leave work, she noticed her pohone screen flickering oddly. Ellie checked it, but everything seemed normal. 'I'll sask Stacy about it later; she's good with these things.'
At the recepcion desk, Lisa spotted her and smirked. - I heard about Jason... I'm sorry... he's such a douchebag. -
Ellie smirked back. - Yes... he really is... Luckily, Stacy is helping me... she got me the best lawyer in town for these cases. -
Lisa wrinkled her nose. - I don't know Ellie. You mentioned before that she was a pain in the ass. Be careful. -
Ellie frowned. - What do you mean? -
Lisa sighed. - Beware the friendly snake, bitting is in their nature. -
Ellie was caught off guard by Lisa's criptyc words. She never expected such wisdom from the nosy recepcionist.
Ellie chuckled, shaking her head. - Whatever you say Lisa, see you tomorrow! -
Ellie didn't dwell on Lisa's warning and headed to the café.
On the bus, she spotted the teenage girl she had see making out in the backseats a few weeks ago. But this time, the girl was crying, staring at her phone.
Ellie peeked at the screen. A picture of the boy; her boy, kissing another girl.
'Poor thing, I know that feeling. At least he didn't waste more than ten years of your life... like Jason did to me.'
Ellie sighed. She felt sorry for the girl, but at the same time, she was relieved that at least some people learned that lesson early.
The bus reached her stop, and Ellie stepped off.
The café was half-empty. There were no book readings that afternoon, making the atmosphere quieter than usual.
Inside, Stacy was already seated, scrolling through her phone; as always.
Ellie greeted her with a big smile and kissed her cheek, the same way she had greeted Amanda.
- Hey! Good to see you. - Ellie placed her bag on the table. - I'm going to order something real quick. -
When she returned with her hazelnut-latte, Stacy was holding Ellie's phone, tapping on the screen.
Ellie frowned slightly, Stacy noticed.
- Your screen was flickering earlier, so I installed and app to check if someone is was trying to steal your data. - She handed the phone back with a smile. - That'll keep you safe from future attacks. -
Ellie raised an eybrow. - Do you believe someone hacked it? - Her voice was full of worry.
Stacy shook her head. - I don't think so, I was probably just a data-mining attempt... nothing to worry about. - She smiled reassuringly.
Ellie let out a breath of relief. - I don't trust these things, we rely on them too much. -
- Totally agree. - Stacy sipped her coffee, then leaned in with a playful smile. - So... what about my brother? -
- What about him? - Ellie blinked, caught off guard.
Stacy swirled her coffee with the spoon. - You know... how far are you planning to go with him? -
Ellie hesitated. - I don't know... whe are still getting to know each other... I feel comfortable with him... and I hope he feels same about me. - She took a nervous sip of her latte and quickly changed the subject.
- So... How exactly did you two become step-siblings? - 'Was that too direct?... Well her question was too...'
Stacy set her cup down and stirred it absently with her spoon.
- Harry's mother died during childbirth... it's sad; he never got to met her... From what his dad told me, she was an amazing woman. -
Ellie looked down at her coffee.
'Everybody has a sad story.'
- My mom divorced my real dad years before meeting Harry's dad, they fell in love and got married. -
Ellie asked, full of curiousity. - How old were you when you met Harry? -
Stacy took a sip. - I was thirteen, He was fifteen. -
Then, Stacy gazed at Ellie intensely. - Is he good at?... you know. -
Ellie nearly chocked on her coffee. - I thought were meeting to get to know each other better, not to talk about Harry. -
Stacy leaned back, raising her hands in mock surrender. - Right, right... just undertand; Harry and I are really close. We've been together since we met, and we have a bond stronger than most siblings. -
Ellies phone buzzed, Ellie glanced at the screen. It was a message from Paula's school. Paula wasn't feeling well.
Ellie inmediately stood up. - Sorry Stacy, I have to go. - Ellie kissed Stacy's cheek in a rush.
Stacy smiled, watching her leave. - Let's meet again next week. -
Ellie left with an unsettling feeling, 'Why does she want to know those things?... He's her brother, for God's sake!' Ellie hurried to Paula's school, her thoughts racing.
When she arrived, she was surprised to see Harry already there, holding Paula in his arms. The little girl's face was flushed with fever.
- Harry! What are you doing here? -
Harry looked just as surprised to see Ellie. - You texted me. You said Paula wasn't feeling well and that you couldn't come... I left the bakery almost unattended. -
Ellie froze 'I texted him?' She had no memory of it. Quickly, she pulled out her phone and checked her messages. The text was there. She stared at the screen, confused. - I... I'm so sorry Harry... I must have felt overwhelmed and texted you without realizin it... go back to the bakery, handsome. I've got this - She leaned in and kissed him.
- Do you want I drive you home? - Harry asked with a soft smile.
- No... You've already done enough... go back to work. - She touched Paula's forehead, it was burning.
- It's on the way... I'll be happy to take you. - Harry said, already opening the car door for them.
Ellie hesitated but eventually placed Paula at the back seat, before getting in herself. As Harry drove, he glanced Ellie. - You met my sister today, didn't you? - He asked casually.
Ellie let out a sigh. - Yeah, we did, it was short but... intense. -
Harry chuckled - It's good you two get along. She's always hated the girls I dated before. -
Ellie smiled weakly, unsure how to respond.
Harry parked in front of her appartment. He leaned in and kissed her gently. - It was good to see you... make sure Paula gets better, and I'll see you soon, princess. -
Ellie whispered. - Love you handsome. -
Harry touched her cheek tenderly. - Love you too. -
Ellie picked up Paula and headed inside the building. She heard the hum of Harry's car fading into the distance.
Luckily, Paula only had a mild cold. With some medicines and warm chicken souo, she recovered within a few days.
During that time, Ellie barely spoke to Harry or Stacy. Her days were reduced to workin and taking cre of Paula.
As the trial date approached, anxiety crept up on her. Then, one evening, her phone rang. It was Amanda.
- Hello? - Ellie answered, her stomach twisting with nerves.
Amanda's voice was firm and professional. - Ms Lockheart, I' just finished reviewing the evidence for the trial alongside Mr Feuer's lawyer... Why didn't you mention that you sent text messages complaining about Paula? -
Ellie's heart nearly stopped.
- I'm sorry, Ms. Thorn, but I have no idea what you're talking about! I never... -
- Calm down. - Amanda cut her off, sighing. - Ms Lockheart, is there a chance someone has accessed your phone without your permission. -
Ellie froze. She quickly scrolled through the message log and found some extrange texts in old conversations; messages she had no memory of sending. But they were there.
Her eyes skimmed over the words:
“I'm tired”
“Wish she was never born.”
“Should have had an abortion.”
Her breath caught her throat. 'What... the hell?'
- Ms Lockheart, are you still with me? - Amanda's voice broke the silence.
- Y-Yeah... I'm here... the messages are there but... maybe I was too stressed and forgot... - She shook her head. - No, that doesn't make sense. I would NEVER foget sending something like this. -
Her breathing became uneven.
- Ms Lockheart, I'll ask again. - Amanda's voice was sharp, pulling her back to reality. - Has anyone had ACCESS to your phone recently. -
Ellie hesitated. Flashes of memory surfaced in her mind. The weird flickering screen. Stacy saying she had installed an app to protect her data.
Her hand trembled slightly as she gripped the phone.
- A few days ago, Stacy checked my phone. It was acting strange; flickering... and she said she installed an app to protect my data. -
Amanda immediately started taking notes. - Alright, Ms Lockheart, I'll be straight with you. - Her tone was sharp. - It's very likely that your phone was hacked. However, at this stage, it's too late to verify that before the trial. That means we'll face some obstacles in the first round... but I PROMISE you, that Mr Feuer will get what he deserves. -
Ellie swallowed hard - Thank you so much Ms Thorn, I don't understad how this could have happened. -
- For now, keep a close eye on your phone. If you notice anything suspicious, call me immediately. -
- I will, thank you again. - Ellie hung up and stared at her phone.
'This won't be as easy as I thought...'
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