Why was I doing this? I knew when he made his demand that it was a bad idea, but here I sat, putting on makeup in the mirror of our bathroom. Marcello stood several steps away with dismay burned into his features, yet his gaze remained on the far wall, refusing to look at me. After the earlier attack, he wanted us to move to the Accardi House, where we could be better monitored, but I refused. I knew he mentioned it because he would better be able to protect me, though the truth was, he failed his task and wanted to distract from it.

“Marcello. This isn’t the first time you’ve failed to protect me.” When he turned to me aghast, I shook my head, refusing his reply. “Yet you still hold your title as my second. I know what you are capable of, and often reward you for your loyalty quite well.” He nodded, opening his mouth before stopping again as I glared. “For as much leniency as I’ve shown you, I’m sure you can show Nico the same.”

“You’ve given him a nickname?” He questioned, his eyes widened in shock, then he leaned forward a little as if in askance. “I’ve asked you to call me Marc for years now. Is he that amazing in bed?”

“That is none of your business.” I replied, turning back to the mirror to check over my look before standing to face him again. “Nicolo is no danger to me, so you need not concern yourself over him. IF he becomes a danger, I can handle myself. Did you forget who I am?”

“No, but you seem to have. Going out on this little rendezvous - when the entire world is in the process of searching for you - seems quite foolish.”

I said all I was going to, so I continued towards the door, choosing to ignore him. No one should know how much of a fool that man made me feel, not even Marcello. Nicolo was different from the men I had experience with, but that didn’t mean he was perfect, either. Nicolo sometimes seemed to think I was a woman who needed his protection, which was why I fought with him so often. It was how most men seemed to view me. I took a deep breath before locking eyes with Marcello over my shoulder.

“Why is it you choose now to fight me on a relationship? You’ve been pressuring me to settle down for years.” I ventured, then bit my lip, hoping it was just my imagination. “You are aware that I’m not interested in anyone, right?”                                             

“That’s not what the looks you send the Don of the Romano Family say.” He countered as he crossed his arms over his broad chest, a look of dismay flooding his features. “Anyone with eyes can see how in love you are.”

I opened the door without another word and left. Marcello would believe whatever he wanted regardless of the truth. His words shouldn’t bother me, but they did. As the door closed behind me, I continued towards my target, the driveway that circled in front of the house. Nicolo was waiting there to meet me, according to the text he sent my phone, and it was rude to make him wait. Yet my steps kept hesitating.

Was it wrong of me to enjoy this moment? I knew better than to let his feelings control me. Love should not override loyalty. The door to the front opened revealing Nicolo leaning against a fancy sports car, his broad arms crossed over his chest. He selected an elegant black suit for our rendezvous that only favored his fit form, and clued me in on his plans for the evening.

“My Lady…” He bowed, a cheesy smile on his face as he opened the passenger’s side door. “For you.”

As the door lifted, a bouquet of roses in a clear vase appeared, next to two heart-shaped boxes. I glanced a Nico, who was glaring at a few chuckling Soldati nearby, then back. It was cheesy, the kind of thing people would do in movies, so I never expected it. I automatically turned fully to smile at him – it was a good opportunity to be public with my affections, was my excuse. My fingertips traced the back of his hand, drawing his attention to me.

“Thank you, Nico.” I cooed sweetly, then motioned towards the car seat. “I’ve never been shown such attention before.”

“Anything for you.” Nico replied, then lifted the boxes and flowers, passing the latter to a maid stationed nearby. “Please take these to our room.” After he helped me into the car and took his seat at the wheel, he held up the two boxes. “Open them. We’re going for a drive.”

The first box was chocolate, something even Nico seemed embarrassed about, but when I lifted the lid to the second, smaller heart-shaped box, my breath caught in my throat. It was a full jewelry set, necklace, anklet, bracelet, ring, and earrings. Anyone alive would know it was also very expensive, not the kind of thing someone would just have lying around. When I turned to look at him, he chuckled.

“I wanted a set that would show everyone how much of you belonged to me, and that is what the jewelry store recommended… Unless I wanted to dress you in diamonds… Which is something I considered…” At my glare, his mouth closed, then he motioned towards the extravagant gems within the box. “I didn’t get to propose to you in the way I’d hoped to always propose to the woman I love. As for this drive, trust me and I will give you a night you’ll never forget.”


Nicolo was a gentleman. The entire evening, he catered to me – treating me like a princess when no one else had. He insisted opening the door wherever we went, from the car door to every establishment we entered. He first took me to a designer shop where I was outfitted for clothing of his choice, then he took me to a winery where I tasted the finest wine Italy had to offer.

Then, I was led to the most brilliant view of the town where we sat for dinner, waiting for the staff to bring our meal. There were others at this five-star restaurant looking at the view before us – the rolling hills, brilliant vistas, and vineyards – yet my focus was on my husband, who seemed excited to share this with me. He loved this town. Seeing his expression was magical enough.

The Villa overlooked a quaint Italian Town with vineyards on the side of the mountains. From where the restaurant sat, we could look up the beautiful mountains towards the Villa from which we could see the town all the way to the sea. Valleza Italy. It only had a population of twenty-two thousand people. Just nice enough to warrant a few highly rated restaurants much like the one we’re in, and a tourist destination for its wines.

“Have you looked at whatever resided in the briefcase your grandfather left?” He asked at one point, gaze still focused on the view. “I know you’ve been stressed, but it could hold answers to your concerns.”

I considered looking at what else was contained in the briefcase, but was avoiding it. It was the first time in a long time that I’d ever not known what my grandfather was thinking, and part of me was terrified what I would find. I glanced around the fancy décor of the dimly lit, dine-in restaurant. Finely dressed waiters and waitresses lined the nearby wall, waiting silently for anyone to call for them. Hardwood lined floors, and stunning white walls gave it a regal atmosphere.

Of course, I didn’t have an answer to his question, so I refocused on the matter at hand. Nicolo set up this date. Perhaps I should give him my thanks. It’s nice to not think about work for a while. I’ve been acting Donna of the Accardi for so long that I almost forgot what it was like to have a man try to woo me. His hand, the one holding his glass, glinted, catching my gaze and I turned to face him, my gaze catching on his simple wedding band. I could scarcely believe this man was now my husband.

“It’s not something I wanted to think about right now, but you are not wrong. Right now, I’m thinking of how handsome you look this evening.”

Nicolo froze for a moment, then he slowly turned to me. It was clear he’d heard me so I wasn’t going to take it back this time. I turned my focus back on the view of the town. Nico always looked good; in a suit, casual clothes, or nothing at all, but tonight he looked especially charming. He’d styled his hair, picked his best tuxedo, and made all of the arrangements for tonight’s rendezvous.

“You think I’m handsome?” Nico ventured with a stunned voice and I turned to find him looking a little red. “You’ve never said anything about it.”

“Nicolo. Have you forgotten your confidence at home?” I wondered with a giggle, then lifted the wine glass to my lips which was promptly refilled by a nearby waiter after I sat it back down. “You know you’re handsome. Those green eyes, tanned skin, dark hair, and dimples? You’re a shoe-in for sexiest man alive.”

“You’ve never said that before…”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve called you handsome at least once, Nico. Either way, tonight has been lovely. Thank you.”


We didn’t return to the Villa after dinner as I expected. No, Nico took us to a hotel in town, just inside the city square. Being who he was, it was the Presidential Suite, a set of four rooms on the highest floor in the building. It had a foyer, two bedrooms, and a bathroom, making it one of the fanciest rooms I’d ever stayed in for pleasure in my entire life. Yet I didn’t even get a tour before Nico had me pinned to the door just inside the foyer.

“I can’t get you hovering over that man out of my mind. All I have planned for you for the next four days is reminding you of who you belong to.” He grumbled as his lips planted heated kisses along my shoulder and neck. “Lili, I want to own your every thought.”

He already did, but I didn’t plan to volunteer that information. It would only stroke his already massive ego. The strap of my dress slipped off my shoulder as his fingertips ran down my arm to my elbow, his touch sending shivers of delight throughout my body. Pressed against my back was all muscled, six foot two of him, along with a thick something digging into my lower spine.

“Owning my every thought is impossible, but I’m well aware of who I belong to.” I replied in a shaky voice, then let out a sigh as the zipper of my red cocktail dress loosened. “And I have the marks to prove it.”

As the dress slipped off my body, said red marks came into view, and Nicolo pulled away, then walked around me. There was a blazing inferno in his gaze as he looked down at me. He was still in his tux, though when I reached out to pick at his buttons, fiery hands stopped me. For several seconds, his eyes ravished my body, before he finally let out a heavy, wanton sigh.

“Lili.” Nico murmured so sweetly; I thought my legs would give out. “I’m going to drive you insane tonight.”

When he dropped to his knees in front of me, I took a step back in shock but those hot hands grabbed my hips then hooked in my underwear. The last thing I expected was for his mouth to latch over the apex of my thighs without removing the fabric, and a gasp parted my lips. Unable to help myself, my fingers tangled into his hair. I wanted him to remove the rest of my clothes, yet my pride prevented me from asking.

“Tell me what you want.”