I needed to continue planting bugs, but I had to be careful. If Nicolo or an underboss caught me, I could be tortured and killed. As Angelo slipped past me this morning, I bugged his jacket, something I noticed he went nowhere without. Piero was one I had to work to bug because he had nothing he set down anywhere. It was like he knew I was investigating the family and going out of the way to keep his personal effects out of reach.

This made him look suspicious, but my instinct told me it was not him. I was rarely wrong. Though I still needed to place a recorder on him. Marcello had people monitoring in real time, so I really hoped it would not be too much longer before we found something. I groaned and bit at my nails as I considered my options. What were some other good places to put the microphone?

Pockets were too obvious, and belts, shirts, and pants were too. Even when I bugged Angelo earlier, I was careful to tuck it into the tag of his jacket as I helped him into it. Thank goodness for mom’s decorum training, since it was why I even helped him. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution. A maid who often caused trouble for me approached with a pitcher of water, but I was so focused on my job it didn’t register until the splash of water met my ears.

“What are you, five?” Piero stated with an annoyed glare at the girl before turning to me. “I am so sorry. Did you get wet?”

“No, but Signore… Your clothes…” I replied with eyes wide in horror. “I should have been paying more attention. I am so sorry.”

“Report to the Head Servant and leave. Bullies have no place in the Romano Villa.” He waved a hand at the maid before turning back to me. “I know it’s your off day, but the Don is looking for you. Could you come with me?”

I nodded, but knew this was a bad idea. Did he know something? Before we got any closer to the Don’s office, I stopped in front of a closet and pulled a towel out, then passed it to him. He stared at me for a few seconds before his green eyes fell to the water splotches spread across his shirt and pants. It was not the usual professional appearing Piero I normally saw at dinner in the evenings. He actually looked stressed.

“You are very serious about your position here, Signore. It would not do well for you to appear before the Don soaked to the bone, would it?” I ventured, turning my back to him so he could take care of things. “Your loyalty to your Don is quite admirable.”

“And what of you? Are you loyal to the Don?” Piero questioned, and I could hear shuffling behind me. “Could you dry these?”

I grabbed another towel from the closet and accepted his phone, wallet, and keys and did the best I could to dry them. My hand automatically slipped the microphone into place before passing them back to him, Piero none the wiser. We continued down the hallway to Nicolo’s office and I bit my lip nervously. I had a feeling I knew what the Don wanted, and I wasn’t going to like it.

A party of sorts, being held in honor of the bonds between the older families who still lived in Italy despite the damnation of their peers. As much interest as Nicolo showed in me, there was no way I could just pretend I didn’t know about it. All the servants were talking about who Nicolo would take. And all of them agreed it would be Lili. It was such a big deal that even the Soldati were stressing over it.

“I apologize. The Don can be demanding when he likes someone.” His voice startled me from my thoughts as we turned another corner. “He doesn’t care if it causes people trouble. Nicolo’s selfish like that.”

“Yet you sound fond of him, Signore.” I replied, encouraging him to continue with a smile. “Were you two close growing up?”

“You are normally so professional, but you’re curious about him? Hm?” Piero winked before releasing a chuckle. “Yeah, we were like brothers. I hoped his brother would become the Don, but fate had other plans. Nicolo was never meant for this business.”

That I certainly understood. The nearby townsfolk loved them, him especially, because of how much he did to better the city and encourage new business. Plus, protection from other Mafias. Nicolo worked hard to do what needed doing, something I and many others found respectable about him. Dons weren’t picked, they were born. Nicolo’s older brother should have been the one to become the Don of the Romano family.

“He ran away.” My companion stated as we stopped in front of Nicolo’s office. “Bit of a sore spot for the Boss. Family is so important to all of us.”


Nicolo watched as she prepared tea, then flitted about serving them snacks. He invited her here for a conversation about the party, not for her to work. Piero nervously wrung his hands as he looked between Nicolo and Lili, not familiar with anyone ignoring the Don. When her brown head finally turned to look at him, he swallowed. No one could rile him like she could, and his pants tightened.

“Are you a masochist?” She ventured, causing Piero’s jaw to drop in horror. “If you take me to that party, I will be a laughingstock and so will you.”

“Something I am prepared to handle. Consider it part of your duties as my personal maid.” Nicolo waved his hand as though to brush her off. “If you refuse, you will no longer have work here. Didn’t you say it was your job to make sure my needs were met?”

If looks could kill, Nicolo was sure he would be dead. Lili’s glare felt like ice, yet he shivered in pleasure. Maybe he was a masochist, he decided, leaning forward against his desk, a wicked smile on his lips. Or maybe it was just a result of wanting her. He often envisioned himself taking her in the most scandalous of places, which resulted in a lot of trips to the restroom throughout the day. Something he had great difficulty hiding from her and those around them.

“I meant your nutrient intake, don’t act like a spoiled child.” She huffed before her back straightened as if she had just remembered Piero was there. “But fine. I will attend the party as your maid.”

“Lili. You will attend as my date.” He countered as he stood to walk over to her. “It is not up for discussion.”

“So, this is an order from my Don.” she replied, leaning closer to him with a tilted head, barely hiding her tattoo. “If I don’t go or agree, do you plan to take me by force?”

The way her voice lowered and grew husky had his spine tensing when her hand reached up to stroke along his jaw with a mischievous smirk on her face. He never lost. It was not in his nature. But Lili made him lose. That scent so distinctly hers came closer, and he found himself on the edge of his seat as he waited for her to speak. Those warm brown pools he wanted to drown in had him biting his tongue to stop from licking his lips.

“I suppose it’s a date. You leave me little choice.” Lili stated with a nod, then she turned away, her back to him yet still so close. “Though I still think you will be made a laughingstock. Perhaps I can get pictures.”

She was a perfect tease. The capable maid and intelligent, strong woman. Yet. There was this air of mystery around her. What life did she lead outside of the Villa? What were her favorite foods, colors, ideas, books? He wanted to learn all of it as well as run his tongue from her neck down. It was the first time he ever thought about wooing a woman, and he wanted to sweep her off her feet.

“The day the Don lets anyone take pictures of him; I will probably die. He never wants to be involved when we take the family portrait.” Piero stated with a chuckle, making their heads twist in his direction. “You two were so busy flirting, you forgot I was here?”

“If you are talking about the portrait of the main family, I don’t see a point in standing alone. But were I to take a wife and we had a child…” Nicolo looked directly at her, revealing in the way her face flushed a pretty pink. “I think I could handle sitting still for five minutes.”

His eyes fell to her lips when her teeth sank into it. Nicolo could tell just how much she wanted him, but refused him at every turn. He glanced at Piero, who sat in his armchair with a smirk on his face. Every warning bell in his head was going off at how dangerous she seemed, yet he wanted nothing more than to pull her clothes off her tanned flesh and trace her curves with his fingers.

Piero nodded and disappeared quietly when her back was turned, something Nicolo wanted to take advantage of. He leaned against his desk, and crossed his arms over his chest, eyes following the line of her shapely denim-covered legs up to her slender hips to her shoulders. What he wouldn’t give to let go and bend her over his desk, but he refused to force himself on her. No, she would fall into his arms willingly or not at all.


I had to work hard to ignore Piero leaving the room as I straightened the tray our snacks were on earlier. I was still a little flustered after what he said earlier about a family. The way he looked at me made it very clear he wanted that with me. Me and any children I have would put him in even more danger. My gaze was drawn to where his handsome form leaned against his desk.

He looked so Godlike today, decked out in his usual business suit minus the jacket. If there was a pose that screamed Mafia Don, it was the threatening yet passion-packed look he was directing my way. How much longer would it take? For me to get away from that desirous gaze? An arm appeared in my vision and I froze as his scent wrapped around me. Would one night be such a bad thing?

“How close am I to you…?” He breathed, his words ghosting across my nape, something that made my shoulders shrug. “How close do you want me, Lili? I’ve never wanted someone as desperately as I do you.”

His long, sexy fingers brushed my neck as they lifted some hair off my shoulder. Despite being so much smaller than him, I didn’t feel threatened in the slightest. Actually, I felt sexy and desirable. I turned a glance up at him under my lashes, a teasing smile, then pulled away from him. No matter what happened in the future, I refused to be a man’s plaything. My duties to the Accardi were more important.

“Not even close.” I returned, a little breathless, but not out of the fight yet. “And the other side of the room is too close.”

His smirk widened, those burning emerald eyes sparkling with mirth. He tilted his jaw down and put his hands up as he backed away, looking guilty but not sorry. Nicolo only ever had to say my name for my stomach to flood with butterflies, but his touch was the most dangerous. It made me want to throw all my inhibitions out while seeking the position at his side. I already lost focus too many times. No more.