Lina began to view a series of videos recorded by Dr. Hayes, the contents of which gradually revealed the doctor’s horror and shocking discovery. In the videos, the doctor spoke with an increasingly tense and fatigued tone, documenting his journey into the depths of the human psyche. The images showed experiments on human subjects, whose minds were manipulated through extreme fear induction techniques and reality distortion.

In one of the videos, Hayes revealed that he had discovered a disturbing conspiracy: a secret group of individuals was using the results of his experiments to control and exploit people's fears and dreams. He showed how these groups had access to advanced technologies and sophisticated psychological methods to influence minds and manipulate behaviors.

The recordings ended with the doctor, now visibly shaken, warning of an imminent danger and a network of manipulators threatening to extend far beyond what had initially been anticipated. The final images depicted a man with a distorted and elongated profile, with empty black eyes, seemingly representing the leader of this dark network, confirming Hayes's fears and suggesting that the true horror was just beginning.