“Yes, I am sure. Take care of it tomorrow.” I whispered into my phone before releasing a heavy sigh. “I will handle the fallout on my end.”

It was not a pretty job, or the best, but something important to the way our world was. I looked at Nicolo, who still laid sleeping next to me. He had tattoos too, something I only noticed last night, yet he refused to let me examine them until he finished with mine. They were intricate; one of a large tiger, the other a bear, the two locked in fierce battle. Nicolo had quarter sleeves that held a sort of tribal look reminding me of Native Americans back home.

He groaned a little before lifting his head, green eyes blinking sleep away as he turned to look at me. His orbs narrowed before he leaned forward, his rough hand grabbing the back of my neck and pressing a fiery kiss to my lips. In my shock at his show, my mouth opened, giving him access to stroke his tongue along mine, and stealing my breath. We would marry later today, and though he seemed ready to go for a fourth round, he pulled back, gaze locking with mine.

“Lili, you are awake too early. Come back to sleep.” He growled; his voice was still heavy with sleep.

“We have to get ready for the ceremony, Nico.” I countered, leaning away to inch closer to the edge of the bed. “My grandfather will be irritated if we are late.”

His heavy, muscular arm dropped over my waist, drawing me against his sleep warmed flesh. I squirmed before a sigh parted my lips, and I allowed myself to fall against the bed. White. Though the overall color of his room was white, his décor was cherry wood and deep wine red. It was a massive room, much larger than the one I had at my family’s mansion, and the walls bore pictures and paintings of scenery from around the country of Italy.

A knock sounded on the door, making him sit up; his eyes locked with mine. If he kissed me again, I did not know if I could resist him. Especially with how close his body was to mine, and the fine line of muscle disappearing under the bedsheets. His lips brushed mine before he pulled on a robe, his footfalls padding over to the door, hand on his gun. That was another part of my world that seemed so common to me, yet I felt the sight unfamiliar to my future husband.


He adjusted his tie again and tilted his head to the side to check his hairstyle. Nicolo was nervous. Was this not too fast to settle down? Liliana did not seem to care about anything beyond making her grandfather happy, despite how compatible the two were in bed. How he grew nervous at the thought of marrying her today. But she never cared for the traditional approach, so this was all a show to her.

“Almost ready?” A familiar voice called from the hallway, followed by Piero poking his head in. “You look as nervous as your bride. Her grandfather was teasing her, and she was as red as a tomato.”

“How did you know about the treaty with the Accardi?” Nicolo ventured, not bothering to glance over his shoulder. “What is your angle, Piero?”

“As your underboss, it is my duty to make sure you have access to all that you need to lead your family properly. Keep in mind how long my family has served yours. Plus,” Piero answered, walking in with a shrug before giving his best smile. “You need her. The Upcoming Donna of the Accardi as your wife. You would never forget her otherwise, and the legacy of your family line would end with you.”

What link did Piero have to the Accardi? The Don wondered with narrowed eyes, turning to look at his old friend. The Rossi family served as a shield for as long as the Romano’s existed. Did Liliana have people in his family, too? Why was it he only thought of these things now? Nicolo finally turned to face his old friend with an annoyed expression. Though he wanted to trust in his underboss, part of him felt betrayed.

“Look, the Rossi have worked with the Accardi since the beginning; to provide cover stories for the Don or Donna when the Omertà is broken. That my family is still loyal to yours is proof that you will continue to have the direct protection of the Accardi.” Piero answered when he saw the expression on Nicolo’s features. “And I plan to serve you until death, Sir. Not just as your shield, but as your friend. I could see how much you wanted her, and how much she wants you, too.”

Was he kidding? Nicolo stared searchingly into Piero’s eyes, only finding honesty and loyalty. He was just nervous. But wait, he said Liliana looked nervous? He wanted to ask for more information about that, but would that be changing the topic too soon? Instead of that burning question, Nicolo picked something else to focus on. He knew he had to focus, or he would forget something.

“Yes, she is just as nervous, if not more so. I recorded it, but you’re not supposed to see yet. Wait until after the ceremony.” Piero answered with a teasing smile. “It’ll be worth the wait.”


“The ceremony was amazing!” One guest stated to another, but I could only hazily pay attention. “Did you see that kiss at the end?”

That was why I could not focus. His kiss was earth-shattering. Mind-blowing. No, there was not a word for it. There was no way a kiss could be that amazing. What happened? What changed between that morning and the ceremony? Why had he kissed me so passionately in front of everyone? My cheeks flushed as I thought of it again, feeling like a naughty school girl.

“Get a look at her face! You would think she’s never been kissed before.” Another girl huffed, looking away in annoyance. “But why her?”

“I have been kissed before, but they all do not compare to a kiss from the man I love…” I countered, before my face grew several degrees hotter. “Ignore me!”

It was too late for me to take it back, but before I could be happy about their silence, a familiar scent so perfectly Nicolo drifted into my nose. A muscular arm wrapped snug around my waist, drawing me into a perfectly shaped chest. He took in a deep breath, eyes drifting closed in bliss before they opened again, their emerald colors bouncing in excitement.

“The man you love…?” He whispered, nibbling on my ear. “He must be quite something to garner your affection, sweet wife.”

His deep tenor vibrating sweetly down my spine had me arching in pleasure, but a flush filled my cheeks. Perhaps this farce was getting to me. With some annoyance, I stiffened my back before sending a glare over my shoulder at him. But if I said anything here, he would know, too. So instead, I decided to get him back with a little game.

“Yes, the man I love. He is stubborn, prideful, and irritating, but there is someone like that, I suppose.” I shrugged, turning to quirk a smirk up at him with a mischievous glint in my eyes. “A man who warrants my attention with salacious kisses, irritating pickup lines, and a foot shoved permanently up his…”

“Lili!” my grandfather called with an awestruck expression. “I never thought I would see the day. You look beautiful. Just like your mother.”


The ceremony and reception took far too long. He could admit to being prideful and stubborn, but did she really find him irritating? Nicolo only did what he wanted with her. That was how he believed women wanted to be treated. Maybe he should ask someone about it. But who? Piero had a wife and their marriage was great sometimes. Oh, but then there were other times, like when they argued over what they did together.

Then that brought up another question. Maybe it was only obvious to her what was irritating about him. Or maybe it was nothing at all. If that was the case, who was she talking about? She never confirmed Nicolo was the man she loved, only that there was one. Panic had his eyes widening in shock as he looked around the room for her. As his heart rate sped up, the door to his room slammed open, revealing his bride still made up in her beautiful white dress.

“Remind me to wait until we get to your room before using the restroom in the ensuite if we throw a party. Everyone and their mother stopped to ask if we planned to have children soon.” She grumbled, fumbling with the pins in her pretty brown hair. “Then they wanted to share a drink. Thanks for leaving me to fend for myself, Nico.” Lili fumbled again, before swearing as she tried for the zipper on her dress. “I hate these stupid things. This is exactly why I never wear dresses!”

“How long will it be like this?” He wondered with a groan, pulling her into his arms, his hand sliding the zipper down her beautiful back. “You barely say a word and I am lost. Did you drug me?” Nicolo continued, watching her shift away a little. “Lili, am I the only man in your life?”

The innocent glance over her shoulder followed by understanding made him wince, but he held firm under her searching gaze. If there was someone else, could he let her go? His arms tightened around her waist in realization, and he sighed. No. He could never let her go. Her doe-like eyes softened, a small smile lifting the corners of her lips.

“Nico, do you think I have time for other men?” Lili countered, turning to throw her arms over his shoulders. “I can barely keep up with you! But no, there is no one but you. I will not cheat either.”

“Thank you.” He whispered, pulling her towards the bed with a smile on his face. “Allow me to love you, then.”

“Though that you can be jealous is adorable. I have to make sure you never meet my exes.” She shrugged, her beautifully tattooed nape disappearing behind her curly brown locks. “The order went out for Angelo. Piero will probably be informed next if you do not handle it soon.”

But he lost interest in words, wanting to help her out of that white dress. His hands already stroked at the exposed flesh on her back, tracing the outline of her tattoo there. He learned her back was sensitive to touch their first night together, yet he wanted to learn more. Nicolo watched as her expression glazed over with desire and grinned when her fingers clenched in the red blankets beneath her. It was barely a touch and she already cast him her pleading gaze.

The silky dress slipped down her body revealing tanned skin, slightly damp with sweat, and he groaned, his back tense. Tuxedos are stifling, he realized as he tugged at the buttons of his jacket. Too hot. Small fingers reached out, unsnapping the buttons one by one before she peeled it and his white button-up off his shoulders. Liliana gazed into his soul as he sank into her, which made him thrust harder.

“So hot…” He whispered, watching as her jaw fell open, her arms dropping to the bed above her head. “So wet…”

Her lips were moving but no words came out, so he leaned forward to press a kiss to them, his eyelids closing in ecstasy. Nicolo did not even notice his pants tangling around his ankles or the knocks on the door. The only thing he could see, feel, taste, and think about was her. His Liliana. The Donna of his family. There was something primal about his desire for her.

The twinge of pain he felt from her nails in his wrists enhanced the pleasure he felt. And she was beyond gorgeous. He looked at her with adoring green eyes, his focus on the arch of her spine, the sound of her moans, and the part of her lips. Nicolo knew she was lost to the desire, his aim to join her fast approaching when her legs slid up to wrap around his waist. His mind faded to nothing as he reached new depths of her.