The alarm wasn't supposed to go off yet,” I thought at dawn on April 26, 1986. ⏰ My mechanical alarm clock fell from the night table and was ringing as it was rolling down on a pile of teaching books behind the table. I bounced to it because of an apocalyptic nightmare of some strange super swift fire but without normal flames, flabbergasting me meanly. Aside from what was my first visionary dream (I was known also as “The Precog” and even as “The true Prophet”), the day began like any other day in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR), but it soon became the day that would write itself forever into history. 

My name is Radan Chrobok and I was born on 17 February 1979, in Jindřichův Hradec - an awesome town in South Bohemia. But the bohemian life there was supposed to suffer a serious shock. Even as a genial child Czech citizen, I couldn't have known that by the end of that day, the world would witness one of the most terrifying thrillers in the history of that time!

The terrible situation from my nightmare, about which I told all around, was soon proved as a true sight of the future. It echoed through the corridors of power, in whispers too dangerous to be said aloud. News trickled in slowly at first. By April 28th, we were vaguely aware of an "incident" in our brother state. Our state-controlled media, the mouthpiece of the Communist authorities, insisted that everything was under control. But we knew better, although the Pravda (“Truth”) newspaper, a paragon of the Communist party propaganda, then told us only reassuring lies about it. (Read more!)