The next morning, Ellie took Paula to the park as she promised. Snow covered the playground, and families gathered with their children, enjoying those precious moments together. The winter breeze carried the fresh scent of nature.
Paula was having a great time on the swings. Ellie pushed her as high as she could, making the little girl burst into laugher as she soared through the air. After a while, it was time to leave and grab something to eat.
As they walked toward the café - Mommy? - Paula had that look; ‘I'm about to ask something that will make you uncomfortable’ face.
- Yes, gorgeous? - Ellie smiled at her. 'After the father question I can expect anything.'
- Why didn’t you come home for dinner last night?… You missed game night. - Paula stopped in front of her mother, waiting for a reply.
- I was with a friend… sorry, gorgeous… who won? - Ellie reached for Paula's hand.
- I won twice at UNO! - She giggled proudly. - Are you going to miss the super duper fun game night again? - The little girl held her mother’s hand as they walked.
Ellie realized she had missed a precious moment with her daughter. 'She's right, Am I going to miss these moments because of Harry? Am I being selfish?'
- I was planning to meet my friend next Saturday... but you know what? - Paula shook her head. - I'll meet him another day so we can enjoy our game night together... Is that okay? -
- Yay! - Paula cheered, nodding happily.
They reached park's café. On Sundays, it was always crowed, most people didn't like cooking on their day off. Paula happily munched on her ham cheese sandwich, swinging her legs under the chair. Ellie, lost in her thoughts, had barelytouched her tuna sandwich.
Suddenly her phone buzzed. She got a text from Harry;
“Hi! I hope you didn't get scolded last night because of me. I had so much fun, and it gave me a creativity boost. So I just baked a strawberry cake with a new recipe. Can I bring some over to your place? No kid dislikes strawberry cake!”
Ellie read the message, and a smile spread across her lips. She picked up her phone to reply;
“Hi! Sure it's a great a idea, we're....” Ellie stopped and deleted the message, thinking of a better way to phrase it.
“Hi! I had so much fun too. We love strawberry cake so come...” She sighed and deleted it again.
“Hi! I had so much fun too. I'm sure Paula and me will love your cake, but I want to take things slowly. I don't think Paula is ready. Sorry...”
She finally sent the reply.
Paula, who had been watching her mother struggling with the message, spoke with a mouthful of sandwich. - Is that your new friend? -
- Yes, he is... Why do you ask? - Ellie set her phone down and looked at Paula with curiosity.
Paula chuckled and said in a playful, childish voice. - Because you have the same face as Teacher Linda when she texts her boyfriend. -
Ellie blushed. - What do you even do at school?... learn or gossiping? - Ellie shook her head, amused.
- Both! - Paula giggled before getting distracted by the cartoons playing on the café's TV.
Ellie's phone buzzed again. Harry had replied.
“Oh... I see... no problem at all... I understand. But if, when we meet again, I'm two kilos heavier, it's because I had to eat it all myself. See you next Saturday.
Ellie's smile disappeared. 'Saturday...'
She had just promised Paula she would be home for games night. She bit her nail and started typing;
“About Saturday... I was so excited about meeting you that I forgot I have game night with my parents and Paula... Would you mind meeting on Friday instead?
The reply took longer than usual. Ellie felt the warmth creeping up her face; anxiety bubbling in her chest. Minutes stretched into what felt like hours before her phone buzzed again;
“One day earlier! All advantages. Downtown at seven? Or do you want me to pick you up? BTW, I'll only be one kilo heavier. Stacy is helping with the cake situation.
Harry sended a picture of Stacy with her mouth full of cake, trying to hide her face from the camera. Ellie looked at the photo carefully 'Where have I seen this woman before? I know her I'm sure of it.'
Ellie glanced at Paula, who was still focused on TV, then replied;
“LOL. Let's meet downtown... In front of the City Hall at seven. I'll take you somewhere I like. See you!”
Ellie sighed in relief. She had managed to fix her plans with both Paula and Harry, easing her guilt. She relaxed, enjoying the rest of the day with her daughter as they continued with their usual routine.
And yet, for the rest of the week, the image of Stacy's half-hidden face haunted her. Where have I seen her before?'
Friday had finally arrived. The week had flown by like a lighting, and before she knew it, Ellie was about to leave work. Before heading out, she took a moment to touch up her make up and change her clothes. She wanted to look nice for him. It had been a long time since she cared that much about her outlooking.
As she got ready she thought 'I think he's going to enjoy the Literature Café.'
She had been looking forward to Friday ever since they made the plan. The Literature Café was the kind of place where you could listen to aspiring authors read their works while enjoying your favourite cup of coffee. 'After the café I will suggest going to “Matahari's... I love that Indian place.” The evening was coming together in her mind as she left the office.
- Bye Lisa... See you tomorrow! - Ellie waved at the recepcionist.
- Whoa... Is this what I think it is? - Lisa teased with a smirk.
- I'll tell you tomorrow. - Ellie smiled.
- I expect DETAILS, sordid, naughty DETAILS. - Lisa called after her, laughing as Ellie shook her head.
Ellie took the bus to downtown, feeling the nerves crawl up her skin as she anticipated seeing Harry again. She glanced at married couple sitting nearby. It was the first time she had seen them. Both were glued to their phones, scrolling mindlessly through social media, '
How can couples end like that? Where does the excitement and passion go?'
Ellie tried to focus on something else and looked out window. A young couple was walking holding hand in hand, stopping to admire the shop windows. 'That's how I picture love... there should be effort.'
She rang the bell for her stop, it was six forty 'Good... I'm on time.' She stepped off the bus and walked toward the City Hall. Taking a seat on a bench, she waited patiently.
By seven, she was getting nervous, glancing around waiting for Harry or his car, but neither appeared.
Ellie pulled out her phone and texted;“Hey... you coming?”
She saw the typing indicator appear, then a message pop up; “Wasn't it at seven thirty? I'm almost there... sorry.”
Ellie sighed, 'I thought he wasn't coming.'
She replied;
“It's okay... We aren't late.”
Finally, Harry appeared turning the corner, wearing the same clothes as in the previous date. He was walking quickly and waved at Ellie as soon as he spotted her. The last few meters, he made a small run to reach her.
- I'm so sorry... I misunderstood and came late. - He was breathing heavily, leaning on his knees.
- Don't worry, You're here, that's what matter. -
They greeted each other with a kiss on their cheeks.
- I got us movie tickets, Let's go! - Harry said excitedly.
Ellie blinked in surprised. - I thought I was the one taking you somewhere tonight... not the way around. - Ellie tried to hide her dissapointment.
Harry smacked his forehead. - Right!... you did say that... you know what? Forget the movies. - Harry smiled as an apology.
Ellie hesitated. - It's okay... you've already bought the tickets. Let's not waste the money – She forced a small smile to ease the tension. - What movie did you pick? -
- “The head collector”, A thriller about two detectives hunting a serial killer who keeps his victim's heads as trophies. - Harry said as he read the tickets.
- I love thrillers! - 'Thanks god, if it had been some dumb comedy I'd be really disappointed.'
The movie theater was crowed. Friday was the release days, and there were customers from every age and gender.
- I'm really sorry for ruining your original plan. - Harry apologized as they stepped inside.
- We can go to the Literature Café other day, let's just enjoy the movie, I love thrillers. - Ellie looked down, touched by his sincerity.
The movie delivered on its promise. A thriller full of tension, plot twists and moments that made Ellie jump in her chair. She was completely engrossed.
At one point, as they both reached for the pop corn at the same time, their fingers brushed. They smiled at eache other. and their skin touched. Ellie didn't want the night to end.
As they left the theater, Ellie turned to him. - There's an Indian place I love... fancy trying Indian food? My treat tonight. -
Harry gave her an amused look. - Would you believe I've never tried Indian food before? -
His phone buzzed, he glanced at the screen and quickly put it back in his pocket.
Ellie ignored it and said. - Then tonight will be your first time. -
They walked the streets, chatting about the movie's best moments and sharing their impressions. Conversation with Harry was easy. He always made her feel comfortable.
Harry's phone buzzed again, and again, and again.
By the tenth time Ellie frowned - Is it something important?... Do you need to call someone? - Ellie asked, concerned.
Harry sighed - Stacy thinks her fiancé is cheating. She always vents to me when she's streesed... - I'll check on her before heading home.
- By the way, Is Stacy a model? I swear I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't remember where. -
Harry shook his head - No, she works in IT in a company downtown. but she was model once... she took part in a charity campaing for hospitals. They made a calendar with all the IT employees. It was back in 2020. - Harry gazed the night sky, recalling the details.
Ellie's eyes widened slightly - I think I saw that calendar somewhere... Maybe that's is... -
A chill ran down her spine, but she wasn't sure why.
As they walked, she instinctively moved a little closer to Harry, drawn to his warmth in the cold night air. Noticing this, Harry gently took her hand in his. From that moment on, they walked hand in hand.
The walk to the Indian restaurant felt too short for Ellie. As they stepped inside, she was instnatly greeted by the rich aroma of spices in the air. Harry's eyes widened as he took in the exotic dishes on the other tables. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting Indian-style drawings of elephants and other animals.
- It smells so good! - Harry exclaimed.
- Just wait until you taste it... that's the best part. - Ellie smiled as the waiter led them to their table.
- How are you handle spicy food? - Ellie asked as she checked the menu.
- Not great, nor terrible... I guess. - Harry studied the menu, his expression showing clear confusion.
Ellie peeked over the top of her menu, only her eyes visible. - Then I recommend you the Butter Chicken with low spice level. - She was amused with his undecisive face. - I'll have the Prawn Madras, extra spicy. - She placed her order with the waiter.
Feeling the pressure, Harry quickly decided. - I'll have the same as her, but low spice level. - He smiled at the waiter, handing over the menu.
- I just hope this doesn't affect my blood. - Harry said as his phone buzzed again.
Ellie looked out the window, ingoring the buzzing sound from his phone. - Why would it? -
Harry was focused on typing a message, completely absorted.
- Hello? - Ellie's tone revealed her growing frustration.
Harry sighed and met her gaze. Suddenly, he turned off the phone. - Enough for tonight... About my blood, right... I'm donnor. Tomorrow, I'm going to the hospital to donate.
Ellie still slightly annoyed, softened her voice to ease the tension. - That's really great. Do you do it often? - Ellie was slowly calming down.
- About once a month, more or less... They me call when there's an emergency... I'm universal donnor, so my blood is pretty valuable. - Harry reached across the table and held Ellie's hand. - I won't let anything ruin tonight, I promise. -
- You didn't have to turn it off, It's just... it feels a little akward that she's texting you every ten minutes, I know she is your sister but... - 'Am I being childish?'
- You don't need to apologize, this is our date. -
Just then, their food arrived. Harry took a deep breath over his plate and immediately coughed. - It smells spicy. -
- Ellie chuckled; told you, Butter chicken was the safer choice. -
Harry, however, was not prepared for even the mildest spice level of the dish. The moment he took the first bite, his face turned red, his eyes watered, and soon he had runny nose. He stuck out his tongue, desperately looking for relief.
- Water... please... - He said, voice muffled by the heat.
- Hehe, no, you need yogurt instead. - Ellie smirked as she waved down a waiter.
After a few spoonfuls of yogurt, the burning sensation faded much faster than it would have bwith water.
- Why?... How did you know that? - Harry asked between deep breaths.
Ellie leaned back witha smug expression. - Because I'm a professional when it comes to spicy food... Water spreads the heat on your tongue. You need something fatty to coat your taste buds and neutralize the spice. -
- Wow, you sound like a scientist. -
With the help of yogurt, Harry managed to enjoy the Prawn Madras, and after a lovely dinner, it was time to head home. Harry drove her to her parent's house to pick up Paula. Like on their first date, they spent the car ride singing 80s rock classicsm never getting tired of it.
When they arrived, Ellie checked her bag before stepping out. She looked at him with a smile.
- I had fun again... I don't know but I feel really comfortable with you, thank you, Harry.
Harry leaned back on his seat, watching her. - Me too, let's meet again, what about tomorrow? -
Ellie giggled. - I'd love to, but it's my day with Paula and my family... sorry -
Harry frowned for a second before a brilliant idea struck him - Then let me join! - He clapped his hands excitedly.
Ellie smiled back, - It's too early for that... but you know what?... you've earned this... -
Ellie leaned in and pressed her lips against his.
The moment their lips met, Ellie felt he warmth of passion again. She had kissed men since breaking up with Jason, but none of those kisses had meant anything. They had been forced by the moment, empty gestures.
But this... this was different.
Ellie took the iniciative, and for the first time in a long time, she kissed a man because she truly desire it.
Their lips moved together, hands reaching to tenderly each other's faces. When their eyes finally opened, they knew they both wanted more.
Ellie pulled away, blushing. - I gotta go. - Said Ellie as she opened the car door.
- Did I do something wrong? - Harry asked, breathing heavily.
Ellie shooked her head with a playful smirk. - The opposite, you did great, but I want to take things slowl... see you soon, handsome. -
She turned and headed toward her parent's house. She didn't hear the car's engine start until she closed the door behind her. 'He was staring at me...' She exhaled deeply, placing a hand over her chest.
Her mother, passing by on her way to the kitchen, smiled knowingly.
- It's good to see you like that again. -
Paula ran towards her mom as she heard her grandma talking. - Mommy! -
Ellie picked her up. - Hello gorgeous – She kissed her forehead.
Paula scrunched her nose. - Eww... you smell spicy! and you have same smell as grandpa. -
Ellie discreetly sniffed her own clothes but couldn't notice anything.
- Okay, time to go back home... you little miss, should've been in bed an hour ago... say goodbye to grandma and grandpa. -
Paula waved sleepely. - See you tomorrow - She rested her head on her mother's shoulders as they walked home.
After putting Paula to bed, Ellie went to her closet and pulled out an old cardboard box. She dug through it until she found what she was looking for; an old calendar. She flipped through the months until she reached June.
'Here it is...'
There, on the page for June, was a photo of a young blonde woman in a swimming suit, playing with a beach ball. The ball covered half her face, but Ellie could recongnize her features. At the top of the calendar, the words “Charity for Hospital aid; your help saves lives.” Were printed in bold letters.
'So this is Stacy... now I know where I've seen her.'
Three months had passed since that romantic kiss in the car. Ellie and Harry had grown fond of each other, and kisses and hugs had become part of their routine. She tried to balance her time between her daughter, her parents, and Harry but It wasn't that easy. Sometimes, she ended up spending her time with Harry instead. However, whenever that happened, she made sure to make it up to Paula by doing something she loved the next day.
On Harry's side, Ellie had discovered he was quite clumsy and forgetful. He often mixed up dates or times or forgot to do things she had asked him to. However, he was a sweet, and whenever he made a mistake, he tried his best to make up for it. What frustrated Ellie the most was his relationship with his step-sister, who seemed to text and call him endlessly. She was getting used to it, but it still made her feeling uncomfortable at times.
It was Friday and Harry had invited her to come over his place to watch a movie. It would be her first time at his home, so she felt equally excited and nervous. She was about to leave the office when Lisa called out to her.
- Hey Ellie!, Another? - Lisa's eyes sparkled with curiosity. - It's been a while since I got an update... - She faked a pout.
- Lisa! You'll never change. - Ellie reached her and, covering her mouth with her hand, whispered. - He invited me over tonight to watch a movie at his place. - She chuckled.
- Whoa! So he's ready for the next step. - Lisa gave her a wicked gin.
Ellie frowned. - What do you mean... next step? -
Lisa leaned closer and murmured. - You know... Sex -
Ellie's face went pale. - Sex? -
Lisa giggled – What century are you living in?... you know that these days, when a guy invites a girl over for a movie night... -
- Okay, Okay... get it – Ellie cut her off, placing a hand on her forehead. - God... I don't know if I'm ready... - She blushed, feeling the nerves creeping up.
- Come on, Ellie! You're not a teenager... or a nun... Enjoy life! - She winked as Ellie left the building, heasitant steps. - Remember I want DETAILS! - She called out before getting back to work.
Ellie couldn't help but think about Lisa's words. 'It makes sense... we've been dating months... Lisa is right, we're no kids... since Jason I haven't...'
She suddenly found herself at the bus stop, watching the bus approach. 'I could text him saying Paula is sick...' She pulled out her phone and hesitated. She glanced the bus getting closer, 'I don't wanna use Paula as a excuse.'
She unlocked her phone and saw a picture of Paula playing in the park. 'What if I forgot how to...'
The bus stopped in front of her, and the driver stared at her trough the side mirror. Feeling the pressure of the his gaze, she got in.
The bus was nearly empty, which was unsual for this time of the day. She looked around at the passengers. At the back, a teenage couple was making out intensely, their hands all over each other. 'It was that easy at that age... now everything is about schedules, exhaustion and time... I wish I could go back.'
She opened her messaging app, she closed her eyes and quickly typed;
“I'm on my way, you'd better have some popcorn ready, or I'll make you go to the super and get some.”
Ellie sighed and leaned back 'Whatever happens, happens... Stop overthinking.'
Her phone buzzed with Harry's reply;
“Caramel popcorn for my damsel in distress; ready, blanket; ready, movie; ready. Only thing missing is you. I'm waiting.
Ellie smiled at the message, feeling a sudden sense of calm. The radio was playing a song she liked, and she hummed along until the bus reached her stop.
The building where Harry lived was old, with stone façade and a large entrance wooden door. She rang the bell, and after a few seconds, the door buzzed open. There was no elevator, and Harry lived on the third floor, so she had to take the stairs.
On the way up, her mind raced 'Be brave! Don't be afraid! What are you Ellie? A little girl?'
Before she knew it, she was standing in front of his door. 'No turning back now' She took a deep breath and rang the bell.
Harry opened the door, holding a bowl of popcorn and flashing that charming smile of his.
- Come in –
They kissed as soon as she stepped inside.
His apartment was old, but he hadrenovated parts of it, making it look like any other modern downtown flat. There wasn't much decoration, but everything was neatly arranged for the occasion. Ellie slowly walke around, takng in every detail.
She reached the living room and saw the TV screen paused on a movie, ready to play. The space was minimalistic, with only the necessary furniture for daily life. On the wall, she noticed a framed photo. Harry with his parents... beside him, Stacy.
They were all smiling like any other family, but for the first time, Ellie saw Stacy's full face.
A shiver ran down her spine just as Harry reached behind her to help her take off her coat.
- Make yourself at home. - He took her coat and gestured her to sit on the couch.
Ellie smiled and intinctively pulled the blanket on her lap. Harry sat next to her, covering himself with it as well. He pressed play, and the movie started. It was a sci-fi film about robots taking over a distant planet. The plot wasn't great, but it was entertaining.
They cuddle under the blanket, sharing the popcorn. Suddenly, the predictable sex scene appeared on screen.
Ellie's heart pounded.
Harry reached for some popcorn, and doing so, his hand slightly brushed against her chest.
She blushed 'Lisa was right... here he comes' She swallowed hard and glanced at Harry... but he just ate his popcorn and kept watching the movie.
Ellie chuckled nervously and took some popcorn to herslef. 'Why didn't he...?'
The movie ended with a great dramatic explosion, followed by the two main characteres kissing before the screen faded to black.
As they cleaned up, Elli giggled.
- What's so funny? - Harry asked, folding the blanket.
- Nothing... Lisa told me earlier that this whole movie night was just an excuse for you to get me into bed. I was so nervous the whole time. - Ellie laughed as she fluffed the couch cushions.
- I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't want that... - Harry smirked. - But we agreed to take things slow right? -
Ellie raised an eyebrow. - So, you do want it. –
- How could I not? – He pulled her into a kiss.
Maybe it was Lisa's fault for planting the idea in her head, but one kiss led to another. Touches grew bolder. Heat built between them. Before they knew it, Harry was unbuttoning her blouse, they flushed faces just centimetres apart.
- Ellie, I love you. - He whispered before kissing her neck.
Ellie let out a soft moan. - I love you too. -
They couldn't wait. Clothes fell to the floor. Breathless kissed filled the room.
Then Ellie hesitated.
- Do you have protection? - The thought of pregnancy intantly cooled her desire.
Harry nodded, kissing her again.
Dinner was forgotten. That night, they only had each other.
As the passion faded and they lay cuddling on the couch, Ellie turned to Harry and said.
- I think is time you meet Paula. -
Harry tightened his embrace. - Stacy's birthday is in two weeks. Why don't you come to the party at her place? That way, we kill two birds with one stone. -
- Sounds lovely. - Ellie smirked and kissed him.
The next day at the office, as soon as Lisa spotted her, she smirked. - So... how was it?, Is he good? -
Ellie gave a playful smile. - Not how you're thinking... but better than expected. -
Lisa shook her head, smiling knowingly.
The days flew by, and before Ellie knew it, Saturday had arrived. Instead of their usual game night, she was taking Paula to Stacy's house.
The little girl hopped along the sidewalk, holding her mother's hand.
- Where are we going, Mommy? And why do I have to wear this pretty dress? - She giggled between jumps.
- We're going to a birthday party, it's time you meet my friends. - Ellie smiled 'This finally feels like a real relationship.'
- Will there be other kids? - Paula asked a she stepped into a small puddle, splashing water onto her dress.
- Watch you step Paula! - Ellie scolded gently before answering. - I don't think so... but we'll play games, and there will be strawberry cake. - She crouched to wipe the water off Paula's dress.
- Yay! Cake! - Paula cheered, skipping ahead.
Finally, they arrived to Stacy's home. It was a large house, not an apartment like Harry's or Ellie's. Located in a quiet suburb, it had a small front yard and a garden in the back, much like Ellie's parents' home. As they approached, the smoky scent of grilled meat filled the air from a barbecuein the backyard.
Ellie rang the bell. A few seconds later, the gate buzzed, and the front door opened.
Harry stood there, waving and holding a bottle of beer.
Ellie smiled and guided Paula inside. - Come on gorgeous, party time. -
Harry kissed Ellie as she stepped through door.
Paula wrinkled her nose - Is your friend a boy?... eww... who even likes boys? -
Ellie nodded laughing and Harry burst into laugher as well.
- So, we finally meet. - Harry knelt down to look at Paula at eye level. - Your mom talks a lot about you, Is it true that you can fly? - Harry grinned.
Paula quickly shook her head. - But I can eat my veggies and do my homework... -
Harry ruffled her hair. - Well, if you head to the backyard, I think you'll find something you'll like. -
Paula wiggled free from Ellie's hand and ran toward the backyard. A second later, they heard her excited shriek.
– A big doggy! Come here doggy! Let's play! -
Ellie and Harry chuckled before sharign a soft, lingering kiss.
- I'm really glad you're here. - Harry murmured his lips close to hers.
- Me too – Ellie whispered back.
She followed Harry inside. As they walked through the living room, a man entered from the other side, carefully balancing a tray in his hands while walking backward.
'That must be Stacy's fiancé.'
Then, he turned around to head toward the kitchen, nearly dropping the tray in the process.
Ellie's heart stopped.
He entire body went cold as her blood pounded in her ears.
'Is this some kind of sick joke?'
She felt dizzy as she stared at Jason.
Five years. Five years without seeing him. And now, suddenly, here he was.
But Jason wasn't looking at her. His eyes landed on Paula, Ellie could feel him putting the pieces together.
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