“Retiring?” I ventured as my grandfather took a seat across from me. “I thought I wasn’t ready to take full control of the Accardi.”

He stopped by to tell me this today. Normally, a Don would serve until his death, or until he was no longer capable. Then I remembered a few months ago, before I came here. I had been so focused on my job that I forgot grandfather was sick. It was likely he was no longer capable, but whoever was after me made him continue far longer than he should have. Having access to all the information in the world could be aging, I knew.

“You’ve been ready, Liliana.” Grandfather stated, his wise brown eyes narrowing with affection and anguish. “I’ve been hesitant. The people after you have been after you for a long time.”

That was the other thing I needed to know. Who were they? Why were they after me and what did they want? Grandfather leaned back against his armchair, eyelids dropping closed. He tried so hard to keep me safe as I grew up and away from the family, but the more I tried to stay away, the more I was drug back in. Now, I was the only Accardi left to carry on our family, and it hurt.

“They’re an organization out of an Independent Country, one not listed on any public maps. They want you because of your link to your father.” My grandfather stated, his wise orbs opening to focus on me. “You have something of his that’s keeping the entire world safe. They must not get it, no matter what.”

“What is it?” I questioned staring at my grandfather with a glare. “Where is it? I don’t remember anything from my father…”

“I don’t know. That’s just what he told me before he and your mother disappeared.” My jaw fell, since I assumed they died. “There is much we have to talk about, Lili. Now that you are the Donna of the Accardi.”

My mother was my grandfather’s daughter, who he sent on a mission to an oil rig in the middle of the ocean. She was to infiltrate and recover their plans, and stop them from destroying the evidence of their wrongdoings. Only, she met my father, a scientist and doctor, on the platform. This was the first I heard my grandfather really speak about what happened to them. My parents.

Dad thought he was saving the world, but it turned out he wasn’t. He created a bio-nuclear weapon that could kill hundreds of thousands of people with one detonation. Even wipe entire countries off the map. Mom helped him escape with something imperative to that country’s mission and grandfather said they left me with him before they disappeared. The only reason I even learned my mother’s techniques was because my grandmother shared them with me. And, mom’s journals.

“So you let me think… all this time… that they were dead?”

“Lili, please understand. It’s been almost twenty-four years since I last saw them.” Grandfather sighed as his eyes fell closed again, a sad expression on his face. “All they told me was that no one from that independent country could ever have you, so I’ve been protecting you and keeping you from this world as long as I could. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

There was no point in being angry about it now. But I wondered if there was some way to find them. My parents. They abandoned me to my fate here, and part of me was angry at them for that. Especially since mom was my grandfather’s only heir. It meant I had no choice but to take over the Accardi family since she decided to disappear. Did I even want to know what the reason actually was?

“They cried when they left you and said it was better if the people of that country thought your parents were the ones who stole the secret and took it with them.” Grandfather continued his tale, and I swallowed passed the lump in my throat. “They told me you were the key, but to pretend you were discarded. A burden they didn’t need. So, when that official came when you were four…”

I remembered. Grandfather told them my parents died in an accident. He hoped to get rid of their trail so mom could be safe and happy. There was no accident. Which meant my parents might still be alive somewhere. I wanted to confront them, to figure out the truth behind all this, though the expression on my grandfather’s face gave me pause. Maybe I didn’t want to know. Not if it made him look like that.


Nico was a distraction I did not need right now. There were still some stragglers I needed to find and take care of in his family and there were new requests to complete. It had been a week since the wedding, and I barely saw my new husband. Tonight, I sat on the black vinyl sofa in our bedroom reviewing some work on my tablet. We were slowly converting to electronic means, so I was in the process of designing a chatroom for my family.

Things like paper, even when burned, could still be recovered thanks to technological advancements in computer scanning equipment. Everything was going digital, which also decreased the need for hackers as I slowly began managing all the technical stuff. I just needed people in the field. That was what my grandfather and I started working towards while I was still learning the ropes.

“Lili…” The shocked voice of my husband met my ears, drawing my gaze up from my tablet to where he stood next to the bed. “Care to join me tonight?”

I didn’t trust him. I still didn’t understand why my grandfather picked him to be my husband, but his beckoning gaze drew me to a stand. When I arrived at his side, my eyes followed the line of muscle starting from the shoulders down to the waist of his gray pajama pants. Nico looked delicious. The white silk robe I wore every night before bed slipped from my shoulders, landing on the floor behind me.

He had been planning Angelo’s funeral, something he slept in his office to do. I also had a feeling he was upset with me for convicting his cousin to death, though his burning gaze fell from my eyes to trace over my body. His large hands clenched at his sides before he immediately shoved me onto the bed, coming to hover over me with a wicked grin. Maybe he wasn’t as angry as I thought.

The first touch sent sparks of pleasure up my flesh, making me arch off the bed to encircle him with my arms. What was happening to me? I didn’t understand what he was doing but it felt so amazing, I couldn’t help but moan. That was all I could do. Thinking wasn’t working because my cries for more filled my ears, making the entire moment feel even more naughty. Then, there was nothing.


He pushed her too far. Nicolo stroked the soft skin of her shoulder while cursing himself. He was sure she drew blood on his back, but it felt amazing, and he was jealous. Why? Because Piero saw some shady people leaving their room during the day when Nicolo was busy. But Lili never explained what was going on, nor did she mention it. His gaze fell to the red marks on her chest his lips left behind.

She was his. His wife and he wouldn’t let anyone else have her. Lili’s breathing was deep and even, a sure sign of her sleep. She took all he gave, her moans reaching the stars earlier, yet he kept giving. And she kept taking. His lips pursed in annoyance, and he averted his gaze from her, ashamed he assumed she would cheat so soon into their marriage. She already made it clear she didn’t have time for anyone else.

“Sorry, Lili.” Nicolo whispered, shifting some of her hair off her neck, exposing some more cherry-colored marks. “I went too far.”

She sighed in her sleep and turned away from him, showing off her beautiful tattoo. It was intricate, with a mixture of roses, thorns, vines, and more, all connected to her left sleeve. His fingers trailed over the vines as he listened to her breathing. In the glow of the moon just outside the window, she looked stunning, like a perfect picture. Whatever the future held, he wanted to protect her.


I shifted a little then stretched, feeling complete and satisfied. Only, the bed was cold. I didn’t even remember falling asleep. There was a delicious ache between my legs, and I sat up, the covers sliding down my now sensitive skin. I glanced around the room to find no one, not even the presence of someone left over. Did Nicolo already leave for the day? I never expected him to stay, but after last night, I hoped to talk to him.

Things had been busy lately, between the Accardi business and preparing for Angelo’s funeral. I slipped out of bed and pulled my robe on, intent on heading to the Don’s office after putting on some real clothes. I needed to find out if he finally read the information on Angelo’s betrayal or not, and find out when the funeral was. We had to make sure we were on the same page, since his death would face investigation of the family first.

After dressing, I walked down the finely decorated halls to the office, then paused to press an ear against it. If he were in a meeting with someone, I couldn’t just walk in, no matter my status. There were some things he did as Don that I had no doubt he wouldn’t tell me. I knocked lightly and waited before opening the door a crack. Piero and Nicolo sat across from each other with annoyed expressions on their faces.

“Why?” Piero questioned, his tone sharper than I expected for who he was talking to. “You read her report, right?”

“No.” Nicolo shot back, picking a file up off his desk, one I assumed was for Angelo. “He’s still family. Even if he betrayed the Mafia world.”

“Idiota.” The former countered, eyes narrowing as I entered the room. “You were almost killed because of him! If Liliana hadn’t ordered his death…”

Anyone could tell from a glance what they were arguing over. If they should hold a funeral for the wayward Angelo or not. To do so would mean they were ignoring the betrayal. The Mafia usually had a different method to the burial of a traitor. Such as an unmarked grave under a parking lot somewhere. The depths of the deepest ocean. Yet Angelo was to be memorialized. His body would be with the family.

“No one but you, Lili, and I know of Angelo’s betrayal. If word got out, how do you think moral would be affected?” Nicolo questioned making Piero’s mouth snap shut. “Angelo was well liked in the family and his betrayal hurts, but more than that, his death hurts. We need to give the family time to mourn him.”


“I know how you feel, but I am thinking in terms of what’s best for the family, Piero.” The Don continued with a grave expression. “Lili. You didn’t have to get out of bed so soon.”

After seeing him last night, my face flushed when his heated green eyes turned to me. He held out his hand, drawing my feet over to him, then pulled me into his lap. Why didn’t he wake me up? I wanted to talk with him this morning about business, but he was already gone. His hand wrapped snug around my waist, his warm chest pressing against my back, making me sigh happily before I caught myself.

“You looked so cute this morning.” He whispered into my ear making my shoulders shrug. “I didn’t want to wake you up. Sorry you woke to an empty bed, Amore Mio.”

I wasn’t mad about it. That’s what I told myself at least. Though I was mad that he was able to leave the room without waking me up. This is why I didn’t want to marry him, yet I still find myself remaining in his lap, savoring his warmth. Didn’t I have something I needed to talk to him about? I glanced at the paperwork across his desk with a sigh. He needed to modernize things too, else someone steal something.

“We have business to discuss.”