Lina woke up in her apartment, her breath still uneven and her heart racing. She got up, her orange hair disheveled from a night of torment, falling over her shoulders as she approached the bedside table. Her blue eyes, filled with increasing unease, settled on an object on the table: an old diary with a cover worn by time. She had no recollection of ever having seen it before.

Lina opened the diary. The pages were filled with her own handwriting, but with details she did not recognize as her own: descriptions of psychological experiments, plans to control people's minds through fear, and a name that made her blood run cold: Azrael.

Each word was a brutal revelation. Fragmented memories began to resurface in her mind: dark rooms, bound people, muffled screams. Lina saw herself, but she was not the Lina she thought she was. She was a cold and calculating figure, a brilliant mind who had planned everything to demonstrate how fear could control people.

Pain and confusion surged, and Lina collapsed to the floor, the diary still clutched in her hands. She heard a dark laughter echoing in her mind, a laughter that seemed to belong to… Azrael?

Azrael (in her mind, with a cold, distant voice): "Welcome home, Lina. You’ve finally returned to yourself."

Lina closed her eyes as darkness enveloped her. The realization that she was the true mastermind behind the horrors she had tried to stop crushed her. A sense of despair and acceptance overwhelmed her. The awareness of her true identity had taken root within her, bringing with it a sense of power and control she had never known before. A smile formed on her lips, a cold and satisfied smile, revealing a newfound determination.

She had returned, and now it was time to show the true face of the power she had always possessed.