The man who had appeared in her dream, that unsettling figure, was tormenting her once again; the vivid image of that dream had etched itself into her mind. She could no longer rid herself of that figure.

The mystery intensified when Lina discovered that Dr. Hayes himself had been abducted by the group to keep the truth secret. Each murder had been a manifestation of the victims’ deepest fears, orchestrated by a psychopathic mind seeking to create a "new reality."

Lina had not slept for days, deciphering every single clue left in Dr. Hayes’s videos. After hours of obsessive research and frantic investigation, she finally pinpointed a location that seemed to resonate with everything she had learned: an old industrial building, isolated and forgotten, on the outskirts of the city. Every piece of the puzzle led there, and her intuition told her it could not be a coincidence.

The building was shrouded in a sinister silence, its faded façade and boarded-up windows suggested that nothing good had ever occurred inside. With her heart pounding in her chest, Lina entered, her footsteps echoing in the deserted corridors. Her search eventually led her to a bare room, where the air seemed colder, heavy with a stench of decay. When she opened the door, her blood ran cold.

In front of her stood the man from her nightmares, the same one she had seen in the videos and who haunted her worst dreams. That figure, now embodying her deepest fears, stood disturbingly still, its distorted profile and black abyss-like eyes piercing through her. As panic overtook her, the man spoke, his voice low and sharp as a blade.

"Finally, we meet, Lina," he said, with a smile that never reached those empty eyes. "I am Azrael." The name echoed in her mind, laden with a terror she had never experienced before.

As the air around her grew colder, Lina felt fear erupting within her. Her mind screamed to run, but she remained still, struggling not to betray the vortex of emotions consuming her. Azrael, no longer just a nightmarish figure but a real and threatening presence, watched her with those empty eyes, almost savoring her silent terror. Despite the anxiety gripping her throat, Lina managed to maintain an outward calm, knowing that showing her fear would only give more power to the dark being who had orchestrated everything to demonstrate how easily human fears could be manipulated to gain control.

Azrael watched Lina, his unsettling smile widening as she tried to control her panic.

Azrael: "You must be very proud of yourself, Lina, for finding me here. But tell me, what did you think you would achieve? Will you really save Dr. Hayes, or were you just trying to satisfy your morbid curiosity?"

Lina felt an wave of anger mingled with her terror.

Lina: "I'm not here to please you, Azrael. I'm trying to stop this nightmare, stop you! Whatever you're doing to people, it ends here and now."

Azrael chuckled, a laugh that seemed devoid of true joy, cold and cutting.

Azrael: "Oh, are you really convinced of that? Do you think you have the power to stop me? You’ve only seen the surface, Lina. Your fears, your dreams... they’re just the tip of a much larger and darker iceberg."

Lina took a step forward, trying to mask the tremor in her voice.

Lina: "I don't care how deep your abyss is. People are not your puppets to manipulate. I will stop you, even if it’s the last thing I do."

Azrael stepped closer to her, closing the distance between them, his empty eyes seeming to pierce her soul.

Azrael: "Stop me? You? You’re an ant trying to challenge a hurricane. Don’t you understand? People don’t need to be forced, Lina. Just knowing their fears, their deepest desires, and they will destroy themselves. I am merely the catalyst, the invisible hand guiding their decline."

Lina clenched her fists, feeling despair rise within her, but she forced herself not to give in.

Lina: "You're just a coward hiding behind others’ weaknesses. But in the end, monsters like you always fall. And I’ll be here to see your downfall."

Azrael came closer, closing the gap between them, his voice low, almost hypnotic.

Azrael: "You can’t remember, can you? I am the reflection of everything you’ve tried to forget, the shadow of who you truly are."

Lina felt a cold shiver run down her spine, but she refused to look away.

Lina: "I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m here to stop you, not to listen to your mind games."

Azrael simply watched her for a long moment, then took a step back, his enigmatic smile curving his lips once more.

Azrael: "The truth is buried so deep inside you that even you cannot see it. But it’s there, Lina, and it will come to light soon. You will remember everything."

Lina felt a sharp, throbbing pain in her head, as if something within her was trying to force its way to consciousness. But before she could react, Azrael turned and walked into the darkness of the corridor.

Azrael: "We will meet again soon."

His words echoed in the air as Azrael’s figure faded into the shadows, leaving Lina alone with her growing terror. Trembling and shaken, she quickly left the building. The cold night wind hit her face as she walked toward her home, her legs feeling as heavy as lead. Each step was an echo of the terror she had just experienced.

When she finally reached her apartment, her heart was pounding fiercely in her chest. Without even removing her coat, she rushed inside, slamming the door shut behind her with a jarring thud. The security of her apartment felt like a fragile and temporary refuge against the horror she had just endured.