As her maternal instincts kicked in, Mrs Ribby had passed on all her knowledge and skills to her last daughter, Ruby, who thought it was all great fun and a source of feline amusement. Ruby had experimented with the larger rodent fellows until The Bullpuss pointed out that her feline dentition, as a dainty, albeit wiry, female, did not allow her to dispatch a large rat as easily as a tiny mouse. She was also in danger of being bitten by a cornered rat in retaliation and as she had found after an escapade with a grey squirrel, the bites invariably caused infections, which generally spelt danger in a costly visit to the vets.

Ruby had all this explained to her by The Bullpuss and it was agreed that Ruby needed to mend her ways. The first part of this, was that she needed to apologise to the members of the Mouse Recuperation Unit on top of the shed, whilst promising not to capture any more mice.