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Help Less by newpeppertea

Two lovers trying to understand their relationship's dynamic.

Do you have a moment? by Themagicpen
CompletePremium StoryPaid StoryRomance
1725/5 (1)00

The late afternoon sun filtered through the autumn leaves, casting a golden glow over the park. The air was crisp, carrying the faint scent of fallen leaves and the distant laughter of children playing. Amy sat on a weathered park bench, immersed in the pages of a novel, the outside world fading into a mere backdrop for the story unfolding in her hands.

The rustle of pages beside her barely registered until a voice broke through her concentration. "Do you have a moment?" asked the stranger who was reading beside her.


Where Destiny Called Us and Tore Us Apart by Kishyie
6.70K5/5 (1)00

The day he saved her from slavers, fate decided that blood would be the price where their hearts were involved.


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